Staying "hidden" with orginal intent...?

Hell no I don't and if you'd like to help feel free to drive on down guy! "That, staining and polying" is the biggest bottleneck I've always had. Maybe you and Roger would like to meet HERE and we'll all have "fun"...? :laughing7:

Hmmm, knowing your attention to detail ,I'm trying to get "fun" out of stain and poly without using dip tanks and trying to wipe off runs.
Between the three of us , either seniority or guile leaves me seeing only one pair of stained hands so far........trapped in the shop with only cold coffee for hours.:icon_scratch:

Hmmm, knowing your attention to detail ,I'm trying to get "fun" out of stain and poly without using dip tanks and trying to wipe off runs.
Between the three of us , either seniority or guile leaves me seeing only one pair of stained hands so far........trapped in the shop with only cold coffee for hours.:icon_scratch:

Your right.... so don't ask any more questions unless your coming on down to help...! :laughing7: Your right... NO FUN IN STAIN OR POLY!!!!! Move on and you'll be on a need to know basis buddy.

Well I got all 10 boxes assembled today using the new jigs and they worked great. Made the process so much faster. I haven't used a tape measure during this entire build of these 10 yet. That was the entire goal all along. And I look forward to contacting each pastor to see if they and their congregation is interested in filling the boxes and delivering each one to a needy child or children. I hope not only toys are involved but with a lot of food if needed.

Stay tuned.... Brad

Its good you found a way around the problem.

It seems its getting harder and harder to just do a good deed, with no strings attached, now days!
There is so much more involved. Kinda of ironic.


I'm sure your toy boxes are awesome, high quality pieces.
American handmade, is some of the best stuff in the world.
Surely, the pastors and congregations, will be pleased to
fill the boxes with toys and, you will be blessed, in giving
as secretly as you can. You will be rewarded openly, even
if no one else but your family knows, by our father, who
sees all things that are done in secret...

My hat off to you also sir. I know the boxes will be a tremendous,
lasting gift, for the needy recipients' playing enjoyment. :treasurechest: :thumbsup:

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Hi Brad; You are a true inspiration to ALL of Us here. Talk to the Pastors. They are not dumb and love these types of things. May God Bless You & Yours. PEACE:RONB :notworthy: Hats Off :leprechaun-hat:

Hi Brad; You are a true inspiration to ALL of Us here. Talk to the Pastors. They are not dumb and love these types of things. May God Bless You & Yours. PEACE:RONB :notworthy: Hats Off :leprechaun-hat:

Thank you... stay tuned... :dontknow:

I think Barker and HobbyHuntress said it best. I grew up in a town of 7,000, with 35 churches. Peace be with you, Brad.

Tomorrow is the start of staining "day" for the 10 boxes. I'm going to use 5 different shades. Anybody wanna help....? :dontknow:

Sure..... I will be waiting. Head west....When you get to the Pacific ocean....Call me!
I'am currently installing cabinets....So plan on a few days bro!!

Sure..... I will be waiting. Head west....When you get to the Pacific ocean....Call me!
I'am currently installing cabinets....So plan on a few days bro!!

Have limitool pick me up on the way! ROAD TRIP!!!!!!:laughing7:

If I drive my vehicle adventure would be a mild word!! We will need lots of duct tape and coat hangers!!:laughing7: and will have to push it 99.9999% of the way! but I'm game!:laughing7:

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I did not read any comments but if I had the money and wanted to stay real low anonymous I would toss a couple gold coins in there coin bucket.

Tomorrow is the start of staining "day" for the 10 boxes. I'm going to use 5 different shades. Anybody wanna help....? :dontknow:

Too bad we weren't closer. I've always HATED painting and other finishing, but the wife likes that part. So when I do have the chance to build anymore, it's a great arrangement!! :icon_thumleft::icon_thumright:

Ok KCM is a part of the road trip too!!

