Start Preparing For The Change - You will be called upon :)



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Sheldan Nidal Update:

[h=2]Tuesday, February 25, 2014[/h] [h=3]Sheldan Nidle Update - February 25, 2014[/h]

3 Batz, 14 Zac, 10 Caban

Dratzo! We return! Much is happening across your globe. The dark cabal struggles to maintain its power and sees that these efforts are in vain. The Light, now represented by ancient families and numerous sacred secret societies, has come and laid successful claims to the wealth and power of the dark. This legal assault is aided and abetted by us. We come to end this unholy debauchery of the dark and to bring in a new time, filled with prosperity and your liberation from the odious enslavements perpetrated on you by the dark. The Ascended Masters, acting under the divine decrees of Heaven, have established the means by which the dark is to surrender to the Light. This process is underway and is reaching its first major milestones. The prime instrument of your enslavement is wealth, and especially that most hideous invention of theirs, "fiat money." This insidious invention has created unnecessary inflations and manipulated panics or "crashes" for centuries. Each time, these vile maneuvers greatly enrich the core of the dark cabal while creating events that have further cemented their rising power.

The results of these manipulations led to war, death and division. We are in the midst of ending this odd merry-go-round and replacing it with a divine stability that permits you to clearly see what is real and what is not. As you begin to expand this process to include the wonders that are Gaia and her amazing eco-systems, you discover your true purpose for being on Earth. You are a special Being that is meant to be an ever-Loving intermediary. You have the ability to correct those things that threaten these eco-systems and provide those things that can actually help every being that resides upon this globe. Moreover, you are on the verge of rediscovering your subterranean brethren. Inner Earth is in actuality a 5-D realm. It is where you are to return and resume the special mantle of being fully conscious humans. The truth of this is now vibrating within every cell of your body. We are here to assist this process and, under Heaven's direction, to transform your current troubled reality.

This transformation begins with vast alterations to your physical, mental and emotional bodies, and is to end with a spiritual transformation that returns you to full consciousness. The dark comprehends this. Yet, it cannot bring itself to give up the power that it has controlled for millennia. This power is currently being pried from their hands by the dire situation that this group presently finds itself in. The dark is attempting to find new sources of wealth and somehow wiggle out of its current nightmare. A process is underway that is forcing them to walk down a road that leads to a very high cliff. Lemming-like, they are going to swiftly leap over it into a dangerous abyss. That is when we can install the freedom and prosperity that are your real destiny. That is when disclosure happens and we can freely land across your globe. It will quickly lead to a new reality and a general re-acquaintance with your spiritual and space families.

Events are occurring even as we speak that are the beginnings of the process we have herein described. To correct this world, we need to force a resetting of the world's currency and quickly follow it with a return to a precious metal-based system. Included in this is a restructuring of how the financial world operates internationally. These positive corrections will be the foundation for the release of the prosperity funds and technologies that will start a reversal of the criminal pollution of your environment by the dark cabal and its numerous minions. These events herald the moment when the Ascended Masters can at last freely speak in public on a number of vital points that affect most of your core perceptions. Their lessons will prepare you for our mentors and their talks with you about the path to full consciousness, and the Agarthans will appear and explain who you really are and what is to be expected of you by Heaven.

Hosanna! We are your Ascended Masters! Our beloved Mother is in the midst of great physical changes. Gaia is preparing her surface realms for the grand redesign! The beauty that is soon to manifest blesses humanity. We are now watching as the dark ones resign themselves to the fact that a power shift is presently happening. Money has long been at the core of their ways. Our associates are taking this tool from them. Following this currency shift, there will be a return to precious metal-backed currencies. This is to eliminate the various tricks and schemes used by the dark to manipulate its many currencies. There is also a series of new bank regulations that will prevent several "tricks" used daily by the large international banks. These will precede the actual release of the prosperity funds and the rise of new governance. This new governance will set the stage for the general return of Common Law.

