
The forum may not be the place to air this; maybe a psych doc would be more appropriate. lol I've lived all of my life with stress. I seem to thrive on it. I know it's not good for me; but can't get rid of it. It's almost like the driving force in my life. If I'm not worrying about one thing, it's two others. It just seems a part of me. I actually talked to a psych doc once, a few years ago about it. I don't believe she knew what to tell me. Just said it's something that I shouldn't do.
I don't have a lot of things that should worry me. I feel that I've 'got it made'. But still have to have something to stress over. It's like my 'hurry' mode. My hurry mode is something I believe is part of the stress factor. When I start to do something, I feel the need do it right; but rush through it so I can get into the next thing I need/want to do. I was always taught to do something right. If it was something that needed to done, do it now, and be done with it. When I was done, then I could do things that I'd rather be doing instead of worrying about leaving something undone.
Ok, enough. Am I just a hopeless case? Probably. I've lived with it all my life; why try to change now? lol Hey, don't let this bother You!!!

Did anyone take time to read this?

GOD Bless

Stress: Deep in the Heart of You
People can get inside you and eat out your guts.

by Roy Masters

People can get inside you and eat out your guts; a metaphor for a certain wasp that lays a single egg that emerges nourished from the guts of its living caterpillar host.

You may remember my saying that the very moment you became resentful, something of the nature of the temptation got inside you. In the split-second before the resentment rose up in you to meet the challenge, you may have had a brief glimpse of the truth; namely, that the spirit of your tempter is pride and its nature is that of the beast. But your glimpse was a passing one, for the challenge to your inherited pride shot past your sentry and shut out the light making you overreact. Compounding all the old confusions inside, it diverted your attention from your growing inability to stand firm against intimidators.


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By making you focus resentfully upon outside threats and entangling your mind with fear and worry, the tempter prevents you from fully realizing the truth and relying on the faith in the common sense that would save you from sinking.

You might think of temptation as a tempest; once it gushes into your boat, the boat becomes unstable, less resistant to the rushing water. In the same way, when stress gets inside you, it becomes the "friend" of the temptation that is pouring in from the outside and getting ready to take over your life.

With a little navigational knowledge and understanding of the subtle currents flowing through the oceans of people surrounding you, you can discover how to guide your vessel -- i.e., yourself -- through the stormy seas.

First, you became upset; then, recalling the circumstances to mind, you resented the awareness of what was going on inside you.

Finally, you distracted yourself from that awareness by creating and attacking those superficial problems, while continually carrying on a rear-guard action against your conscience.

It is now such a firmly established pattern, you cannot deal with moment-by-moment events in thepresent. Primarily, it is because you are absent-minded -- your soul is not in the Presence. Emotionally entangled with intrigue, you are bound by memories of the past and with dreams of the future -- possibly revenge. You are away from that presence of mind, the only time frame available for action, where the real solution lives and awaits your recognition. It exists as the potential beyond conscience, awaiting your awareness of His right to govern.


Getting in the fresh air even if its winter and getting a little exercise helps me beat stress as just talking to a friend does and being heard.

Or maybe just laying there and watching the hay in the sky! Frankfive star.png

_Hay in sky.jpg

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