"Stone Boot/Cave" James Treasure...Where is the Stone Boot Site located????

Re: "Stone Boot/Cave" James Treasure...Where is the Stone Boot Site located????

Where is Crater lake??? Is it in the wichita mt's. wildlife refuge????
Someone please let me know...this is driving me mad! Hahahahaha. ;D ;D ;D

Re: "Stone Boot/Cave" James Treasure...Where is the Stone Boot Site located????

Crater Lake is pretty plainly marked in the wildlife refuge. It's directly south of Sulphur Flats and directly east of Quanah Parker lake. If you come in from Medicine Park, it's where you turn left to go to Indiahoma. You look all you want, but there is no stone boot, no Jesse James cave, no outlaw grave, no two guys looking at each other across a creek, or anything related to the supposed map of the morning star gold. Steve Wilson started this up in his book about Oklahoma treasures and treasure tales. His brother George told me that Steve had written to J. Frank Dobey and Dobey said the real treasure was in writing about lost treasures. If you read his book about Oklahoma and his book about the Texas spider rocks, he uses the same story but puts it in two different states. But all of his stuff is good reading. You can't take your detector, but go on down there and look around all you want. Watch out for the rattlesnakes and particularly take care that you don't get between a buffalo cow and her calf. I speak from experience.

Re: "Stone Boot/Cave" James Treasure...Where is the Stone Boot Site located????

So ok...now I'm completely confused...Who came up with the whole "Crator Lake" location????
No Cave, No Creek,...I was under the impression that the location had to be further norther...like between fletcher and cement.
That area would make more since.
Where's "Buzzards Roost" in relation to wichita mt. wild life refuge???? I thought it was north of the refuge????

Re: "Stone Boot/Cave" James Treasure...Where is the Stone Boot Site located????

Cement is NNE of the refuge. Buzzard's Roost is a couple of miles east of town on 277 about a half mile south of the highway. Frank James did live down there for a time, and his mother had been to visit him when she passed away in Oklahoma City on the way back to Missouri. If you want to see the house Frank lived in, they moved it to Eagle Park, near Cache. That place is closed now, but the owner might let you come in by appointment, or sell it to you if you contact him. Joe Hunter had a map that pretty much corresponds to the Buzzard's Roost area, but that's a completely different thing than the map with the cave and stone boot you're talking about. That one is called the map of the morning star gold, and just looking at it, it appears to refer to an area along the old Chisholm Trail. At least I had to agree that much with Bob Brewer's intrepretation of it. Keep after it, guy. You might come up with something nobody's figured out yet.

Re: "Stone Boot/Cave" James Treasure...Where is the Stone Boot Site located????

2late2dig--Glad you've picked up on this; you seem to at least be familiar with the area. I went all around that area many times and never found a stone boot. Or any other signs. You've been in the Wichitas, so you know that it's a different world every time you go out. If you go over to Quanah Parker Lake and walk south before the dam there are two rock formations that look like two guys looking at each other. Lots of digging in that area, but it's probably glory holes from the gold rush. I still think that map is for another area. I'll tell you this. You obviously know about Longhorn Mt., since you cited Harvey Freeze. There was a trail that skirted the east side of Longhorn Mt. and there was what was called in later days an outlaw hideout on the eastern slope of that mountain. Have any info on that? Here's something else I'll tell you, as you know the area. Leon Redbone told me that in about 1970 a white man came to him asking him the location of a particular Indian camp. He took him to an area along the creek behind the Saddle Mt. store. This guy had a metal detector and dug up two fruit jars full of silver dollars. I have no reason to doubt Redbone's veracity, but he wouldn't point out the exact location to me as he was pretty ticked off that the guy didn't share anything with him. Also, you misunderstood what I said about Steve Wilson on the Spider Rock deal. I know it's in Texas, but some what he wrote about that is exactly the same thing he said about treasure stories in Oklahoma. Give me some time and I'll give you the references or page numbers. I'll be down there in May so let me know if you all have anything going on.