While all of this is happening, you are to receive the next steps in your physical transformation to full consciousness. Your main head chakras are to be readied for the introduction of two new chakras. This can cause increased headaches, general blurring of vision and different degrees of imbalance and nausea. Another set of difficulties can involve general tiredness and greater lapses in memory. These numerous symptoms are to be temporary. Once the various parts involved are set into place, these maladies will gradually disappear. Your brain can then be "rebooted" by the medical teams so you can experience a greater ability to remember events and work on any mental problem presented to you. We say this to properly ready you for what is about to occur. We are all to give you lessons after new governance is installed!

These new lessons are fundamentally to correct what the dark has fed you over the last few millennia. Full consciousness is to connect you to Gaia's and humanity's Akashic records. You require a prior knowledge of what really happened since your present amnesia. Spirit demands that the Truth be known and shared among you. This is one of our many responsibilities to you. You need to be able to assess this realm and decide what is good, relevant or just needs discarding. We need to establish our evolving collective and prepare you in every way possible for full consciousness. In addition, you need to be made aware of Agartha and the coming of your spiritual and space family. This grand reunion is to bless and alter this realm. It is to allow you to forge a true galactic society! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we expanded on the events of the day! Much is now happening to bring down the dark and its octopus-like entanglement of minions and like-minded institutions, so that actions to bring you prosperity and permit new governance can manifest! We indeed live in a time of wondrous and Heaven-inspired events! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


PAO - Update for February 25, 2014

Posted by Hipknowsys at 4:39 PM


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Confusing, you bet. The system or matrix is designed that way. To spin us in circles arriving where we started and without any firm understanding of anything. The original planners of our lives have one mission. NEVER tell the truth. Instead spout the exact opposite. Black is white. When they speak never tell the truth. It is written and a few people reading this understand full well the sources.

Why is Being in The Light necessary before going to the next higher vibration or dimension?

I finally connected the dots myself. Here, on our 3rd dimension world, our intentions create what we perceive as reality. We make our external world. Build things. Physical stuff and situations. In our higher dimensions, what we Think is what we get. Whatever reality we think about happens. Happens instantly. Very powerful anf the last thing the dark forces want us to know about. They are without control in the higher vibration. WE don't need them anymore. Simple as that.. whatever we want or need we create ourselves.

Can you feel your body changing? Head hurting or other sensations? We are being reprogrammed. For our bodies to better accept the required physical upgrades for the next change. Yes this is beyond our understanding and was designed that way. Keep the faith. The dark ones battling the Light will lose. Not only in court but reality. They will no longer be allowed on OUR planet. Tomorrow February 28th, 2014 will be or begin a watershed event. Lines have been drawn in the sand and there will be no escape for the dark.



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Metal Detecting
The game is afoot............. BB
Friday, February 28, 2014

Midi Endgame operational
Posted by Cobra at 9:25 AM

Progress Report..

SaLuSa, February 28, 2014
Dear Ones, we come with good news to inform you that the dedicated work you have put in, is about to bring the rewards that you have deservedly earnt. Our combined efforts have brought about a speeding up of the necessary work needed to bring about a notable stage in the progress required to bring the changes about. Your efforts have brought about a review of the progress made, and the decision was taken to rapidly move ahead. It means that specific events will occur that you will become aware of that will clearly reveal the commencement of another stage leading to "The Event". Within a relatively short period you will be given irrefutable proof of the advances being made, but do not expect them to be broadcast by the main media. The dark Ones will suppress the truth and will do anything to stop progress, and that means you may have to search around to find evidence of what is happening.

After all this time of waiting every effort has been put into bringing the necessary changes about, and the stage has now been reached where the Light is in its ascendancy. No longer do the dark ones have the controlling power that they used to have. Instead the Light has suddenly moved into a commanding position and its progress will now accelerate. Lightworkers are asked to keep their focus on the goal that they are working towards. It still requires a focused dedication to keep the momentum going, as there is still a long way to go. However, the good news is that it is all downhill now and you will not find as many difficulties on your path as previously. By now most of you know what is required of you, and many have awaited this particular time to commence their tasks. If you are one who seems to be without a specific task, you can do good work by continuing to spread the Light.

You will find that as the Light continues to grow so your lives will flow more easily. The struggles you have encountered in the past will gradually become less and less, and a time will come when everything flows smoothly and satisfactorily. It is your destiny to experience the fulfillment of your expectations and enjoy the upliftment in your vibrations. As you do so, you will find that your consciousness will also expand and you will be far down the route to full consciousness. Your whole journey has been one of seeking your path back to what you were when you first started out on your journey millennia ago.

