So, in your assinine post, do you wish to purchase some copper or are you just being an asshole?
Who are you?
I really want to know......
Who the f are you ?
Its basic math, you show up with stuff that most people can't get ahold of by legal means then people ask questions..
Personally I don't deal in copper, I don't personally give a flying fuck what you do..
What's so asinine about these questions ? I'm just thinking what a company might ask if you show up with a $1000 worth of copper and try to sell it, I was not attacking the OP it was just a question, you do whatever the fuck you want and if they don't ask good for you.. and if they do FUCK YOU TOO !!
AND OP, Sorry if you took this the wrong way, I was only trying to consider the simple math..
Sure you can melt pennies, but is it worth the few cents on the dollar for all this
1. you can't show up at a smelter with a bag of pre 1982 pennies and sell them...
You have to FIND them, SORT them out.. (between the coppers and aluminums)
2. Figure how your going to melt them down into whatever form you are melting them into and then..
3. Find a company that buys raw copper.. (there are places that do this)
4. I know places that buy copper wire, copper pipes, copper sheeting, from homes and construction sites and THEY
do the smelting...
I just thought if
I was a smelter, wouldn't it be odd if someone showed up with $1000 of already melted down copper to sell ? I would as a person wonder why they went to all the trouble to melt it down, before bringing to me, to melt it down again??