Start Preparing For The Change - You will be called upon :)


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I, for one, am anxious for a big change. What we got now pretty much sucks. And if the new order has hot chicks with bright lights, so much the better.

Hurry up there BB... lets get this thing moving.



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Lots of information flowing of a technical nature that is so far beyond my understanding. Especially regarding our general feelings that "time is passing so fast". According to a scientific type, it is actually true. That our Earth time is ten to thirteen days ahead of galactic time. Having to do with the singularity.

And explains what the Aztec calendars meant by the end of time. End of time measurement maybe. Also interesting is the explanation that our Sun is also moving through the galaxy, and the planets are actually going is a spiral, around the sun and the spiral is getting smaller. Until it is so small the singularity occurs. Their will be an old earth and the new earth. Side by side then separate. And we may already be in the 4th and 5th energy zones.

There is a new feeling of relief and expectations that 2014 will be a good year. Many people feeling that. More concrete information was expected this week but we have no control over that. Meanwhile Sheldan NIdle has an update that is more understandable.

[h=2]Tuesday, January 14, 2014[/h] [h=3]Sheldan Nidle Update - January 14, 2014[/h]
13 Muluc, 12 Chen, 10 Caban

Dratzo! We return with good news! Our Earth associates are busy making sure that what is given to you manifests as we desire. It is essential that you be prosperous, free and that the string of debt attached to you disappears. This prosperity is not really a gift; rather it is how we wish to express our gratitude to you for being able to remain ready and willing to bring in a new reality for humanity. Each of you had the courage to help us by showing your intent when purchasing either an RV currency or else participating in the various prosperity programs. What you now receive is an acknowledgement by all of us for your divine cooperation in a number of vital projects. More is to come. These quick stages will enable new governance to rise. In addition, your intent is allowing us to legally arrest and then try a whole host of dark cabal "villains." This operation is again dependent on your most gracious cooperation. These events are to lead shortly to disclosure. Then, we can more directly address you and set the stage for our mass landings. Much needs to be communicated to you in a very short period of time.

Your current dark cabal-sponsored governments have continuously displayed a kind of indifference and a serious belligerence toward us. We have watched over the decades as they used their secret operations to send fleets of ships into orbit, challenge us in your solar system and make it quite apparent they wished that we leave. We have replied in many meetings of our deep commitment to the sacred decrees of Heaven. Recently, we have even fended off attacks by their vessels and been forced to destroy certain underground bases that were plotting the start of a general war against us. We are not here to fight. We are here at Heaven's behest to mentor you back to full consciousness. You were never meant to be someone's chattel. Any excuse given them for this is no longer acceptable. We are here to protect a legal non-violent shift in your consciousness. A vast movement now exists across the surface of this planet, dedicated to full consciousness, freedom and your personal sovereignty.

The task given us is to protect this movement and help it thrive. This we are doing. We are not here to oust the dark through a use of our technological superiority. Your courage, guile and determination are about to secure a grand victory from those who so severely underestimated you. Our mission is to watch and assist in a manner decided by Heaven decades ago. This series of deliberate actions is about to succeed because of all those who have worked so diligently to bring these arrogant rapscallions down. Soon, new governance will arise to restore all that was lost over the last few decades. A new prosperity will become the norm that will literally transform your global society. Individuals that are not yet widely known will use their astute abilities to lead your surface realm into a grand reunion with Agartha and with us. Mass meetings are to be the prelude to a new wisdom that will create the atmosphere for your return to full consciousness.

This is a grand time for us all. What is happening is really only a beginning in the public fleshing out of this magnificent "quiet revolution."There have been ups and downs that have probably created some degree of frustration for you. This frustration is now to end. A great many people in positions of quiet power have worked out a lovely denouement. We want you to enjoy what will manifest and prepare yourselves for information that can in some ways shock you, but in a very positive way. The time has come for you to emerge from the shadow land constructed for you by the dark cabal. You are meant to live in the Light and bask in the divine truths given you freely by Heaven. In this new reality, we are to shepherd you back to your fully conscious selves. Together, we are to bring the Light to this galaxy, along with a most glorious message. Our liaisons will spread this to every corner of this galaxy!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive bearing good news! Our associates have begun the process of preparing the prosperity funds for delivery. These funds will be backed by precious metals and represent the great largess of Heaven. They are to follow a global currency reset that will set the stage for your permanent prosperity. Besides this release of funds, there will be a vast reordering of the world's banking and financial services industry. The old ways of the past few decades are over. Banking charters will be redone and new regulations strictly enforced. Many who have endorsed highly corrupt and illegal practices will be arrested. These events will be swiftly followed by new governance dedicated to establishing a divine relationship with the people of this realm. The debt-creating ways of the dark cabal are no longer to be tolerated. The time comes for the Light to take charge of this reality!

