Some feedback from "Etrac" owners please.....(help for a new etrac owner).


Hero Member
May 28, 2011
Some feedback from "Etrac" owners please.....(help for a new etrac owner).

Hello everyone, I finally recieved my etrac wednesday, I am 100% new to the hobby, the etrac is the first time I ever turned on a detector, and held it in my hands (to give you an idea how fresh I am). I was all excited, I went outside, and got to it. I spent about an hour just messin around, only dug two targets (which was cool, they were both alluminum trash), I was more concerned with wanting to familiarize myself w/machine, the buttons, the tones etc...... I learned that my vision of turning it on and finding loot was more of an illusion than a reality. Dont take that the wrong way, I am not discouraged or frustrated-at all. I just decided to put it down, to spend time reading the manual, learning the basics, reading the manual, read the manual again... etc..... I figure my time will be much more effective in the field once I get a handle on some of these things, then I can really learn it by going out and doing it... Once I can set the machine to fit the ground conditions, for instance, I was getting alot of falsing-(I mean alot alot)... I think I can handle that one- sensitivity right?. Anyways, to get to the point, as I was reading through the manual for the 2nd time last night, I thought-shees I dont even know what half these words, and terms mean. Can anyone who has an etrac point me in the direction of a general resource that I can read to learn about the basics of detecting-For instance, ground balancing, discrimination, tones, volumes, etc.... I am smart enough to make it happen, I just dont have the patience to spend a ton of time looking for the answers to my questions, I figure they gotta be in one general resource.. Any thoughts? Once again, I really appreciate the help from anyone and everyone on this forum, it has been and continues to be an amazing learning expirience.

Thanks. Chris.

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Re: Some feedback from "Etrac" owners please.....(help for a new etrac owner).

I'm surprised with how many people on this thread, that don't have an ETRAC, are willing to offer advice.
anyway, best thing you can do, get the andy sabisch book. it goes in depth and explains what each function does, and how to use them correctly. it also explains it in common language, not legalize, where you have to have a degree to understand it.
also, search on you tube for the etrac, there is a lot of videos there.
good luck and show us your finds

Re: Some feedback from "Etrac" owners please.....(help for a new etrac owner).

I am not an Etrac owner, I apologize for posting. I was going to buy one and studied the manual and played with the emulator and was impressed with it, very easy to set up, very effective menu navigation, very intuitive. It is an impressive computerized machine, very good user interface. I'll have one someday maybe.

Re: Some feedback from "Etrac" owners please.....(help for a new etrac owner).

congrats on getting a machine that you will not need to upgrade in a couple yrs! Don't worry I have friends who bought etracs right off too, it is NOT a hard machine to learn, even for beginners. I have several tutorial videos on my website that is set up to help etrac users, check it out and feel free to PM me anything you might need help on!

Re: Some feedback from "Etrac" owners please.....(help for a new etrac owner).

lookindown said:
Way to much machine for a beginner, several people warned you before you bought it. You will get frustrated. I know you will stick with it and learn it in time, but why put yourself through that when you could have been having fun and making good finds right from the start? Good luck. :icon_thumleft:

Seriously? Wow....

Re: Some feedback from "Etrac" owners please.....(help for a new etrac owner).

Hello everyone, man I am amazed at all the responses to this post, there are some great suggestions and I am more excited than ever. I am too tired to post pics but this last weekend was my first real time using this beast in the daylight. (I was so excited but also so busy, that I was out detecting at midnight the first few times I turned it on, just because I couldnt resist). So anyways, this last weekend my family and I went to Kanab- a small town 300 miles south-ish of where i live in Salt lake city. I pretty much spent all day detecting on saturday, and then three hours or so on sunday... I am amazed at how much I learned and figured out, but yet how much further I have to go. (the more I learn, the more I realize how much more is left to learn...). Im sure all of you can relate because no matter what machine you started with, I cant imagine it took long to figure out how far you have to go......