Re: "Stone Boot/Cave" James Treasure...Where is the Stone Boot Site located????

2l2d--I'll send you an E-mail on that. Camp Doris is covered up mostly by the lake. I was going to the refuge in the days when you could camp anywhere, but that's pretty much limited to only one place now. Do you have any info on Twin Mountains over by Snyder Lake? Particularly about some sort of shootout that took place there. I have talked to folks who found a lot of empty cartridges around there, but haven't found anything related to the Spanish gold taken from from Devil's Canyon and supposedly buried there. There's a good chance something is there.

Re: "Stone Boot/Cave" James Treasure...Where is the Stone Boot Site located????

Wow...all of a sudden I don't think that I have even scratched the surface on the the whole wichita mt's treasure stories.
2late...I found another web site forum that you have been posting things on regarding this site and I have to commend you...
you have definatly done your homework!!!
Incidently...I've read and re-read Steve Wilsons book so much that it has completely came unglued from itself and is now just mostely
a bonch of loose pages!!! Hahahahahahaha!
Did you ever publish your book???? Read about you and your intentions to publish a book...just curious....frankly I get more out of reading about
it then actually searching for it...no time to search thing! lol

Re: "Stone Boot/Cave" James Treasure...Where is the Stone Boot Site located????

The book will be finished soon and then I need to get the money together to have it published. It should be sometime this year. I have a treasure blog site that I've started to help other hunters out. I've included a lot of links that help with research. I even tell you how to decode one of the maps in Wilson's book. I might do the horse and saddle cave map next.


Re: "Stone Boot/Cave" James Treasure...Where is the Stone Boot Site located????

monkeymann- 2late's the real deal. And you're right, you haven't even scratched the surface of the whole treasure in the Wichita's thing. Thank you for not mentioning the cave with the iron door. If you have time, research the north or salt fork of the Red River. If you go there, particularly look in the area on the north side of Navaho Mountain between the river and the mountain. The entire river from Texas up to about Sayre Ok is packed with history. Keep after it.

Re: "Stone Boot/Cave" James Treasure...Where is the Stone Boot Site located????

Yea...I think everyone is tired of the "Iron Door Story"...Unless there's something I don't know about that one????
I always had a problem with the whole..."I found a Treasure, then lost it..couldn't find the place again...didn't take "ANY"of it with me....stories...
If I found that door, if it even existed in the first place, It would be game over for the door! Wouldn't leave until I figured out how to get in!! Go's for gold too...I'd at least take something with me...And I'd make one hell of a map...40-feet long if I had to...with a trail of bread crums and FLORISCENT PAINT and road signs, if thats what It took to get back to the silly thing! KNow what I mean. Hahahaha.

Re: "Stone Boot/Cave" James Treasure...Where is the Stone Boot Site located????

North or Salt fork of the Red River...are you refering to the "Devils Canyon" area???
I ordered an ariel map as well as a typo of the devil's canyon area several years ago...The canyon was marked as being an "Off Limits area".
You're probably refering to the Red River it'self and the relationship to the Santa Fe trail right????

Re: "Stone Boot/Cave" James Treasure...Where is the Stone Boot Site located????

I'm referring to the the North Fork of the Red River which was at one time considered the boundary between the US and Texas. That was settled in the Greer County case, and if you could get ahold of that testimony you would have a lot of information. There's testimonies of fortifications in the area of the Briggs Ranch and Comanche Springs that could possibly be attributed to the Spanish. I was down there at Lake Lugert one day looking around for arrowheads and ran into another guy who lived around there. I asked him if he knew anything about rock forts further on up the river. He told me yeah, they were built by the soldiers that stayed along the river to keep the Indians out of Texas. Well, this might well be. I've done some research on the Buffalo Soldiers, who were patrolling that area. Hardly any credit was given to them a few years ago, but some info is coming out now. There's a possibility they built these fortifications. How they made them appear years before the army was there I don't know. You're looking for treasure of gold and silver. I am far more interested in treasure of historical and archaeological knowledge. (But I guarantee you I'll take the gold if it pops up) Keep us posted about your adventures.