The new governance will abolish national debt and free you from the debt created illegally by the banks and their various affiliates. In this debt-free environment you will be given your sacred national sovereignty. In addition, in divine time,we are going to start a series of worldwide lessons. These will concern the numerous religious philosophies that dot this surface reality. In one way or another, we have all experienced these practices. We intend to reveal to this world just how similar they all are, and give you direct accounts of those whose words are quoted throughout the many texts that make up the fundamental teachings of these religious philosophies. It is vital that these and other truths be given to you. The separation and allegations made by many need to be properly set aside.

We also intend to teach you about "ascension" and how you were all thrown into limited consciousness. These divine teachings are just the merest beginnings of what we need to tell you. There is the sacred story of why you are here and how you are to be resurrected by Heaven. This coming ascension will happen for a great number of reasons. You need to know them, as well as a detailed history of this mission and why Heaven permitted it to go temporarily astray. We are here to establish divine guidelines and explain why they are now in effect. We are here to calm and aid you. We are here to supervise a grand transition, which will transform this realm and set the stage for your reunion with your brethren from Spirit, Inner Earth and from this galaxy. Later, you will meet many who are in the Light but differ in form, size and shape!

Today, through our message, we expressed the joy of what is now happening around this globe. The times arrive for us to move forward and begin to earnestly transform this ever-changing realm. It is a time for prosperity, new governance and disclosure! So let the manifesting of these wonders begin! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat JA! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


PAO - Update for January 14, 2014

Posted by Hipknowsys at 3:57 PM




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More encouraging news from Mike Quinsey (SaLuSa)

SaLuSa, January 17, 2014

From our vantage point your Earth shines out like a jewel in the firmament, and makes it known to all observers that the Light is once again returning. With your input and our assistance it will continue to do so, and no outside influence will be able to stop or hinder it. It has been decreed that this cycle will end in victory for the Light, and this was planned eons of time ago.

You can therefore leave the old behind that has served its purpose, and indeed eventually only the higher vibrations will exist. Hitherto, the cycles have ended with massive Earth changes, so much so that little evidence has remained of earlier civilisations. However, now that necessary lessons have been learnt, the experiences have brought about the desired upliftment in the levels of consciousness. This was required to bring those souls who were ready to ascend, to a level where they could do so and complete their experiences in the lower vibrations. This is normal when a cycle reaches a stage of completion.

Now Dear Ones you can focus on the future, and know that there are many changes to come that will prepare you for even higher levels of existence. It is only natural that you will wonder about the future of family and friends, and many of your groups will stay together for some time to come. If a member should go in a different direction it will be right for them, and they should be released with your love and blessings. However, as was pointed out in a previous message - the love link is a powerful bond between souls, that remains regardless of the distance that may separate you.

In fact, the energy of Love is the glue of the Universe and it is indestructible. Indeed, in the final reckoning Love is all there is. Some of you who are recognising the power of love. are beginning to realise that it is the energy behind what you call "miracles". An example is what you call a "Mothers Love" for her children and why she carries so much power with her to heal when the necessity arises. All of you to some degree have such abilities but they lay dormant until you awaken to them.

As time progresses you will find that your energies have much more influence upon people around you than you imagined. It can of course be for better or worse, and soon you will learn to take full responsibility for them. If a collective of people take part in a healing meditation and have a single focus in mind, their power is increased many times. It is probably already known to you, but it has to be said that where healing is unsuccessful, it is not normally due to a failure of the Healers. It is other factors such as the karma of the soul who is receiving healing, so do not be dismayed if you are unsuccessful.