Anyways, I feel very good about where I am with this Etrac. I love this hobby. I found all sorts of things, lots of trash, lots of whats-its.... and lots of coins! I was more focused on being able to effectively work the machine, but once I do that, then I will start to focus on mastering the research. I am very excited about that because I feel like that is the key to success in this hobby as much as if not more than what machine you have. OH YEAH..... I HAVE TO SHOUT HERE, BECAUSE I AM STILL AMAZED AND IN AWE.... ON SUNDAY (MY SECOND DAY USING THE ETRAC)... MY MACHINE WENT NUTS WITH ONE OF THOSE "TONES" THAT I FOR THE 20TH TIME AT LEAST THOUGHT, THAT IS VERY HIGH PITCH... COULD IT BE??? YES, WHEN I PULLED IT OUT OF THE GROUND, IT IS AS IF BRIGHT LIGHTS ASCENDED ON THE BEAUTY FROM HEAVEN ABOVE.... I FOUND MY FIRST SILVER! A 1964 QUARTER.... I WAS THRILLED AND ASTONISHED AND CANNOT WAIT TO HEAR THE "SING OF SILVER" AGAIN.

Thanks for all the help guys, and "lookingdown" I didnt mean to get defensive after your "to much machine comment"- I appreciate your feedback, and I feel your intentions are to help me. I appreciate what that did for me, alot actually. Good luck everyone. and thanks again.


Re: Some feedback from "Etrac" owners please.....(help for a new etrac owner).

aweso,e so glad to hear! congrats on your first of MANY silver!!!!!! If u need any help at all, please let me know.

Re: Some feedback from "Etrac" owners please.....(help for a new etrac owner).

the more you use it, the more you'll like it. correction, love it

Re: Some feedback from "Etrac" owners please.....(help for a new etrac owner).

Conrats on your first silver....I was like you, the first night I got my detector I was out in my yard in the dark digging up pennies and smiling. Ive only been detecting for a little over a year, and you are right, you keep learning new things. Most addictions are bad, but I think this one is great. Good luck.

Re: Some feedback from "Etrac" owners please.....(help for a new etrac owner).

As an Etrac owner I will offer a small tidbit of info, read the posts in the Etrac sections of this and other detecting forums, the best info is contained in these areas. But alas I do disagree that you will make better finds just because of your machine, the real value of such a powerful detector is something which is learned over years, nuances that a beginner won't have a chance of knowing. A simpler type of detector like an AT Pro is damn near as good and offers great performance by simply hitting the power button. So in fact for the first year or two you will be missing tons of targets that you have not learned to find yet with the tricks that each machine can pull off. As a newby you will never know the difference from a 11 inch deep coin or a 12, 90% of your finds will be less than four inches where any detector will find it. The fact that the Etrac is much more complicated will make you miss stuff, yes you will learn but it will take time.

Re: Some feedback from "Etrac" owners please.....(help for a new etrac owner).

after using my etrac, you couldn't give me an at pro. well, you could, but I'd give it to the competition to keep them from finding the goodies.
work with the etrac, the more you work the easier it becomes.
get the andy sabisch book on the etrac and watch all etrac videos you can find and enjoy

Re: Some feedback from "Etrac" owners please.....(help for a new etrac owner).

What does the E trac do that other detectors cant? I know its one of the deepest but is there other things it does better than all the rest? Not putting down the E trac, just asking an honest question.

Re: Some feedback from "Etrac" owners please.....(help for a new etrac owner).

lookindown said:
What does the E trac do that other detectors cant?

It finds the coins that every other machine has left behind.

And it finds them with ease.

I can show 6" targets to other machines that their machine doesn't even hear. Or they tell me that it's iron. And then poof, out pops silver. Of course, this is with an Explorer, but I'm assuming the e-trac is the same.

Re: Some feedback from "Etrac" owners please.....(help for a new etrac owner).

lookindown said:
What does the E trac do that other detectors cant? I know its one of the deepest but is there other things it does better than all the rest? Not putting down the E trac, just asking an honest question.


It really is best coin and ring machine out. Once you hear the "silver" sound it will stop you in your tracks!

Re: Some feedback from "Etrac" owners please.....(help for a new etrac owner).

stoopstroop said:
lookindown said:
What does the E trac do that other detectors cant? I know its one of the deepest but is there other things it does better than all the rest? Not putting down the E trac, just asking an honest question.


It really is best coin and ring machine out. Once you hear the "silver" sound it will stop you in your tracks!
Silver rings, gold rings or both?

Re: Some feedback from "Etrac" owners please.....(help for a new etrac owner).

gold rings still ring up as junk

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