By now you should have realised that you are not your body, which is simply something you have "put on" to enable you to experience in the lower dimension. Neither are you true "Earthlings" and your home is amongst the stars where you will return and reside as a Being of Light. You are all to be honoured and respected for having taken on the task of living through the dense realms whilst carrying the Light. You have lifted up Beings who may otherwise have been completely overwhelmed by the lower vibrations. You eagerly and without thought for yourself took on the challenge of helping lost souls, knowing that you would not be allowed to lose your way indefinitely. At all times your lives would be followed and help given wherever possible.

So please do not judge those who appear to have fallen from the Light. They need immense help and understanding to get them back on the path to it, and you have volunteered to help them do so. You do not know at this stage what experiences you have gone through to get where you are now. However, when your consciousness levels have been raised you will see yourself in the "Mirror of Truth" and will no doubt be pleased to find you have fulfilled your promises. The truth about you has to be revealed in stages as and when you are strong enough to accept it. There is nothing shocking about it, but it is simply most surprising and for many of you unbelievable.

Be open minded as you become more aware of the truth, and know that it will always have that special feeling that will not be denied. If it seems too much to believe, keep it in mind as in time you will accept it for what it is. If you knew what a wonderful time lies ahead you would not have any worries about the future, as your lives are now on a different track although that may be hard to accept in your present circumstances. These are times of turmoil as the necessary changes go ahead, yet out of them shall come the peace and harmony that you have been seeking.

From hereon life should be more easy on you and there will be no lack of encouragement. Indeed, many of you will need little if any as you will be spurred on by the developments that must come very soon. It will come in the form of confirmation of events taking place, that you would normally be unaware of but are now being revealed. Some will leave people feeling shocked but by and large they should be found uplifting. Lightworkers can be of immense help by gently enlightening people to the truth. Keep your attention on the developments as some will directly involve your activities. Be ready to adjust and always keep on the path to full consciousness. We are looking forward to making more contact with you, but it is not yet the time for more open contact. It will come of course, and even so is not too far into the future.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so pleased that at last the news is more enlightening and positively uplifting. It should carry on at quite a fast pace and developments to your liking and upliftment. As always we will be monitoring the activities of the dark Ones, as even a small number of them can cause problems for you. We leave you with our love and blessings.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Website: Tree of the Golden Light

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Cobra February Summary.....

[h=2]Sunday, March 2, 2014[/h] [h=3]STATE OF MISSION REPORT FEBRUARY 2014[/h]
Pandora in progress, BXL0beta and BXL0alpha cleared, FINAL in decryption and in removal, Midi Endgame initialized. HVBN unstable to stable, major Isidic security breach deflected, PPN continuation, minimum surface conditions agreement breached, L51 possible p=0.1. M=3, Midas package.

Posted by Cobra at 10:33 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest




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They never give up... as long as they live they continue their mischief.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Jesuit belonging to a black nobility family originating from Brzezany, Ukraine, is the mastermind behind the Ukraine conflict.

The plan of the Jesuits is to support the Illuminazi and Zionist factions in their hunger for war, hoping to suck Putin into a direct conflict:


Putin, instead, will just stand his ground, protecting Russian citizens inside Ukraine in full compliance with Russian-Ukrainian agreements:

Western media hyping Russain moves to protect Black Sea Fleet | Veterans Today

Ukrainian forces in Crimea have surrendered without a single shot being fired:

RT: Ukrainian troops dispatched in Crimea switch to region?s side ? sources | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

Ukrainian warships leave Sevastopol ? InSerbia News

And peace in Crimea is in a process of being restored:

RT: Five top military, security commanders take oath to Crimea | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

The mild earthquake in Crimea yesterday was a natural event as the released energetic tension has caused a slight movement of the tectonic plates, and was NOT caused by HAARP:

Earthquake - Magnitude 4.1 - CRIMEA REGION, UKRAINE - 2014 March 02, 03:34:31 UTC

The Cabal will no longer be allowed to interfere with internal affairs of sovereign countries as the Eastern Alliance is finally making its move:

ChUcHeRiAs: Russia considers "unacceptable" foreign meddling in the internal affairs of Venezuela. Russian & Chinese aircraft carriers Kuznetsov & Shilang -07 head to the Caribbean

Russia Seeks Access to Bases in Eight Countries for Its Ships and Bombers | CNS News

There is something else going on on the deeper levels behind the scenes and most likley I will be able to report about that in my next detailed planetary situation update, hopefully one week or so from now, when certain sensitive intel gets declassified and certain operations of the Light forces completed.