As you learn of the way in which you have been controlled, you will understand why for many lives you have lived an illusion. Whilst it is true that you have created what is happening on a daily basis, at the same time you have not done so whilst being aware of the Truth. For eons of time you have been led by souls with their own agenda, who have literally kept you in the dark. You have also been fed lies and misinformation making it extremely difficult for you to know what is true. However, do not despair as soon the dark forces will lose their influence and power over you.

Keep an open mind as the revelations come out, and intuitively you should be able to discard information that does not "feel right". Trust your tried and tested sources of information and be wary of those that create fear, as that is not the way of the higher ones working for the Light. As you must be aware, the dark Ones have a large degree of freedom to carry out their agenda, as they also have freewill. However, they cannot successfully prevent the Light from permeating all levels, and this is why their success will always be limited.

Many souls lead their lives without the slightest inkling that they are being manipulated. The dark Ones are very clever in hiding their influence behind respectability or acting through lesser Beings. However, it is too late for them to stop the onward march of the Light, and they are fighting a lost cause. Already they can see their power ebbing away and there is no way in which they can recover. So do not fear the dark Ones as they are about to lose control of their power structure.

Keep looking ahead knowing that your future is assured in the Light. As time passes holding your place in it will become easier, as you will slowly cut your ties to any links that are not connected to the Light. Many carry undesirable baggage from many lifetimes, but inwardly you will know what it is and it will surface for cleansing. It is a fact that anything of the lower vibrations will hold less attraction for you, and you will soon deal with it.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, pleased to give of myself for your upliftment, and leave you with Love from the Galactic Federation.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Website: Tree of the Golden Light


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Crap... I was hoping the new world order would have better dentists and would have fixed that bald gene...


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Crap... I was hoping the new world order would have better dentists and would have fixed that bald gene...

Heck, I would be just happy with extra soft toilet paper! :D

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Audio update of important news around the world. Here's an overview of the audio report:

[h=2]Saturday, January 18, 2014[/h] [h=3]Cosmic Vision News - January 17, 2013[/h]

Summary of Show Topics:

(embedded player after the jump)

Cosmic Vision News: Show Summary With Links - Cosmic Vision News

Posted by Hipknowsys at 9:39 AM




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[h=1]MC SuperKenn - THE EVENT[/h]Wish this was presented in normal fashion but the message is clear. Maybe a transcription will be made for us olde folks. Enjoy it........

<font size="3">



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Ben Fulford update Jan. 20, 2014...........
He has been at the forefront exposing the cabal and banksters. There are various groups, with varying objectives, trying to release the trillions of dollars of gold to help the world. Some like Fulford think the Vatican should be in charge of over seeing the distribution of trillions of dollars as M1. M1 will be a single person determining priorities of funding. All are aware the environment may be close to ruin. As well as water and sea life. New technology, already existing for decades in the military, needs to be widely manufactured and available to everyone. Starvation will be eliminated and proper interim housing, medical, transportation facilities ASAP in third world countries. Africa one of the first. Release of six thousand patents that have been called secret by the cabal. Denied to us to keep us bound to the oil tycoons. Cabal.

The larger plans call for elimination of national and personal debts. New bank accounts set up, backed by gold for everyone. Although a few would kill themselves through drugs and alcohol, the rest of us will have a plethora of new opportunities. Teaching will be huge requirement. Medical training etc to help the rest of the world as needed. Contractors to build new roads and infrastructure around the world. Lifetime job there. Desalinate ocean water to greening the desert. Filtration plants and deep water wells and drinking water for everyone. and on and on... That's why we are here.
Here's Fulford. Keep in mind the gold and trillions are real. And different people have their own ideas of how best to use them. But it all depends on the Gold.

[h=2]Monday, January 20, 2014[/h] [h=3]Benjamin Fulford - January 20, 2013: Systematic take-down of cabal accelerates with Vatican bank purge, mass resignations, mass firings etc[/h]
Last week Pope Francis replaced four out of the top five officers overseeing the Vatican Bank in a move that sent shock-waves through the public leadership of many countries. In probably most countries of the world, when a new leader is installed, that person gets a visit from a cabal officer like Henry Kissinger who hands them a Vatican bank account book containing a huge bribe, according to sources including former CIA chiefs. The leaders are then told that if they do not accept the money and follow cabal orders they will be assassinated, driven out by scandal, or failing that, have their country invaded by US troops. For that reason, the change at the top of the Vatican bank is a sure sign something big is coming down.

