Start Preparing For The Change - You will be called upon :)

What's this thread about? I thought the Apocalypse at first but is it a new world order type deal? Unno very confused

GIB yes every day is closer. We see the old world falling apart. Speculators running scenarios to come out on top of the currency reval. As far as I understand no funds for Humanity have been made available. You pick a rumor and its' out there. Some are true and some not. No reason to sort them out as they have zero control or influence on the progress.

Most are money gurus banking on certain events to happen in a certain order. And selling us a place in line for a price. What's new.

Many good people and sincere organizations are counting on The Event to favor themselves exclusively. Nothing wrong with high hopes and unity. It looks to me that all of us will be going wherever and whenever the time is right. Me included!

There is nothing any of us can do to influence events. Other than letting go of our anger. And wondering what our new lives will be like. A universal truth is everyone is entitled to a place to live safely, food and water, clothing and health care. Without cost. Live your life in peace. If you choose to improve your life or others, you will be busy. And paid for your efforts. Many of us can be teachers. To explain what-the-heck-went-wrong. Your lives will be remembered. You are a Pioneer with many brothers waiting for you. Yes we all volunteered or contracted for this mission. In retrospect there was no certainty we would survive this long. The year 2010 was planned for total earth destruction. Except for a few 1%ers hiding underground. There were no guarantees earth would survive let alone us.

The dark forces may have many total destruction devices that could not only destroy Earth but part of our galaxy. Or entire universe. That threat still hangs over us. Remember the dark energies do not care. They work on logical solutions. If, then else. Always a response.

Our enlightenment is guaranteed. Loved ones who passed recently are waiting for us. I admit it is hard waiting. I just filed my taxes as our gov't still operates the same way.

Time to renew my fishing/small game license. Rejoin my old gold prospectors group, forget about the yard and enjoy Spring. :)

What's this thread about? I thought the Apocalypse at first but is it a new world order type deal? Unno very confused

No Apocalypse "X" just a world in turmoil wrestling for control. White hats seem to be winning but it's serious game we're in.. People can die. Nothing for you to worry about as we are spectators at this point.

No Apocalypse "X" just a world in turmoil wrestling for control. White hats seem to be winning but it's serious game we're in.. People can die. Nothing for you to worry about as we are spectators at this point.

Ohh governments collapsing

Another Activation over Easter.


Easter 2014

04-20-2014 / 04-21-2014

It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands!
Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples,
at the time of the cardinal Grand Cross on April 20th / 21st, 2014. Many of us
will gather and anchor the energies of the Goddess Vortex and will be thus
creating a clear and harmonious channel of manifestation for the final
liberation of the planet.

Ben Fulford latest - Surrender or Die
No hidden message... I believe most have been negotiating for a solution that leaves them whole which will never happen.

Benjamin Fulford: Surrender or Die

By The Event 2014 on April 14, 2014 · Intel

“Surrender Or Die,” That Is The Choice the US cabal government now faces

The criminal cabal that hijacked the Republic of the United States of America and turned it into a global pariah have been cornered to a point where they must either surrender or die. This is becoming obvious on many levels. For example, last week even the member nations of the globalist International Monetary Fund lined up 187 to 1 against the United States in an effort to get them to relinquish their veto control of that institution.
Even more troubling for the families that control the Federal Reserve Board has been the massive ongoing attack on their petrodollar. In particular, the situation in the Ukraine is turning into a historical cabal defeat.

President Vladimir Putin of Russia has begun insisting that Europe and the Ukraine pay for their supplies of Russian gas with something other than US dollars. The Europeans have little choice but to agree to this, thus sealing the fate of the petrodollar.

US Corporate Government President Barack Obama, working under orders from puppet masters like George Soros, tried convincing the Middle Eastern oil producing countries to drive down the price of oil and bankrupt Russia but was rebuffed.