Sadly, in Ukraine the situation is not resolved yet and many people are fleeing the country:

Also, there is a real possibility of a military conflict escalating in the central part of Ukraine. The plan of the Cabal is to engage Ukrainian and Russian troops into conflict in ethnically mixed areas in central Ukraine and then call in a NATO invasion:

Ukraine Mobilizes Troops After Putin's 'Declaration Of War' Leaves Obama Dazed And Confused (Video) | War and Conflict

Therefore we are doing this peace meditation to calm down the situation.

This is time-sensitive and needs to go viral through your networks!

We are all doing this meditation at 9:12 pm Ukrainian time on Tuesday, March 4th as that is the astrological moment of maximal tension and maximal potential for release. The astrological chart reveals Mars, lunar node, Venus, Moon and Lilith in a grand cross, a potential for a military conflict escalation or its release and resolution:

Our meditation starts at 9:12 pm Ukrainian time. This equals 8:12 pm in Central Europe, 7.12 pm in UK, 2:12 pm EST, 1:12 pm CST, 12:12 pm MST and 11:12 am PST. The timing for many places worldwide in here:



1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes

2. Visualize a pillar of pink Light, coming from the Galactic Central Sun and then descending down through your body

3. Visualize that Light flowing through your heart and then through your hands directly to everybody involved in the Ukraine conflict, harmonizing everyone and bringing peace. Let that Light then flow onwards and heal all other conflicts worldwide, including situation in Venezuela.

4. Ask the Goddess presence (divine feminine) to come through your body

5. Ask that Goddess presence to direct energies of peace and harmony to all unresolved situations regarding the Ukraine conflict and everyone involved in them. Let these energies then flow onwards and heal all other conflicts worldwide, including situation in Venezuela. Allow these energies to flow through your heart and then through your hands into those situations for a few minutes

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be.

Posted by Cobra at 2:22 AM




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Pretty specific update on events.

[h=5]Eduard Erasmus

[/h]Greetings! This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, March 5, 2014. We are preparing for times on Earth that have never been seen before. Never. Many of you have come to Earth for this role and you are being called into Service. We have been working with you refining your energies. Many of you have been taken up to the Ships and you have memories of this. For those just waking up, be gentle with yourself. You will come into deeper understanding gradually. It takes time. The stage is set for upheavals of magnitude proportion on Earth for the next few months which will birth in the greatest period of abundance, beauty, love, truth, justice and peace ever known on Earth.

Earth is one of the smallest Planets in our local area. Very little is understood about Her StarGates. The natural and artificial StarGates on Earth make it possible to travel to other far flung destinations just by walking through. It is the easiest way to travel distances. This is why all of Earth’s Wars have been fought around the StarGates. This mode of travel is valuable to those on Planet and off Planet who have less than virtuous intentions. You can see now that there are a great number of Souls leaving Earth. These Ones have agreed to help Earth make her changes from the Other Side. There are also Extraterrestrials around Earth on and off Planet working together to try to control the StarGates. This has been an ongoing battle. The Councils in the Galactic Federation have been working together with multiple Star Nations governments and military’s to support Earth and help Her be released from the bullies wanting to control the StarGates of Earth. [] The off Planet Extraterrestrials work with the dark cabal from the Other Side to accomplish their manipulation of not only Earth but other Planets as well. There is no need to worry because this is being dealt with now. Often the question arises: How Long? The answer is the Galactic Federation have been working with Councils from many, many Planets coordinating the Earth effort for Changeover.