Also last week Queen Elizabeth announced she was going to hand duties over to Prince Charles as well as to Princes William and Harry, starting a “gentle succession.” Elizabeth is thus following Queen Beatrix of Holland and the King of Belgium in resigning in recent years from positions that are traditionally held for life. The generational change in royal families is in preparation for a change at the very top of the financial system, a Rothschild family source said.

There is also a big storm brewing in China where a massive purge is expected to start in March with the complete replacement of all provincial Secretaries (governors), all mayors and most senior bureaucrats, according to a Chinese government representatives in Tokyo. This purge is being directed by central government officials, many who have fled to the country side with their families to avoid the massive pollution choking many of China’s large cities. This move is being made in an attempt to quell a financial crisis caused by rampant overspending and corruption at local government levels, the representatives said.

Another interesting thing these sources had to say was that the Chinese government was thinking of starting up a state religion combining elements of Christianity, Confucianism and Mohism. The aim was to improve moral standards in China and strengthen social unity, they said.

There is also something brewing in North Korea and the Chinese are not happy about it, one official said. Two top North Koreans who were close to China were executed last week as part of the ongoing purge of perceived threats to Kim Jong Un, he said. In response China staged a massive military exercise with more than 100,000 troops along the North Korean border. “China now views North Korea as an enemy state,” he said.

This will be followed by a joint US and South Korean military maneuver also aimed at North Korea.
Also, basketball star Dennis Rodman was nabbed and taken in for questioning last week immediately after returning to the US from his well-publicized visit to North Korea. The official story is that he went to “an undisclosed alcohol rehabilitation center.”

Dennis Rodman goes to rehab -

Rodman was visiting North Korea as a personal representative of Barack Obama, according to North Korean sources. No doubt his “rehabilitators” will be trying to find out what that message was.
North Korean sources in Japan also say the new North Korean regime had threatened to hit Shanghai and Beijing with nuclear weapons as part of a power play to force the reunification of the Korean peninsula.

This may also be the real reason why government leaders in China and South Korea are willing to meet with Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is closely linked to North Korea through his ties with the unification church.

The situation in Asia will probably not resolve itself until the removal of cabal control from the dollar and euro based financial system is completed.

To this end dramatic changes are continuing in the Middle East, power base of the US petrodollar. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been purging Turkey, the original home of the Sabbatean mafia, with increasing success. He has removed 350 police officers and 20 prosecutors and is now purging Bankers and TV propagandists.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan purge over graft probe extends to bankers and TV station | South China Morning Post

The Gulf Cooperation Council also sent a delegation to China last week to negotiate a surrender and were told to end the rift with Iran and the Shia/Sunni split in general. Responding to this, the Muslim world invited Iran into “full membership in the Al Quds (Jerusalem [i.e. Israel]) Committee of the 57-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation (IOC)”

Putin to visit Tehran. King of Morocco invites Iran to ?Jerusalem Committee? ? with Kerry?s approval

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is also going to visit Iran soon to help bring peace to the region.
The ongoing shift of Middle East power away from cabal control is of course going to affect Israel and the controllers of the old petro dollar system. Perhaps that is why the White Dragon Society was contacted last week and asked if it would be possible to go through Canada to make liquid some now frozen funding. This request coincided with the start of a four day visit to Israel by Zionist slave Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

The WDS is insisting on a jubilee, a redistribution of fraudulently obtained assets and the immediate start of a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.

The other move that is making cabalists nervous is the German government’s ongoing investigation of what happened to the 300 tons of gold it deposited with the Federal Reserve Board. So far only 5 tons have been returned and attempts to intimidate German Chancellor Angela Merkel with a beating in Switzerland (according to a CIA source) will probably backfire by driving the Germans into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and out of NATO.

Another front in which the cabal is under severe attack is the ongoing exposure of elite pedophile networks in the UK and in the Vatican. In the UK, politicians are now being investigated in the ever widening scandal that is expected to eventual lead to Tony Blair and his fellow Nazis. In the Vatican, 400 priests have already been defrocked and the purge of child abusers is continuing.