Obama then turned around and went to the Chinese where, according to Chinese government sources, he offered to hand over to China control over all of South East Asia and Japan if China agreed to use the People’s Liberation Army to put pressure on Russia. The Chinese, however, are fully aware that Obama represents the same regime that tried to kill most of China’s population with ethnically targeted bio-weapons a few years ago and thus will not make a deal with them against Russia.

The Chinese however, are insisting that the United Nations move its headquarters to Asia and reform its security council so that it more accurately represents the population of the planet earth. They are also coming to the conclusion that the cabal has no intention of handing over control of the World Bank or the IMF so they are preparing to set up a new institution that will have far more funds available to it than both the World Bank and the IMF combined.

The Europeans, for their part, have begun supplying Tesla free energy technology to countries that do not have their own oil and gas resources, like India and Japan, as part of their move against the petrodollar. They want to make sure that there is an option other than a China/Russia or China/US petrocurrency for these countries.
It is in this context that Obama is coming to Japan later this month where no doubt he will ask the Abe slave government to help it attack China and Russia, something that will not happen because neither the Japanese military nor the Pentagon forces in Asia are about to go along with such a plan.

Few can forget the fact that Obama represents a widely hated pariah regime. Let us review exactly what sort of regime Obama represents by looking at its activities over the recent past. First of all, this regime remotely hijacked Malaysian airlines flight 370 and flew it, via Diego Garcia Island and Israel to Florida, where it was loaded with a nuclear weapon. This plane was then flown towards Holland where it was used as a threat against world leaders gathered there for a “nuclear terror summit.” The plane was stopped by the Dutch air-force and, the only thing this stunt accomplished, was further alienate the Europeans from the US corporate government.

After his threats failed, Obama asked both Iran and Saudi Arabia (as mentioned above) to help drive the price of oil down and bankrupt Russia. The Saudis, who would face revolution overnight if they ran out of money to bribe their population, are not in a position to drive the price of oil down. Furthermore, they feel betrayed by the Obama in places like Syria and have already publicly announced they are no longer a Federal Reserve Board client state.

The Iranians, who know full well the Feds have been trying to nuke them or bankrupt them for years, also refused to play ball.

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan has also decided to stop supporting the Nazi linked Muslim Brotherhood and is said to regret his past moves to support them in Syria and elsewhere.

It was in this dire context that last week representatives of the Rockefeller and Bush families had negotiations with a representative of the White Dragon Society. The Bush representative, a senior manager of the Carlyle Hedge Fund who personally knows George Bush Sr., tried to convince the WDS that “Bush was really not that smart or powerful.” He also said that the perhaps the ultra-rich should flaunt their wealth less.

The Rockefeller representative cited all the recent progress in computer technology, such as smart-phones with GPS and super-high resolution TV screens as proof the US cabal was doing a good job.

The Rockefeller representative was told that although these were nice things, they were a far cry from the future of inter-planetary travel we had all expected to have been fully underway during the 21st century. In other words, it is clear the planet earth is under quarantine because of the criminal mass murdering cabal that controls the US government.

The Bush representative was shown a hand-written note demanding that corporate media in the US start broad-casting the truth about 911 and 311 before the end of this month and that all funds stolen by the cabalists be returned to their rightful owners.

The rest of the contents of the note are not known but it goes without saying that a lot of powerful people have run out of patience and are demanding an end to Nazi trouble-making around the world.

The WDS is being inundated with demands that these criminals be rounded up and put in prison, if not killed outright, ASAP. They are proven mass murderers and any member of the CIA or Pentagon or other agencies who is in a position to do something about these scum must either act or it is guaranteed they will sooner or later be jailed as accomplices.

These people include George Bush Sr. and Jr. and their immediate family, Donald Rumsfeld, Michael Chertoff, Frank Carlucci, James Baker, Michael Hayden, General Richard Myers, Benjamin Netanyahu, etc. The Blood Moon demands either justice or retribution.