From March into May of this year we will experience the March Equinox [March 20], a Total Lunar Eclipse [April 15], Solar Eclipse [April 29] and Grand Cross[April 20-22 most intense period]. We will be experiencing much more than that! The large Solar Flare [Feb 24] [] began this period of influx into the Planet of Souls and MotherShips destined to rollout Changeover with The Event. [] A few days before this large Solar Flare Ashtar, the Dalai Lama, President Obama and I, Sananda, with many others met in Sante Fe, New Mexico moving forward the Plan for unveiling the Galactic Federation headquarters on Earth. It is from here Earth Operations will disperse.

The month of March begins with very High Beings of Light opening a new portal over the Ancient Lemurian energy lines. Beginning in the areas of South America by Chile and Peru, up the coast to Mexico, California and Washington, British Columbia, Alaska and across to the Aleutian Islands, Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand and all the Pacific Islands of that area the portal will open as a yoni opens for birth. During this opening mass numbers of walk-ins will come who are Great Beings of Light to fulfill their duty as Mentors to bring Earth to Changeover. These Beings will bring the Great Love and the Great Intelligence needed to make this all work. With them are significant Great Ships with the Pleiadian and Arcturian Technologies that will be used to bring Earth to Zero Point. This process will take some weeks to progress and is being assisted by those of you in the Ground Crew reading this. Tune into these arrivals and continue to help by being Beacons of Light and Love anchoring the new energies deep into Earth.

As we move into the beginning of April a new portal will be opened in the areas from Ireland, Portugal, Africa’s West Coast, Brazil, Venezuela, Cuba, the U.s. Eastern Seaboard, Newfoundland, Greenland and Iceland. During this period which follows the Great Crystal sunken in the Atlantic will be restored and placed in its original position whole. More walk-ins will come and they will support the Atlantis area of this Earth Mission as Mentors.

The second week of April there will be a large collaboration between the trillions of Ships surrounding Earth bringing in the energy down from Alcyone at Source and into Earth for this Mission of raising Earth to a level She has never achieved before. Humans are the only Beings who have the ability to travel through the StarGates at Earth. All humans throughout our Universe have this ability. Now Earth Humans will be given the ability, with the installation of Zero Point Energy to travel anywhere they please throughout our Universe and the Seven Super Universes.

You will see the Terraforming of Earth burst past sea level. You will see the multidimensional pyramids form and come into place in the Lemurian and Atlantian areas now. They will be utilized by MT Keshe and the Galactic Federation in their joint project creating a Zero Point Force Field of energy horizontally surrounding Earth. This is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical system may have while remaining physical. In this forcefield weapons will not work. This will make Earth’s environment a place of peace. Only then can we approve Ships Landings. With these mulitdimensional pyramids, and the restoration of Lemuria and Atlantis by the Cosmic Builders, the Pleiadians and Arcturians will be the first to Land on Earth and bring in the technologies which will change everything. You WILL SEE THIS in the physical happening this year. As the multidimensional pyramids connect with the Zero Point Modulators, Earth Pyramids, StarGates and Portals then they will in time become physical in this realm. This Mission restores Earth and in Her success makes it possible for all the other Planets out there needing restoration to have their success. Earth had to be the first. Earth’s Ascension is affecting thousands of Planets in this Galaxy directly with their Ascension as well as the evolution of the Entire Cosmos. Earth as a peaceful Planet earns her place as the 33rd Planet in the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds.

As we enter this period of tremendous growth we purify the limitations we have allowed on our minds. When we have limitations in place from the programing then it limits our ability to love and our ability to understand the vastness of Earth’s Ascension. Continue to do the inner work needed to drop the programming that comes form living in Earth’s Matrix. There is nothing that needs to be done. You do not need to do anything. The Cosmos is collaborating with all the Company of Heaven in a sequence of events to bring the BIG ARRESTS, Changeover to Zero Point and The Event. There is an old saying: April Showers Bring May Flowers. Know you are loved and cared for and YOU ARE NEVER ALONE! Namaste! This is Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, March 5, 2014. © All Rights

StarGate Earth | Countdown to Disclosure

Table of Contents Table of Contents- Preface - Dedication - Foreword 1. SELF DISCLOSURE 2. ANCIENT ASTRONAUT THEORISTS 3. THE DISCLOSURE...




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A note for volunteers to give to their community leaders. What to expect in the first weeks. After bank shutdown and new bank cards.