Female MP abused boy in care | UK | News | Daily Express

Vatican grilled over scale of child sex abuse | ABS-CBN News

The Cabalists will be gathering this week at the Davos World Economic Forum where they will make noises about the dangers of income inequality. In doing so, they will be like Marie Antoinette at the time of the French Revolution asking why the peasants did not eat cake, in other words they don’t have a clue about what is really going on and their sudden concern for the poor will be way too little, way too late.

In a sign that all is not well with the forum, Daniel Dal Bosco tried last week to contact the Dragon family about cashing historical bonds. Dal Bosco was followed very closely in 2009 after he absconded with a trillion dollars’ worth of Dragon family bonds and that trail led to a certain Giancarlo Bruno, head of the financial services division of the Davos forum. The fact that he is once again initiating contact can only be taken as a sign of desperation behind the scenes at Davos. Message to Dal Bosco: “you are being watched 24/7 and can be picked and arrested at any moment.” The same will be true of any other cabal official attempting to steal assets that belong to the people of the world and not to a criminal cabal.

The other ongoing sign of unravelling cabal control is the snowballing trend to legalize marijuana. Now that Colorado, Washington State and the nation of Uruguay have joined North Korea (they never made it illegal in the first place) in legalizing marijuana, and did so without facing any reprisals, many more countries (last week Morocco for example) will join the band wagon. The loss of illegal drug revenues, combined with the loss of control over oil, will devastate Sabbatean cabal finances. Vive la revolution!

Posted by Hipknowsys at 7:50 AM




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For any of you new to this post, "Cobra" is the code name of:

Portal 2012
This blog is the official communication outlet for the Resistance Movement.
Many people have questions which arise when they read posts from this blog.
Most of those questions are already answered in previous posts.

Cobra tries to publicize progress of our war against the cabal, but cannot reveal plans or specific details that would aid our enemies. Code words are used to inform lightworkers worldwide of mission success or failures. Here is the latest update:
[h=2]Tuesday, January 21, 2014[/h]BXL0beta decrypted and in removal

Posted by Cobra at 7:26 AM

Whatever it is sounds like it worked. In previous posts Cobra mentioned the cabal's computer network. Used to move money around and initiate attacks. The arrest warrants for top cabal members are real. The final threat from the cabal is initiation of implanted viruses in business and manufacturing computers. To instantly bring down servers or whatever. Including banks, everything. IMHO MS-Office and operating systems have back doors known only to cabal. Cabal need to stop the virus activation every day. Personal logins by certain members daily. Arrest the members and we are in deep trouble.

New banking and financial systems have been in place for a year or more and tested. Flip of a switch and the old is gone replaced with the new. The timing is not up to Cobra or anyone on earth. Cross your fingers it will be soon.


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Haven't looked at this thread for a! Still have no clue what it's really about! If something feels crazy it IS!!!!

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Haven't looked at this thread for a! Still have no clue what it's really about! If something feels crazy it IS!!!!
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

Squig maybe you can sort out what's going on to enlighten us? Should we wait for you to catch up or.................

In the meantime here's an update on arrests.

Sheldan Nidle - 21 January, 2014
7 Cib, 19 Chen, 10 Caban

Selamat Jalwa! (Be in everlasting Joy!) We return with wonderful news! Our many earthly associates are currently arresting those who have long stood as obstacles in the pathway of your global prosperity. These events are merely the beginning of other events that will bring you a most needed new governance. This new governance will be announced shortly. First there needs to be the release of funds, a global currency reset and the formal declaration of new regulations for the worldwide banking industry. These things, when coupled with the delivery of your prosperity funds,will signal the beginnings of a new system for safely handling your monies. The grand overseer, of course, is to be new governance. We have set up a special series of events that will soon lead to the demise of the present financial system that is run by a few big banks. These large banks in turn are actually the instruments of power for a few very powerful families. Our liaisons are in contact with various individuals that have access to financial resources and legal means that are now toppling this dark cabal.

