Some Sort of Hunting Trap? I Have No Idea


Nov 4, 2016
Detector(s) used
Bounty Hunter Tracker IV
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
I was out metal detecting and i definitely wasn't expecting to find this. It appears to be some sort of hunting trap. I have no idea how it would trap an animal though. It is secured to a stake by a chain that goes super deep into the ground. I am having a very hard time digging it up. Below are some pics. If anyone has any idea what kind of trap this would be, please let me know. Also, if it is not a trap i would greatly appreciate knowing what it is. another thing, would anyone know an estimated age on this? I would like to know if it is an antique and would have any decent value.


It looks to be a No. 1 double long spring Victor animal trap but I cant see or read the pan. It was probably set for racoon. It has been thrown and is not set. It was staked so who ever was trapping wouldn't have to trail his catch up...d2

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Yes, It is a leg hold trap. Someone must have forgot it. By law, they are supposed to have a tag with the owners name on it. They have been banned in many states. Only worth a few bucks. I would trash it or hand on a shed wall for decoration. Too many pet cats and dogs get caught in these and are usually maimed for life.

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It does not have any markings or words on it that would indicate the owner or the brand/model.

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Just a spring trap, you should ,eave it in place and not mess with it. Just because it is rusted up a little does not mean it is not on someones set. Even if it is from a lost set that person may still come back for it and it should be left alone as this is part of someones livelihood, and that is nothing to mess with.

If it bothers you, the report it to Fish and Game authorities, let them deal with it, much better than getting shot by some trapper.

I had someone in Germany who thought it was a good idea to start taking my traps one year. I caught the person walking off my set with a couple traps. Did not work out well for that person, he did not make an honest mistake like you, he knew exactly what they where. I reminded the person that trappers carry guns we are sort of in the middle of the forest. Person got the point real fast.

Fie years ago I lost a trap, could not find it at all and was trapping on public land this time. I got lucky the following year, someone like you found it and tied what looked like a part of a red t-shirt on to it. Was out one day spotting new tracks for a set and that red caught my eye. Never found out who did me that favor but I was happy for it.

Another thing on traps, some trappers do not like brand new traps. I have met many who soak them in vinegar to get them rusting up some, then they get boiled up properly. I do not do this my self because I have many old traps from back home.

Just food for thought, there are authorities who deal with this sort of thing. You would not crap in a deer blind if the wind was blowing to hard. You seem like you make an honest mistake, one that is not so bad by just leaving it alone.

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I don't think that this is still being used by someone since it was on my property in the woods right by my house. Clearly it has been there for a long while and whoever put it there has forgotten about it.

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I don't think that this is still being used by someone since it was on my property in the woods right by my house. Clearly it has been there for a long while and whoever put it there has forgotten about it.

Oh man, yeah well I hope it is not still being used with it on your property. Easy enough to pull out then.

But if you keep finding them then you will really want to let fish and game know. At our ranches back in Texas and one in South Africa we had often ran into issues with people hunting or even trappin on our lands. US F6G do not play around in when it comes to that, and if it is trapping they consider that much worse than hunting and really throw the book at the person.

How long have you owned that land and how big is it. Is it fenced in.

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It looks like a 1 1/2 long spring leg hold trap. It doesn't look to be too badly rusted. I doubt that it has been there more than 4 - 5 years.

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To me it looks to be in good working order. Its not a toy and should be kept away from children. Hanging it on the barn wall sounds good. If you want to take up trapping there you go. Not a nice way to go for a critter I always like the killing traps, they seemed more humane. I wouldn't worry about it to much.

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Aside from all the other nonsense I just wanted to say Cool Find, it would look great in anyone's relic collection, I'd like to have it myself. :thumbsup:

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Any traps I find without an owner's tag on them are immediately removed and destroyed by me with extreme prejudice. Same goes for the clowns who try to bait deer in the woods that I detect in. I disperse the apples, squash and so on and then report it to the DEM. I have ZERO tolerance for illegal hunting or trapping.