Re: "Stone Boot/Cave" James Treasure...Where is the Stone Boot Site located????

I must be getting old for not remembering or knowing...or I wasn't really paying attention in history class...
I completely forgot that texas at one time belonged to mexico. I've been to the alamo a couple of time's....heck I went Army training "Back in the Day", Hahaha, in San Antonio.
I guess I didn't really realize that it streched all the way to the Red River! Ok that would explain all of where the spanish storys come from...at least in this area.
I always wanted to explore the Red River/Devil Canyon area and other area's like the wild life refuge...I'm only about three hours away...just havn't gotten around to it.

Re: "Stone Boot/Cave" James Treasure...Where is the Stone Boot Site located????

Yea...I've also wanted to hit Cut Throat Gap with a Metal Detector...but thats probably either within the boundrys of the wild life rufuge or on restricted property, or historically protected...
I always thought...they couldn't have gotten all of the silver coins...there has to be at least "ONE" someone left behind.
Imagine the historical value something like that could command...
It would definatly help validate the story!

Re: "Stone Boot/Cave" James Treasure...Where is the Stone Boot Site located????

So......Is Cut Throat Gap Off Limits?????
Is it with in the boundrys of the park???

Re: "Stone Boot/Cave" James Treasure...Where is the Stone Boot Site located????

Cut Throat is on both private and the refuge. I was over that way yesterday. You can go to the county courthouse to find out who owns it. I'm not sure about getting permission to go on it.

Re: "Stone Boot/Cave" James Treasure...Where is the Stone Boot Site located????

Last I heard, Cutthroat Gap was on the Dan Haley Ranch. Many years ago, Sunday school groups would picnic there and look for arrowheads or silver dollars. There was also supposedly a gun battle between miners and settlers there, but I only have one reference for that. I have been there once, but only managed to wake up a rattlesnake in February. Supposedly silver dollars would wash out every once in awhile after a heavy rain. I have found no reference in Osage history regarding taking a bunch of silver dollars from this massacre, but there is historical information that the Kiowas probably had them at that time. As far as access, I have heard that Dan Haley allowed the Kiowas to come onto the site. The site is considered sacred so it might be pretty rude to go in digging around here and there.

Re: "Stone Boot/Cave" James Treasure...Where is the Stone Boot Site located????

Yea...Digging on sacred Indian ground is bound to be frowned upon...Is it considered sacred because of the massacre??
Would be cool to see though.

Incidently...how bad are the "Rattle Snakes" in the wichita's...and how does one protect themself from the stupid things???

Re: "Stone Boot/Cave" James Treasure...Where is the Stone Boot Site located????

It's sacred in the same context the Oklahoma City bombing site might be considered so. This is where ancestors were killed and any remains should not be disturbed. Another concept that will be hard to grasp is there is a belief that everything that happened in the past in a place is like it just happened. Plus, the refuge frowns on digging and I imagine the landowners are tired of dealing with certain treasure hunters over the years. In 1832, the Kiowa had a fight with some American Traders in the Texas Panhandle. These traders were reportedly carrying 10,000 dollars in silver. The Kiowas got some silver dollars and when the Comanches told them what they were they returned to the site and found a lot more. This part is historical fact. Two fruit jars of possibly these same silver dollars were recovered west of Saddle Mountain around 1970 from an old camp site. Maybe there's more stashed around and maybe there's not. As to rattlesnakes, there's a lot, but you shouldn't have a lot of problem with them unless you wander onto the front of a den on the first warm day of spring. That could be interesting. I always watch for the black and white stripes near the tail as this is easier for me to spot. Another thing that seems to help is to carry a walking stick and tap the ground as you go with it. This seems to alert them and they'll move out of the way. I never kill 'em and always respect them. Copperheads are more dangerous to me as they're quiet, sneaky, and quick.

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