What this implies for you is that a global struggle of very powerful men and women is altering the nature of how your numerous societies have been run for literally thousands of years. We possess in these alliances the means to transfer power. The last stand of this dark cabal is occurring in closed boardrooms and secret meetings that are going on across this globe. The last vestige of this struggle is a holding action by the dark cabal. Their embargo seeks to somehow prevent the manifesting of a true global currency reset tied in closely with a return to a new gold standard. This new financial system ends the stranglehold that was set up when the U.N. sponsored Dumbarton Oaks treaty was promulgated near the end of the Second World War. A new financial system that takes into account the new financial and monetary needs of your world is desperately required. This is what a grand coalition of the Light is now manifesting.

This new system sets the stage for new governance which will make a plethora of announcements that include a full disclosure of our existence and the galactic society of Agartha. We intend to use those announcements to establish the coming first contact and open up communications with Agartha and your Ascended Masters. This is a time for Spirit; a time for new ways. The old long-keptsecrets, twisted to their liking by the dark, need to see the full Light of day! Your Ascended Masters have gladly taken on the task of publicly revealing these secrets. Lessons will be given that permit you to understand what is to be said. Right now, endless computer pages are being prepared for your mass perusal. These websites will be tied to servers that we will oversee, and much information will be passed to you. Take this in and absorb it. Along with this is an enormous prosperity program that will end poverty, homelessness and starvation.

You need to have a way to educate yourself about what all of this truly means. We are going to bring you mentors to allow you to start dialogues that can transform your perceptions about this reality and where it is going. Most of you have not spent your time learning details about your true origins and what your rise in consciousness is all about. We intend to give you a much-needed sounding board. Each of our mentors has the initial task of giving you a great deal of information and then helping you to process it. We have technology that can permit you to see and experience your past, and this will ready you for a return to full consciousness. We will give you the opportunity to visit our fleet and discover for yourselves what is expected of you. Your realm is in transition and you possess abilities that you need to develop swiftly. Both our associates and your Ascended Masters wish to aid you in receiving this great wonder that is finally to happen.

Hosanna! We are your Ascended Masters!
We come with joyfully blessed news! Events are now taking shape to force those who have long ruled you to "give up the ghost." Their power has been the arrogant rule and ill-gotten wealth they enjoyed for millennia. During that time we all suffered from their brutal and dark rule. This period is over. They continue to feed at the trough that has been set up to capture them, as their greed knows no bounds. Our divine associates have put most of them in a very uncompromising position. The rest are in conspiratorial partnership. The whole unholy lot have crossed boundaries and made themselves liable for arrest, seizure of their wealth and public disclosure of their most heinous crimes against humanity. In this position, these dark ones are pliable and we can easily sweep them inelegantly into the dustbins of history! The upcoming trials are merely the consequences of a number of quite ugly details.

The primary reasons for the long delays have been what we have just described. These obstacles are fading swiftly. The global currency reset, the new precious metal backing and new banking regulations can now manifest. These will be only the precursors for new governance and the delivery of a vast prosperity program. These items will permit us to begin teaching you about numerous sacred subjects long twisted or sequestered from you. The truth can then be fully revealed. We intend to show you a set of sacred truths that will alter your present beliefs about your past, your origin and your sacred philosophies. Those opinions that you presently hold need revision. These changes are only the first steps on your road to a true galactic consciousness. These truths in hand will allow your galactic comrades to add on to these revelations.

You have long felt uneasy about death, aging, poverty and suffering. There is a reason for your inner doubting. Galactic humans do not live as you do. They ascend after a truly joyous physical life that can last from centuries to millennia. We now have ascended, and in doing so, discovered why this is. We intend to use these lessons to answer questions that have long puzzled you. Each society has embodied traditions that paint a dark picture for humanity. The spiritual life is not to be separated from you by death. It is rather to be integrated in you by full consciousness. Your long inter-generational journey through the perilous realities of limited consciousness is to be transformed. This present revolution is a spiritual one and will bring you back to who you once were. It is to reunite you with other physical Angels and proceed with the unfolding of the Divine Plan!

