St Anthonys Wilderness, Dauphin, Lebanon & Schuylkill Counties, PA

jeff of pa

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Dec 19, 2003
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Re: St Anthony's Wilderness, Dauphin, Lebanon & Schuylkill Counties, PA

Great link Jeff, tons of info. thanks for posting it


Re: St Anthony's Wilderness, Dauphin, Lebanon & Schuylkill Counties, PA

Jeff- what did you find at these places? Looks like a great area...we have a couple guys from this area that have tried Rausch's Gap....curious...........what's the reg's............screwdriver only...

Re: St Anthony's Wilderness, Dauphin, Lebanon & Schuylkill Counties, PA

I havn't done alot there Johny.

It's almost all State Game Land

as I'm sure your aware, The Commission will say it's not allowed,
But some of the Game Commission Officers say it is.
it all depends on who reads the regs & their interpretation of them.

I asked a Game Warden at Rausch Gap once.
he said if he sees me, he'll Politely ask me to leave.

Cold Spring is Part Game Land, Part Military Reservation, & part Neutral, and I have searched there.
only find a Barber Dime early 1900's I forget date.
and a few Relics.

and at Sand spring between Rausch Gap & Gold Mine, a 1940 wheat, a Flat button and other relics.

State Parks are Screwdriver only, according to the regs, but again
it all depends on the people in charge.

Re: St Anthony's Wilderness, Dauphin, Lebanon & Schuylkill Counties, PA

Jeff-why would state game lands be off limits?....I called Harrisburg they said it's okay to detect just don't take any thing with you............uhhh? they would need a search warrant for probable cause,'s too short....I say take the chance.

those sites have got to be chock full of coins!

Re: St Anthony's Wilderness, Dauphin, Lebanon & Schuylkill Counties, PA

that's what I told the game officer at Rausch Gap, IF I FIND, I'll take.
I'm not gonna let it there for someone else to take.
he said that's why He'd Politely ask me to Leave. ;D

Re: St Anthony's Wilderness, Dauphin, Lebanon & Schuylkill Counties, PA

Jeff- what do you think about getting some people together and maybe doing a hunt somewhere in there....we have 4 memberes TNT, Markg in Pa, and KenB, plus myself that would definitely be up for it.....we could meet at a major landmark kinda of thing.....let me know...
johny mc


Re: St Anthony's Wilderness, Dauphin, Lebanon & Schuylkill Counties, PA

Hi Again Johny.

I may be intrested In Cold spring, as we can Drive there.
However, I need to do a little research on this.

The Military Reservation (Indiantown Gap) wants the Land.

The State Game Commission & Surrounding Residents Don't want to sell.

The Reservation is being accused of trying to Terrorize them into selling.

Last year they "Accidently" Bombed it, This year they "Accidently" set it on fire & let it Burn. My sources tell me the ONLY thing that burned was What the Military wants :P

I was also told of Speeding Tanks, crossing roads & Close Calls with near miss
collisions in the area , Etc. they supposedly never even look back.
after all Who's going to sue the National Guard, & win ?

But If your intrested, and we can Agree on a date. I can Look into this and Let you know what I find out.

Re: St Anthony's Wilderness, Dauphin, Lebanon & Schuylkill Counties, PA

Hey Jeff,

I think this would be a great idea if we could make it happen. I, for one however would need this to occur after the frost starts setting in again because I know all too well how many snakes of the "bad" type make the Stoney Valley home.
I am fascinated by this area and if you haven't done so yet, you need to read the book "Cold Spring Hotel Site" that was released a few months ago....a great history of the area including maps, photos and deed transfer information.


Re: St Anthony's Wilderness, Dauphin, Lebanon & Schuylkill Counties, PA

I have Heard of the Book, But Havn't picked it up yet.

And Yes Dave I agree. Stoney is Loaded with Snakes.

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