We will take detectors and pans! To get money for gas! Detecting and panning across America! Anyone want to sponsor us for a Tv series? A Tnet Road trip! We can get every member worked into this some how! Bigwavedave to take pics of any injuries! You know how many spin offs we could get out of this!!!:laughing7:

I said the wife did finish work - I ONLY do the building anymore!! :laughing7:

She spends most of her time changing things around. I don't mind, unless she ends up moving some of "my" stuff around, which inevitably happens more often than I wish. Wasn't so bad years ago, but now she can't remember where she puts things any better than I can, and I'm always clueless! :laughing9:

I said the wife did finish work - I ONLY do the building anymore!! :laughing7:

She spends most of her time changing things around. I don't mind, unless she ends up moving some of "my" stuff around, which inevitably happens more often than I wish. Wasn't so bad years ago, but now she can't remember where she puts things any better than I can, and I'm always clueless! :laughing9:

Thats funny!! We do that too! We hide things then forget! She has a nice ring. We did some trading around to get it. Anyhow, where we use to live she was afraid to wear it so she hid it. When we moved, The last night we were there!!!! I was taking something out the back door and accidentally hit the smoke detector and the cover fell off. The ring was wrapped in tissue and landed on the floor!!! We had both forgot about it, and just thought the other one packed it, plus at that time everything was happening so fast we weren't really thinking!!!!! We just looked at each other and were both kind of sick just of thought......
Probably still stuff hidden in that house! When I had a little money it was hid everywhere! Fuse box, under carpets, We moved stuff out of a closet, I just happened to pick up the carpet and 1 thousand bucks was under there! GEEEZZZZ wish I had that problem right now!!!:laughing7:

We've lived here for over 10 years, but the "extreme" water problem has made it impossible to set up a decent workshop. I have a building with concrete floors, but concrete is porous, and the water table is so high that even using Dry-Lok paint or epoxy enamel wouldn't stop all the moisture. ...Then there's the humidity. I've had tools in dry storage, yet everything just keeps rusting away. Just can't figure how to fight this much moisture. ...Which is probably "why" this is such a desolate and remote area. Lots of skeeters, far from town, but otherwise is really nice. ...Nice enough that I've stayed here for over 10 years without a shop. ...My workshop is the great outdoors!! Probably couldn't have handled that nearly this long, but am limited in what I can physically do to the point that a shop is no longer a "necessity". Used to, it was a requirement in my life. Now, just an amazing luxury, but FAR from a necessity. ...But makes even simple tasks much more time and labor intensive.

Funny thing on the finishing though. When it comes to painting, the wife knows probably better than me what to do. But for wood finishes, she still asks me what "I" would use and how "I" would apply it and "where I" would set things up, etc. ...But believe me, she's fully capable of doing wonderful work all on her own. ....Personally, I think she just likes making it a "group effort", with only the two of us as "the group". :occasion14:

Thats funny!! We do that too! We hide things then forget! She has a nice ring. We did some trading around to get it. Anyhow, where we use to live she was afraid to wear it so she hid it. When we moved, The last night we were there!!!! I was taking something out the back door and accidentally hit the smoke detector and the cover fell off. The ring was wrapped in tissue and landed on the floor!!! We had both forgot about it, and just thought the other one packed it, plus at that time everything was happening so fast we weren't really thinking!!!!! We just looked at each other and were both kind of sick just of thought......
Probably still stuff hidden in that house! When I had a little money it was hid everywhere! Fuse box, under carpets, We moved stuff out of a closet, I just happened to pick up the carpet and 1 thousand bucks was under there! GEEEZZZZ wish I had that problem right now!!!:laughing7:

Many moons ago I put 5 one hundred dollar bills under the drivers floor mat of my car. Since I don't clean my vehicle properly nothing got moved. I forgot all about the money. Went to MI. about 18-24 months later. They had a real wet snow fall going on. I asked my step son to move my car and he said sure. When he got out he noticed all the snow on the floor mat and drug it out to shake off the snow and then put it back. Later the next day he made a comment he found my "secret stash" and I asked what he meant...? He just said the hundred dollar bills under the floor mat. I went to check and then remembered them....! :tongue3:

Staining party starts in 1 hour... EVERYBODY HURRY. No need to knock just come on in the shop, grab a brush or rag and lets rock! Beers after were 1/2 way done.... :occasion14:

Staining party starts in 1 hour... EVERYBODY HURRY. No need to knock just come on in the shop, grab a brush or rag and lets rock! Beers after were 1/2 way done.... :occasion14:

:laughing7: When the Beer comes out that's when the Best ideas are created! "hey dude? Bet you can't fit in that toy box!" ....."oh ya!! I'll bet I can!! watch this!!"....."Hey!!!? come on guys! Let me out of here!! HEY...Wait Are we moving!! Let ME OUT!!! come on this isn't funny any more, I have to pee! GUYS? Hellooooo!!!"

And yes!! I would more than likely end up being the guy in the Box!!!:laughing7:

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