Today, we carried on with the main purpose of this newsletter. We give you a glimpse into what is happening to you. Further, we have the task of preparing you for first contact and the rise in you of full consciousness. On all fronts, progress has been made and the manifesting of our mission is now happening! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Website: Planetary Activation Organization


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CTX 3030 / GTI 2500 / Infinium LS / Tesoro Sand Shark / 1 Garrett Pro-pointer / 1 Carrot / Vibra Probe 580 (out on loan) / Lesche M85 / Mark1 MOD1 EyeBall
Primary Interest:
They need to hurry up. My landlord keeps asking for the rent.



Bronze Member
Jan 6, 2005
Rocky Mountains
Detector(s) used
Minelab X-Terra 705 Gold Coil
deteknixXpointer Probe
Minelab Ex-Terra 70
White's Classic II
2014-2015 Colorado Gold Camp Prospector
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Eastern Alliance Foreclosing The Fed plus Cobra updates Jan 16,2014.

[h=2]Friday, January 24, 2014[/h] [h=3]Planetary Situation Update[/h]

Right as I wanted to post this article, whole Gmail service (including Blogger) went down and I could not access it. Many users across the world have reported disruption of service:

This shows us how fragile our internet infrastructure is.

Big changes are afoot.

[FONT=&quot]Although it will not happen just yet, as certain operations of the Light forces need to be completed first, the worldwide financial Reset and the Event are approaching.[/FONT]

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[FONT=&quot]The Eastern Alliance is preparing to foreclose on the Federal Reserve:[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]And to introduce Special Drawing Rights (SDR) to form the backbone of the new financial system, which will be underwritten by gold:[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]SDR can now be exchanged for US Dollars, Euros, British Pounds and Japanese Yen:[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]Chinese Yuan and Swiss Franc will be added to this basket of currencies at the Reset. [/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]Finally, Cabal's gold price manipulation is being revealed to the masses:[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]This is very important because when the critical mass of this awareness reaches human population, Cabal's fiat financial system will collapse due to lack of trust as a fiat financial system can only operate if a certain degree of trust in its checks and balances is maintained.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]This situation is also getting a little uncomfortable for Deutsche Bank, one of the main strongholds of the Cabal's financial system. To hide from spotlight, they have announced they will withdraw from gold price fixing, the same as the Rothschilds did in 2004:[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]They will now attempt to manipulated gold price indirectly, similarly as the Rothschilds do through Barclays Bank. [/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]Bundesbank, on the other hand, is much more permeated by the Light forces and they are one of main triggers to reveal the fact that the Federal reserve does not have any gold left:[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]As I said many times before, the vast majority of Cabal's gold reserves was removed from the surface of this planet by the Resistance in early 2012. When masses begin to realize that there is no gold left, this will accelerate the collapse of the current system and speed up the Reset. [/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]Behind the scenes, the majority of the Cabal has accepted the Jesuit plan for their own version of the financial Reset (with them behind the wheel) and are starting to promote it through the mass media:[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]This is the main focus of their meeting in Davos. Needless to say, their plans will not be successful.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]As the midlevel Cabal management purge in China continues, many Cabal minions are fleeing that country:[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]We are approaching the moment of breakthrough, as you can clearly see in this animation:[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]Things will begin to accelerate in February and especially in March and the information war between the Light and the dark will reach its peak. There will be a lot of crucial intel released on the internet, mixed with tons of disinfo. Therefore honing your discernment skills will be of utmost importance. This is easily done by combining your rational mind with intuition. Most of all, you need to think with your own head and feel with your own heart.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]This website gives a clear example of how a disinfo operation works:[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]But again, intel on that same website is nowhere near 100% correct, so you need to use discernment there as well. It is important not to fall into the trap of polarization, seeing one source of intel as completely true (light) and another one completely false (dark). The truth is usually somewhere in between and you need to separate the wheat from the chaff. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]One of the main blocks to discernment are Invisibles, archontic parasites that have infested the etheric brain of almost every living individual on this planet. They live in parasitic symbiosis with etheric brain glia cells and create synaptic disconnections between etheric brain meridians which influence the DNA replication in their physical counterparts - physical brain synapses. This creates mental confusion, thought processes distortion and belief systems fixation. When those parasites are removed by the Light forces, humanity will receive an enormous boost of intelligence and creativity and a great expansion of consciousness. [/FONT]

Posted by Cobra at 12:57 PM


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