Source: Benjamin Fulford — Geo-Political News and Analysis


This is for you currency speculators and where-is-the-money. Friends tell me about investment sites that kite a stock or bad mouth another for their own benefit. My friend is in the gold mining stocks. He lives and dies with penny movements in his stocks. Like many people hoping to cash out at the best time. The best stock market summary I heard was brokers sell you a story for your money. It's the story that drives the value.

Markets are awash with false settlement rumors. All are complete rubbish and toxic to credibility.

1) There is, as yet, No Breakthrough. Nor any in sight!

2) Available funds which could create Jobs and Infrastructure Projects, continue to be used instead to prop up generations of reckless Fed and Treasury malfeasance, as well as the Bush Crime Family activities. This vile Crime family is the Turd in Americas breakfast cereal bowl.

3) Even IF and when there is any resolution for the Dongs/Dinars etc, it will need to be done in controlled phases taking many weeks, with the Public unlikely to see any access until at least phase 3.

4) There will be more than enough time to pre advise all parties once there is a genuine breakthrough. Distracting Guru garbage and Bloggers speculation still continues with wild Ambulance Chasers and false connections. We read, we see – Garbage! If it is not on the 2 sites, it is NOT happening. How much clearer can we be?

5) Please keep the Poofs and Puffs and fantasists off the sites. These are for credible issues and hard facts will be released, with procedures and rates when possible. It will ONLY be on the 2 sites, No Other. We will NOT communicate with or assist trading sites who grossly overcharge for currencies and who defraud or steal from destitute people who deserve better. Check your rates before buying. Scalpers are at work.

6) Easter is coming up, then the Holiday Silly Season where nothing gets done until October. This mess could still run into the year end. This is not an easy free lunch. The Dinar market still remains highly suspect and dangerous. Huge, false overprinting is a savage reality and a Shark Pit. Again, if it breaks you need to be in and out fast. Chaos will follow.

WHITE HAT AUXILIARY and FACT CHECK CENTER | To Accurately Inform About and Unite In Support of the White Hats and Their Mission to Release the World Global Settlements/Global Currency Reset

Dave Ramsey says currency investing is a sham

me too. I'd love to have a steak and beers with the dude

Dave Ramsey says currency investing is a sham

The first people aware of a currency revaluation are in charge of the currency. Central banks and top political leaders know in advance and even create situations they can profit from. That is why they all need secret bank accounts. The off-shore accounts. The billions of dollars or more squirreled away for a rainy day. As these massive currency trades are conspicuous they may take months to complete. Then when the 1% are safe the rest of the market deals with the collapse.

Information is power. First in line is more powerful. The people creating the situation before information gets out are kings. Gurus may appear to have an edge on a market but they just have a better story.

Check out dead-man life insurance policies.

Cobra March 2014 summary... with transcript.

