sue state for violating fed mining rights

I don't make a living dredging but it did suppliment my income with gold found dredging, its only 3 to 5 oz per season, but it makes a difference, and I report it and paid income taxes on it.

Dredging is the only effective way to retreive the gold on my claim, and nearly impossible to get to it by hand. There is no mercury on my claim, as is the case for all of the places I have dredged over the years except Clear Creek, found just a little stuck to the gold there.

I am effectively shut down and unable to profit without the right to dredge. Dredging is environmentally friendly and does not pollute the environment, if it did I wouldn't be dredging. Just wish those trying to stop it would be honest about the science.

Theres's one thing I've noticed from this whole SB670 fraud, someones making a lot $ from this, I wonder how much the EIR cost total both private contractors and time spent by the Government. Not to mention the lobbyists and lawyers.

Look fellas anybody think about fighting fire with fire????
The ban on dredging closes many more rivers than have salmon runs, secondly if you look at the benefits of dredging i.e. reclamation of Mercury and rejuvenation of the salmon spawning beds that have been silted in by logging.
It seems to me if sold properly, we could possibly get the sierra club to pick up our banner and sway the well funded Eco movement to our side of the river.
It's pretty obvious that the Indian tribes were pushed into this by someone with a hidden agenda and false information.
Fight back with real science and truth, just an idea?
Contact me if any one wants to pursue this line of thinking.

Tarkus said:
Look fellas anybody think about fighting fire with fire????
The ban on dredging closes many more rivers than have salmon runs, secondly if you look at the benefits of dredging i.e. reclamation of Mercury and rejuvenation of the salmon spawning beds that have been silted in by logging.
It seems to me if sold properly, we could possibly get the sierra club to pick up our banner and sway the well funded Eco movement to our side of the river.
It's pretty obvious that the Indian tribes were pushed into this by someone with a hidden agenda and false information.
Fight back with real science and truth, just an idea?
Contact me if any one wants to pursue this line of thinking.
all of them have hidden agends! if you think that the Seirra club would back us, your absolutly wrong!ive dealt with the seirra club and they want to fight us in everyway they can! let them get your phone number or home address and youll find out real quick how theyll deal with you! i found out back in 2002 from the friendly f56kers !! for three days they filled my answering machine with foul mouthed replies to me inwhick my wife and grandchildren heard untill i stoped it! they will get what they wantand screw anyone that says differently! once this mercury report is spread throughout the FS across the Nation, all of them will stop allowing dredgeing in all states on federal propertys. some states already do this for state owned propertys and there isnt ANYTHING you or i can do about it! if a person isnt involved with fighting this activly, your part of the problem and itll never go away! o is in office because the efforts the wacoenviromentalists! and now its their payack time! and theyre getting all they can now before o isnt reelected. if we dont get involved 100% of us, then we can just sit back and watch it happen! yep the end is near the end for dredgeing in ALL states! jfyi! John "Hoser" Oats has been fighting for our rights for many years in more capacitys than most people even know about. he has been there and done that and he knows what hes talking about!i dont blaime him for being pzzed! i am to!

I might as well spill some beans-In the early 80's as a member of the Nevada Stae Haz/Mat Appeals Board and response member we got into mercury in fish bigtime. Lake Lahonton at the end a the Carson River had the most mercury contaminated flesh on the planet. In the dayz of old in Brunswick canyon by CC there was a massive blowout that took quite a few storage tanks spilling over a million pounds of mercury into the Carson river above Dayton. I lived in the estates and used to dredge the river and pick up at LEAST a 100 lbs a mercury a day(1.5+ oz au too). I put 2 and 2 together because folks didn't believe mercury could travel that 30+ miles,well guess what it did. Utilizing my lab at Cirtel the analysis were completed and papers presented to the board of my findings. River closed forever to dredging,fish can never be eaten and yes start the hate mail because I'm proud to have saved lives and deformaties in kids and adults. THIS EPA STUDY IS 100% PURE UNADULTERATED BS PREDICATED ON PRECONCEIVED NOTIONS AND CASINO FUNDED. When we're in the wrong I'm more than happy to adjust my ops and agree but not this garbage---------John

Don't even care to talk about it, no more. Game is OVER!!! Confirmation to come shortly, for those who can't understand.
I see the opposition is packing new legislation on top of all this, ESA. $$$$$$ buys anything and if you ain't got more then there is no winning, until the goverment changes (don't hold your breath, VOTE).
They are burying us like rocks in the tailing pile and they have more tricks up their sleeves than Harry Houdinni.

And then, to top it all off, there are some amongst us that do way more harm than anything else, all for their own agenda.

By the way, how is that agenda, now??? :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

John, thats alot of mercury. Certainly places like that should be closed. But I think a majority of watersheds in CA do not have any mercury, and some with mineute amounts. These places should not be closed.

Anyway, its not officially been announced dredging is outlawed forever, YET. but its not sounding good.


>:( More lawsuits filed almost everyday with the same resounding theme-MERCURY AND CLOSE IT ALL-the ball is rolling downhill and ESA in the game now. I MUST absolutely agree that there are extremely few places that contaminated. in 53+ years a gold grubbn' I have only found 1 very contaminated spot(kalif) and EXTREMELY remote on a closed river(oops all now) WAS CLOSED in 91 after the Cantara spill but strange factoid is--that ungodly meth am sodium concentrate spill into the river seems to have transformed the mercury as fanning(no dredging) has not produced any where it used to bead down into my dredge hole????John OOPS forgot one, the Altoona mercury mine on the EFNF trinity -mother nature will be banned next-is(was) the USA mercury producer and that area is polluted to LL and back :o

maybe now we should form a enviromental group of our own! i can see the headlines now! "stream reclaimation team" cleans the streams of the mercury! what heros we would be! how much could we make of recovering mercury. ahhhh the gold that would contaminate the mercury we would just throw it into the corner to get it out of our way!:)

Hoser John said:
I might as well spill some beans-In the early 80's as a member of the Nevada Stae Haz/Mat Appeals Board and response member we got into mercury in fish bigtime. Lake Lahonton at the end a the Carson River had the most mercury contaminated flesh on the planet. In the dayz of old in Brunswick canyon by CC there was a massive blowout that took quite a few storage tanks spilling over a million pounds of mercury into the Carson river above Dayton. I lived in the estates and used to dredge the river and pick up at LEAST a 100 lbs a mercury a day(1.5+ oz au too). I put 2 and 2 together because folks didn't believe mercury could travel that 30+ miles,well guess what it did. Utilizing my lab at Cirtel the analysis were completed and papers presented to the board of my findings. River closed forever to dredging,fish can never be eaten and yes start the hate mail because I'm proud to have saved lives and deformaties in kids and adults. THIS EPA STUDY IS 100% PURE UNADULTERATED BS PREDICATED ON PRECONCEIVED NOTIONS AND CASINO FUNDED. When we're in the wrong I'm more than happy to adjust my ops and agree but not this garbage---------John

When I lived in Reno,a Canadian mining Co. offered to clean up the river for free,under the condition they kept the retreived Oro....our beloved Gov. said,"NO"!!

The way I see it,seein how Calif. is the richest state in the Union,and due to all of the Gov. Laws no large scale mining can be done when China takes us over,the beutiful environment that is being protected now will be ravaged

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