Stock Certificate; need help identifying.


Full Member
Oct 22, 2013
Has anybody ever heard of Docum Incorporated? It was a chain haberdashery in the 1920's. This certificate belonged to my great uncle, but it was never cancelled. Any suggestions? KIMG0100.jpgKIMG0103.jpg

Check your local library. Most have a financial section and there are reference books that track corporate histories : did the company get bought out by another company for cash, did they merger into another company and received new stock, or
did they just go bankrupt.

Contact Pershing. They keep all of the records on all companies for as far back as it goes. This is only 10 shares but if it has paper trail to an existing company it could be a windfall.
I had a friend who owned a gas station in the 60's and gave away blue chip stamps. (anyone remember those?) Because he participated in the program when Blue Chip went public he was given a pre IPO opportunity equal to 1000.00 dollars which got him 648 shares. Blue chip was owned by Sees candy and sees candy was acquired. Letters went out and he sent his 648 shares in for stock replacements of the new company. He received back 16 shares of the new company and was mad. (He did not understand value per share vs quantity of shares)He thought he lost his money and stuck it in a drawer where it sat for over 30 years until I came along. To shorten the story he reached into his drawer and pulled out the certificate and handed it to me. He was holding 16 shares of Berkshire Hathaway at the time worth just shy of 2 million dollars. I ended up having to send the original shares to Pershing for validation. They were his! He was 74 years old and could not afford to retire Just a few weeks prior he offered to sell me his business so he could cut his time down to 3 days a week because he was so tired. When I got the news I opened him a pershing account and brought him his balance. He cried. Good man now has no more worries.

Contact Pershing. They keep all of the records on all companies for as far back as it goes. This is only 10 shares but if it has paper trail to an existing company it could be a windfall.
I had a friend who owned a gas station in the 60's and gave away blue chip stamps. (anyone remember those?) Because he participated in the program when Blue Chip went public he was given a pre IPO opportunity equal to 1000.00 dollars which got him 648 shares. Blue chip was owned by Sees candy and sees candy was acquired. Letters went out and he sent his 648 shares in for stock replacements of the new company. He received back 16 shares of the new company and was mad. (He did not understand value per share vs quantity of shares)He thought he lost his money and stuck it in a drawer where it sat for over 30 years until I came along. To shorten the story he reached into his drawer and pulled out the certificate and handed it to me. He was holding 16 shares of Berkshire Hathaway at the time worth just shy of 2 million dollars. I ended up having to send the original shares to Pershing for validation. They were his! He was 74 years old and could not afford to retire Just a few weeks prior he offered to sell me his business so he could cut his time down to 3 days a week because he was so tired. When I got the news I opened him a pershing account and brought him his balance. He cried. Good man now has no more worries.
Great story

Great story
Truth. I can't tell you how many people got mad because I didn't buy it from him for 30K or some ridiculous amount. If I hadn't of found it The next guy would have stolen it from him. He is such a Minnesota farm boy he would have let it go without question. Such a great guy.

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