Interview Index (Transcript Follows)
[h=3][/h] 1. The Most Tense Moment in our Modern History (4:15)
2. Spring Equinox & Window of Opportunity (5:30)
3. Lunar Eclipse aka Blood Moon & Jewish Festival (7:10)
4. Purification of Cabal in Israel & Closed Embassies (7:50)
5. Energetic Pressure on our Physical Bodies (8:00)
6. No Guarantee for the Event Happening Now (10:10)
7. Disclosure Process Definition (10:40)
8. False Understanding of Source & Darkness (11:20)
9. Channelings & Ascended Masters (13:30)
10. Financial Changes & March 21 (14:30)
11. No Funds Realeased by BIS, No TRNs Either (15:20)
12. Instanteneous Change during the Reset (16:00)
13. New Financial System’s Layers (16:30)
14. Major Victory of the Light on April 8th (17:20)
15. The Event is NOT Planned for April 15th (18:00)
16. Stop Counting on the Event – Financially Speaking (18:10)
17. Gold Backed Currency (19:20)
18. Collateral Accounts Negotiations Not Completed Yet (19:45)
19. IMF & FED Still Running (21:00)
20. The Reset Process (22:00)
21. Eastern Alliance & the Alternative Infrastructure (23:00)
22. Big Boom in Nigeria (25:00)
23. NESARA & More than $2000 fo Each Individual (25:50)
24. Payouts to Lightworkers from St. Germain Funds (27:30)
25. House Bill H.R. 2847 (28:00)
26. High Frequency Trading Cabal’s Operations Backbone (28:50)
27. Flex Coin Fiasko, & NSA Good Guys Vs NSA Bad Guys (29:30)
28. Pepe Orsini, White Pope, Black Pope, Grey Pope (30:30)
29. Jesuits Exposure & April 27th Anouncement (30:31)
30. American Spring & Non Violent Mass Movements (32:45)
31. Muslim Brotherhood & 528 Members Being Condemned (34:00)
32. Obama Being Compromised due to Death Threads (35:50)
33. Galactics Contact with Different Presidents (37:40)
34. World’s Political Changes & Purification (38:20)
35. Isreal Positive Vs Negative Factions & Embassies (38:40)
36. The Two Points of Pressure on the Cabal (39:50)
37. Anonymous & Information Leaks(40:40)
38. Ukraine, Europe, USA, Russia (42:30)
39. UFO Hovering above Ukraine Was an ET Ship (43:05)
40. Cabal Has NO Advanced UFO Technology Anymore (43:30)
41. TTIP (44:00)
42. Erdogan’s Leaked Conversations Were True (44:30)
43. Privacy in Digital World, Joke of the Year (46:00)
44. Increase in Volcano Activity Is Not Drastic (48:00)
45. Excitement Will Rise as Things Start to Happen (50:00)
46. Fulfords Comments Cobra’s Activity (50:30)
47. Malaysian Plane Distraction (52:00)
48. Channelers and Information Coming from Archons (52:30)
49. Information from “Ascended Masters” Not Really Valid (53:40)
50. Revaluation and CIA Disinformation Ordred by Jesuits (54:45)
51. Planet Cleansing Process Clasified until April 21st (55:40)
52. Sociopaths, Beings Who Lost Connection with Soul (57:00)
53. Dark Ones Will Have to Pay their Dues (57:50)
54. Concept of Karma is an Archon’s Creation (58:00)
55. Jehovah Was an Entity Controlling Archon Technology (59:00)
56. Resistance Progress Cracking Negative Technology (59:30)
57. Chemtrails (59:50)
58. Project Blue Beam Being Neutralized For Good (1:00:00)
59. Eastern Countris of Europe & Eastern Alliance (1:00:30)
60. Healing in Light Chambers in Time of Egypt (1:01:50)
61. Every Human Will Restore his/her Lightbody (1:02:30)
62. Transformation of Consciousness & THE EVENT (1:03:00)
63. How Stratospheric Baloons Crack the Matrix (1:04:00)
64. Courtney Brown & Remote Viewing(1:05:50)
65. 37 Pyramids in Crimea Region (1:06:00)
66. Band of Peace, Pyramids & Ascension Process (1:06:30)
67. UFO Under Giza (1:07:00)
68. Bigfoot is For Real & His Relationship to Man (1:07:00)
69. Facebook & Deep Face Program (1:08:00)
70. GMO with Synthetic Biology (1:10:00)
71. Archons One and the Same with the Anunaki (1:10:30)
72. Sophia and her Gift to Humanity – Imagination (1:10:50)
73. Fulford’s Link of Cooperation with Cobra (1:11:30)
74. Success of Recent Activations in Japan & Taiwan (1:11:50)
75. No Apparent Danger Due to Tsunamis (1.12:00)
76. Diego Garcia’s Base Deep Secrets (1:12:30)
77. Fee Energy Overunity Generators Breakthrough (1:14:00)
Audio here:[video=vimeo;91775862][/video]


Ben Fulford from last week...

