AKA, The Mexican Telephone Company...

A former client...my partner and I worked with the R & D Department for new sites and at times had our meetings in the test kitchen.

Havn't patronized one since.

clump63 said:
My normal visit to Taco Bell includes 8 classic hard shells and a large Mt. Dew.
and two packs of hot sauce fer each taco. MMMMM! Gotta go!

Oh Great!!, now I think my Pee thing just tingled.......
For me It's a requirement to get Mt. dew at Taco bell
I like Taco Bell but sometimes it dosn't like meeee....


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Wow. What a big dump.

Just dont' show your tingly pee thingy.

Taco Bell is the best ;D ;D ;D "Crunch Wrap Supreme"

Sorry, but Taco Bell is the WORST place for Mexican food. I got sick from one and have never returned. Do the employees know what "Wash your hands first" even means? I'd rather eat that pile of poo than return to a Taco Bell restaurant. You guys need to eat some good Mex food so you'll know the difference. Most non-chain Mexican restaurants are fast, so there really is no need to go to a so-called fast food restaurant. Do yourselves a favor and leave the TB food out of your personal menu, unless you like pooing and puking every so often.

mrs.oroblanco said:
I don't know about where you guys get your Taco Bell fix, but, where I live, we have combination Kentucky Fried Chicken and Taco Bell, and they now BOTH suck.

My heart usually pounds after eating either..........I'm guessing it's the salt.

Taco Bell is serving up e coli to its patrons...just as it did to me many years ago. Some things never change. They're blaming the green onions. I hope it's not going to be another story about "the wild pigs did it..." because that is just baloney. [You may or may not know that the e coli problems with spinach this past September were traced to wild pigs and their defacating on the spinach before it was picked. Let me tell you, there are wild pigs in many areas of California and they have never been blamed for anything like that before. Makes ya kinda wonder if they blamed the pigs because pigs can't talk.]

I can't belive that they have had problems at Taco Johns now.
E-coli again in northern Iowa/southern Minnesota.

I love that chain.....

mrs.oroblanco said:
All this e-coli and salmonella, etc., and people getting sick on all the cruise ships - its just beginning to feel like......... I don't know, something just doesn't seem right.


What's it feel like? What do you think is going on? I'd like to hear your opinion.

We are relying too much on convenience, not quality. Cook up a bunch of tacos at home and see how you fare... my bet is a lesser percentage of salmonella and such.

I love to cook and have never had anyone go to the hospital.

Thats what we get for putting quick, easy crap in front of our faces, IMHO!

mrs. o you might be right. I guess only time and more deaths/illnesses will get the authorities to dig deeper into these sickening (pun intended!) events. Personally, I tend to think that the one thing all these breakouts have in common is ILLEGAL ALIENS. Hygiene is not a priority for many of those people. And the fact that they have a natural immunity to gastointestinal diseases makes me lean towards their unwitting spread of the diseases. The outbreaks of e coli and Norwalk viruses in this immediate area have been traced to hygience problems at restaurants and nursing homes that hire illegals for food handling and janitorial services. I believe that's where the cross contamination occurs. The old folks in the nursing homes are getting the Norwalk virus (same virus as on the cruise ships) and it's killing some of them, but because they are old and often senile, few people become alarmed. But if all the incidents of the Norwalk, e coli, and other severe gastrointestinal diseases were added up and compared, I think the common denominator is ILLEGAL ALIENS and their poor hygiene. The spinach e coli contamination of September supposedly originated in the Salinas Valley. Wild pigs were blamed for that event. Wild pigs have been running through the Salinas Valley and other areas of California since the Spanish arrived. Why is it only now that the pigs are supposedly entering into the equation? Prior to that announcement by the CDC, the other outbreaks were traced to HUMAN FECES or poor meat handling practices...practices that are only as good as the employees doing the work. The vast majority of meat handlers for the past couple of decades have been ILLEGAL ALIENS. In fact, just this week a raid occured at Armour Meats where the feds rounded up many illegals. I see them as the common denominator and I see more of these things happening because no one is securing our borders. Watch for these things to happen in Canada in the near future because illegals are making their ways up there now, too.

just because you might be getting paranoid doesn't mean somethings not right. After doing some reading-see below paste. It is broken down from the following site so it's not verbatim.

http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dbmd/diseaseinfo/escherichiacoli_g.htm#How is E. coli O157:H7 spread
Because the organism lives in the intestines of healthy cattle, preventive measures on cattle farms, during meat processing, and during the growth, harvest and processing of produce are being investigated.

people have also become ill from eating contaminated bean sprouts or fresh leafy vegetables such as lettuce and spinach.

E. coli O157:H7 is one of hundreds of strains of the bacterium Escherichia coli. Although most strains are harmless, this strain produces a powerful toxin that can cause severe illness. E. coli O157:H7 has been found in the intestines of healthy cattle, deer, goats, and sheep.

Cattle manure is an important source of E. coli O157. Manure can contaminate the environment, including streams that flow through produce fields and are used for irrigation, pesticide application, or washing. Collaborative efforts are needed to decrease environmental contamination and improve the safety of produce.

I wonder if someone is allowing cattle and other livestock to graze on the crops between replantings and the deficated soil is picking up the contaminants and transfering them to the new plants. Not to forget the runoff from adjacent fields. We all know we're supposed to wash veggies before eating however fast food places (IMO) don't have the time to do a thorough preparation and just take the lettuce and such out of the box and use it.
Since e coli is mainly a meat derived disease, there's not much else that contaminate veggies.

"Personally, I tend to think that the one thing all these breakouts have in common is ILLEGAL ALIENS."

That 2 may be a good possibility. It's only been in the past few years that this problem has arisen. At various times before, it was easy to lay blame on an employee who has "hepititus" and such but it's become impossible and too wide spread to lay blame on a handful of fast food kitchen workers.

Well, whatever the source or vector, it's getting mighty scarey to eat out, or to travel by cruise ship, or to visit a nursing home. My own cooking isn't good, but I have only gotten sick from it once...when I left food out overnight and ate it anyway because I figured "Oh, what the heck, I'm hungry and it SMELLS alright." Lesson learned the hard way. ;D ;D :P :P

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