[h=1]Community Leaders Brief[/h]
Download “Community Leaders Brief” community-leaders-brief.pdf – 85 kB
Dear Community Leader,

You have been given this brief so that you may understand what is happening now in regards to the closure of the banking system. We hope you will help maintain the calm and peace of your community during this short period of change. We also will encourage you to support those in positions of responsibility to help maintain the status quo in regards to the vital necessities of your local community.

We are hoping that food, water, electricity, internet, gasoline, transportation and phone service will not be disrupted during this banking system change over. Furthermore this community leader brief is been created to help you understand what is transpiring around the world at this time. The person or persons giving you this brief are part of a worldwide network which is dedicated to a peaceful transition to a transparent financial system for our banking systems worldwide.

Who do we represent and who is behind this process?

Our group is comprised of intelligent, aware individuals from all segments of society and we are dedicated to non-violent change. We have been made aware of what is now transpiring by key individuals in the world’s secret service organizations and military. Top ranking members of the world’s political infrastructure are also supporting these lawful enforcements. These honest patriots in the CIA, NSA, FBI, military, sheriff and police forces have counterparts from around the world involved in a simultaneous sweep of financial criminals.

To summarize, there are large international multijurisdictional task forces who have uncovered large-scale corruption in the financial and political arenas and are now taking lawful actions to end this criminal behavior. Certain leaders of regional and national law enforcement agencies and police forces are aware of what is now taking place as well. We also anticipate military presence to be deployed in the cities to help maintain the peace. We are anticipating broadcasts over the emergency broadcast network to explain the situation very soon if they have not begun by the time you have received this document.

What is happening and why are the banks closed?

What is happening at this time is a necessary financial reset of the global central banking system. Unfortunately this must necessitate the closing of every computer tied into the central banks. This will leave the entire planet without access to cash, ATM , machines, credit cards or stock markets.

There will be no currency available other than what is already in circulation for a maximum time of possibly 2 weeks. The intent and plans of these lawful agencies in charge are hoping for a best-case scenario of 3-5 days for the banking system to be offline. However with so many variables at play, the exact time it will take to affect this changeover in reality is unknown at this time. This lack of money amongst the world’s populace clearly may create some hardships in various locations as some may panic for not being able to access their money via the normal channels.

Your vital role in this process

This is where our contact with you and your leadership is vital to maintain an open honest and transparent communication network with those in your community and those fellow community leaders who will maybe not know what is happening or be able to receive this brief in a timely manner. One of the most important actions we will ask you to perform is the monitoring of the local police forces that are not aware of this event and what is transpiring. They may see the people’s confusion and mistake this natural reaction as hostile or potentially violent. We ask that above all these forces remain vigilant proactive and refrain from violence.

Important suggestions to maintain peace for a harmonious change
We ask that food and water banks and local community groups be encouraged to begin to serve the populace if these bank closures result in disruptions to any of the following for too long: transportation, food, water, electrical grid, cell phone towers , internet, television, emergency services, hospitals and any other vital network that may be affected.

How did we know this is happening now?

Our group has been contacted and we have been asked to act as an informational network and infrastructure to support you in your appointed tasks whatever they may be. If you are a mayor or a water district manager or the communities liaison to the power companies we hope you will see to it that your responsibilities and services remain uninterrupted during the time while the banks are closed. We further ask that you provide a means to get these necessities to those that require them via your local communities infrastructure such as soup kitchens on school grounds or distribution of water for those in need. We ask that hospitals and emergency services be given priority and support to protect the aged and informed.

Why is this happening?

Unfortunately there has been criminal malfeasance within the world banking systems including the Federal Reserve for many years. These individuals in charge have corrupted many aspects of the world’s political infrastructure and greed and lust for power has thwarted the democratic process and caused much harm to our worlds ecosystems and societal and national relations.

Evidence to be presented to the public

Evidence is being held which indicates a system of financial fraud and corruption, which has resulted in the institutionalized theft of trillions of the world’s hard earned money. This is now ending as the evidence and the serving of indictments, and arrests of those responsible has now begun. These individuals involved in this conspiracy are very powerful and politically connected criminals. They have been repeatedly been warned to follow the laws of their respective countries but some of them have refused.