[h=2]Monday, April 7, 2014[/h] [h=3]Benjamin Fulford - April 7, 2014: Lots of high level threats and murder taking place as cabalists turn on each other[/h]
High level cabalists have begun killing and threatening each other in a sign that their unified centralized control grid is falling apart. The recent shooting at Ft. Hood was an attack against George Bush Sr. and other members of the Bush clan, according to Rothschild and Rockefeller family sources. However, it is not clear if the attack was successful because of a total information black-out following the incident. The death of a CIA agent last week is also believed to have been part of an anti-Bush/Nazi campaign now underway.

Then last week a photograph of a T-shirt with the number 44 written on it being held in front of President Obama was widely publicized.

What's in a number? A history of Presidents and jersey numbers - NY Daily News

The number 44 symbolizes death in many Asian languages and the T-shirt incident appears to have been to remind Obama that he needed to stop blocking the new financial system.

Also, the murder of former ABN Ambro Bank CEO Jan Peter Shmittmann, his wife and his daughter was part of an ongoing Rothschild plan to eliminate any people who would testify against them, according to CIA sources. The list contains 250 names, including 50 bankers, the sources said. The Rothschilds also believe the Rockefeller family is about to be rounded up and jailed.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, for his part, thinks the entire Rothschild family needs to be killed in order to end the ongoing financial crisis. The Slavic nations are particularly bitter about the destruction of Yugoslavia and the theft of its mineral resources, which they blame on the Rothschilds. They see the recent shenanigans in the Ukraine as yet another Rothschild resource theft.

The Russians are now occupying Eastern Ukraine and have offered the Western portion to Poland in a sign they are no longer going along with the cabal controlled group of sock puppets known as the United Nations.

Since all the major players are now pointing fingers at each other, perhaps this is a good time to review the forensic trail followed by the White Dragon Society agents to try to find out who was behind the plan to “save the environment” by killing 90% of humanity.

The first suspect was David Rockefeller because he sat at the top of well-known globalist institutions like the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission.

However, Rockefeller’s people said they were not the problem but rather it was George Bush Sr. and his Nazi faction that were the true bad guys.

The Nazis, for their part, said they were allied with the Gnostic Illuminati and said they were opposed to bloodline rule. They believed it was the Rothschild/Saxe Gotha bloodline that was the problem. The Rothschilds then came out and said they were junior sub-contractors and that the real center of the Cabal was the P2 Freemason lodge in Italy.

A visit to the P2 lodges in Rome and Milan by this writer revealed that they considered themselves to be the descendants of the Caesars and that they were given a mission by extra-terrestrial beings 26,000 years ago to manage history according to an astrology based script. They said their god was the black sun, an alien being living the gamma rays that can control human minds. Their other name for it was Lucifer.

This is probably a myth but, the forensic and historic trail does clearly indicate there has been a 2000 year old plan by the descendants of the Roman Empire to create a single, centralized, fascist world government known as the New World Order.

The P2 said there was a faction in their group that was behind the plan to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest in order to create thousand year Reich. This group was subsequently purged, which is the real reason why Pope maledict resigned to make way for Pope Francis.

Now that their plan is falling apart we are seeing a situation like that at the fall of the Soviet Union when all sorts of long held secrets started coming out. In this case, the P2 are making public details of how they created Christianity and Islam as propaganda tools in their long war against the Jews.

The latest revelations about Islam were sent to this writer in a PDF file which we will try to attach to this week’s newsletter. The part about Islam and the Vatican training of Muhammad starts on page 26.
More detail on the people who wrote the New Testament was also published here:

The Authorship of The New Testament Books – FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS (Calpurnius Piso) (DISCERNMENT ADVISED)

It is probable that they based Jesus on a popular Jewish rebel leader they had executed and renamed Isis as Mary and the Sun god as Jesus.

These revelations are coming at a time when many top Western leaders are visiting the new Pope. President Putin of Russia and Obama of the United States of America Corporation were followed last week by Queen Elizabeth.