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Do all states require a trap tag? FBT, is it illegal to bait deer in your state and do you metal detect on land you own or public land?...d2

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Lucky you did not step on that sucker.
OR... brush the leaves off and get your hand caught...
OR... get your coil crushed.

All of the above would piss me right the hell off.

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Any traps I find without an owner's tag on them are immediately removed and destroyed by me with extreme prejudice. Same goes for the clowns who try to bait deer in the woods that I detect in. I disperse the apples, squash and so on and then report it to the DEM. I have ZERO tolerance for illegal hunting or trapping.

Well I hope for your sake you do not run into any trappers or illegal hunters in the forest you MD in, because if someone is willing to break the law hunting illegally in the forest just thing what they what do to you, and well trappers just have no tolerance for people taking the law into their own hands.

Good luck with that.

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Old rusty traps like that are priced now from $20. to $30. in the antique shops around here. I guess they fall in the cabin collectible category of decor this one dealer was telling me. Another dealer told me this one strange looking trap came to his shop that had a tin float on it and he got $1500. on eBay out of it. Trap collectors will really pay up for the ones I guess are rare. Here's a recent one sold on eBay for $2025.00. Vintage Newhouse No. 31 1/2 Trap overall Good condition look at all the photos | eBay

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Do all states require a trap tag? FBT, is it illegal to bait deer in your state and do you metal detect on land you own or public land?...d2

My state requires a trap tag, so that's all that matters to me.

Yes, it is illegal to bait deer on public land in my state.

I was referring to public land that I detect on that specifically bans hunting and trapping. Land trusts, the woods around schools, baseball and soccer fields and so on. I know where it is legal to hunt and trap and I rarely metal detect in those areas during hunting season.

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I did not know how the laws were where you live. Thanks for the info...d2

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Well I hope for your sake you do not run into any trappers or illegal hunters in the forest you MD in, because if someone is willing to break the law hunting illegally in the forest just thing what they what do to you, and well trappers just have no tolerance for people taking the law into their own hands. Good luck with that.

Big difference between illegally trapping or hunting and assaulting someone over that illegal activity. Anyone with half a brain knows they will lose their right to bear arms for life if said assault is deemed a felony. Just hitting someone while you are armed can be considered a felony and can get you five to ten in the pen. That's a big price to pay, imo.

I'm also 6"3", weigh 205 and look like a serial killer! Not too many people are stupid enough to mess with me...

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Yes I am well versed in criminal law, my point I made was that if you have intel on illegal activities then it is best left to a LEO, especially in the forest, or as you put it near ball fields and such. Clearly whomever is doing that is a very sick person with no regard for public safety and sure not your life when you go messing with their traps. Being 6´3" in my book just means you an average size person, and if you feel your small size and personal look would help deter an armed criminal in the forest then I really hope you do not run into these armed people you speak of, because just in case your size is large where you come from then that person with the gun may take you as a threat in more ways than one.

Size does not mean crap, I am 6´6" at 275 with less than 5% body fat and I still get shot at once every 5 weeks or so, been shot several times, stabbed and blown up. Guess what it hurts and the perps really did not care at all about my size, they just wanted to make sure they did not go to jail.

On the other hand, assuming you are from the State you have listed on your profile I just logged into DOJ to check sub-agency data bases for rewards in such a matter. Your State list a 500 dollar reward for information leading to the arrest of such perps and 2200 bucks if they secure a conviction. Your States F&G also has a very nice budget in place supporting their wonderful SV Program. So to me that means it is 500 bucks money in the bank. Conviction rate sucks though, but still slightly higher than the national average, but I still would not count on that 2200 dollar reward with F&G convictions unless they are able to spin it under conspiracy, but then the perp would need to be very poor and very dumb, combined with an even dumber appointed attorney.

If it where me I would take the cash over the bullet any day, no matter your size bullets tend to screw up ones day real fast.

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