Time to act

This refusal to comply to the law has now forced closure of the central banks which is now affecting the entire world banking systems. This radical action is required to enforce the law and is now being implemented by a coordinated police force action around the globe. The reason this has not been done by alerting the populace before hand is because the criminals in charge control the world media and have established censors worldwide. A policeman does not tell a criminal he is going to be arrested or he will flee.

Powerful leaders will fall

This banking racketeering operation has included some very powerful public figures which when the dust settles will most likely shock many people. This is not a military coup or anything negative. In fact we feel this will allow for a more honest system of governance, which will find worldwide support as the truth is revealed to the public in the weeks to come.

Your right to question the truth of this brief is noted
We understand you may not be aware or agree to this information that is being presented here but we ask you to consider that this brief was created on September 29th, 2013. This should help to act as evidence to what is now taking place was known by us who created this document beforehand. We further want to reiterate that this is not a military coup and there is no reason for panic and fear. Whether you believe us or not as to the nature of this worldwide event we ask that you do your best to facilitate calm and peace within your communities as efficiently as possible.

In conclusion

We ask that you keep an open mind to this document and know we are supporting you in your position of responsibility and power as a leader of your community. Please know that this transition is intended to be for a short period of time only. You will be asked to think locally and to not wait for federal instructions as certain communication channels may be disrupted.

Please study this document and if possible talk candidly to the persons who bought this brief to your attention, they may have some very good wisdom to clarify what is happening and will share ideas that may benefit you and your community.

We also have a website ([url][/URL] where you may access links to articles and evidence that what we are saying has been in process for quite some time. We will encourage you to educate yourself via these links. If the internet network remains open during the time of the closing of the banks these links will help you understand more. If the internet is down we ask you to interface with those who bought you this document.

Respectfully submitted
By Prepare For Change team




Bronze Member
Jan 6, 2005
Rocky Mountains
Detector(s) used
Minelab X-Terra 705 Gold Coil
deteknixXpointer Probe
Minelab Ex-Terra 70
White's Classic II
2014-2015 Colorado Gold Camp Prospector
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting


Bronze Member
Jan 6, 2005
Rocky Mountains
Detector(s) used
Minelab X-Terra 705 Gold Coil
deteknixXpointer Probe
Minelab Ex-Terra 70
White's Classic II
2014-2015 Colorado Gold Camp Prospector
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Russian 7.62 NATO ammo - Putin stopping export - expect much higher prices as this news spreads.



Bronze Member
Jan 6, 2005
Rocky Mountains
Detector(s) used
Minelab X-Terra 705 Gold Coil
deteknixXpointer Probe
Minelab Ex-Terra 70
White's Classic II
2014-2015 Colorado Gold Camp Prospector
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Next Ten Days....
From March 08 through the 18th or so expect Chaos.
Many forces and situations are energizing and we are entering a "Chaotic Node". This was anticipated as a natural progression to higher dimensions.

Anything can happen. Some good people I follow on the net seem to be arguing for force. For retribution. I get that. They are warriors. But we are beyond the need for physical violence. Violence never ends. It feeds on itself. Violence is the ultimate tool of the dark forces. There is nothing they can do to prevent us reaching the Light. We Live in the Light. The dark cannot. Light beats Dark every time. :)

Don't get caught up. Everything is going according to plan. We are Winning............



Full Member
Feb 16, 2014
Detector(s) used
Equinox 600
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting




Bronze Member
Jan 6, 2005
Rocky Mountains
Detector(s) used
Minelab X-Terra 705 Gold Coil
deteknixXpointer Probe
Minelab Ex-Terra 70
White's Classic II
2014-2015 Colorado Gold Camp Prospector
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
LOL Indeed...............

[h=2]Sunday, March 9, 2014
FINAL L2 and FINAL L1 clear, decrypt FINAL L0, LSF operational

Posted by Cobra at 10:31 AM


Jr. Member
Feb 19, 2014
Southern ILL
Detector(s) used
Garret GTI 1500 (inherited from grandpa)
Marksman(cheap gift from wife)
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
When is this movie coming out? Sounds better than the new Godzilla film.

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