The Queen was 20 minutes late for her meeting with the pope because her talks with the President of Italy ran overtime. It is a good guess they were discussing financial matters but no inside information from this meeting has leaked so far. In the meeting between Elizabeth and the Pope, the Pope gave an orb (symbol of power) of lapis lazuli (symbolic of wealth). The Queen gave the pope beer, eggs and whisky probably in recognition that having sworn an oath of poverty, he would have refused more lavish gifts.

Since the P2 are very into Astrology, we must now wait and see if the upcoming blood moon on April 15th will coincide with any big announcements.

If not, then pressure on the cabal is going to be increased to an entirely new level with an unprecedented attack on the petro-dollar.

Members of the group known as Cobra resistance went to Taiwan recently after visiting a WDS representative in Tokyo. Last week they contacted this writer via skype and showed a video of Taiwanese mass production of free energy devices. They said they were now being manufactured by over 20,000 different groups, more than oil company men in black could deal with.

They promised to deliver one to this writer before the end of this month. If it runs my home electrical appliances as promised, then I will take it to all the big Japanese manufacturing firms for mass production.

IF this is really true then it would be a total paradigm changer for the world economy and would definitely doom the petrodollar.

The Russians and Iranians are also attacking the petro-dollar with an announced plan to start selling their oil using a barter system that will by-pass the dollar.

In China as well, the money trail is being investigated very thoroughly and all officials found to have been corrupted by Fed money are being removed.

Mohamed was a creation of the vatican

Lots of high level threats and murder taking place as cabalists turn on each other

Posted by Hipknowsys at 9:17 AM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest

Labels: Benjamin Fulford


Cobra update... Serious problems warnings. Don't know what the messages mean but I get the message. Also more "suicides". It is no secret that some good people when their families lives are threatened, or worse and there are worse things than death, will voluntarily commit suicide. This is more an act of honor than cowardice. You never know what motivates such deeds. Here are the past two days updates...

[h=2]Thursday, April 24, 2014[/h]
GLOBAL L51 unsafe, PPN grid ratio failure, black systems alert at 504

Posted by Cobra at 2:09 AM 17 comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest

[h=2]Wednesday, April 23, 2014[/h]
Cease and desist PPN until 140425.10Z else GLOBAL L51

Posted by Cobra at 7:21 PM

Two more Banker deaths... about twenty bakers deaths so far?

[h=1]Banker Death ‘Epidemic’ Spreads to China[/h] 0 By The Event Chronicle on April 24, 2014 Breaking, Finance

(ZeroHedge) Until now, the terrible trail of dead bankers has been only among US and European financial executives. However, as Caixin reports, the increasing pressures on the Chinese banking system appear to have take their first toll. Li Jianhua, director of China’s Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC), died this morning due to a “sudden heart attack” – he was less than 49 years old. Li was among the main drafters on new “caveat emptor” market-based rules on China’s shadowy banking system and recently said in an interview that “now is not only a time to control risk, but to transform the trust industry.. if it’s too loose, it’s a big problem.” Li was found by his wife.

[h=1]Banker Suicide: Parisian Banker Jumps from 14th Floor[/h] 0 By The Event Chronicle on April 24, 2014 Breaking, Finance
[h=2]Translated from French
[/h] An employee of Bred Banque Populaire , jumped from the 14th floor of the bank’s headquarters on Tuesday morning , quai de la Rapee to Paris . This 52 year old woman was affected in Créteil (Val -de- Marne) since November. The incident occurred shortly before 10 am, 200 meters from the Ministry of Finance. Psychological cell was opened on Tuesday to assist employees in shock .

Some attended the scene. A police investigation began Wednesday , as well as that of the Health Committee (HSC) of the company.


Cobra resistance update status...

[h=2]Monday, April 28, 2014[/h]
PPN in final removal, grid ratio evaluated

Posted by Cobra at 11:47


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