Texas Treasure Novel

acedigger said:
Do you have an update for us yet Shaw. Can't wait to read it. :thumbsup:

Thanks for the interest ace, Its in the hands of my agent at this point. She is starting at the top publishers in the next week so I will keep ya posted. I have a list compiled of who is getting one of the first copies. Your name is on it. :wink:

Trust me I wish this didn't take so long!

Thanks Shaw. I know your more anxious than any of us. Be sure and sign that copy for me so one day when your famous I can say I had an original. Keep up the hard work man.
Thanks again for everything!!

Add me to that list, Jason! I want a signed copy too, signed by all in your family including that cute lil future treasure hunter son. ;D

:wink: RR

Yeah, when IS this book coming out....and I Most CERTAINLY better get one of the first compies or I'll tell your wife and mother in law! so there!

05kas05 said:
i also would like to get my hands on one of those signed copy's of your book when it becomes avail.thanks James

I sent you a message James, Consider it done! :thumbsup:

Thanks for the interest as well. I will keep everyone posted.

05kas05 said:
just checking in to see how your book was coming any updates

Its going well and thanks for asking.

It is in its second edit with another professional editor. It is also in negotiation with a few different publishers so its just a matter of time now. My agent is working the best deal and I am writing my second one "The Hobbyist"

Thanks again for the interest and I will most definitely keep everyone posted.


Sweeeeet! Another one! Can I automatically be added to the list for each one you write? ;D

Cynangyl said:
Sweeeeet! Another one! Can I automatically be added to the list for each one you write? ;D

Absolutely Cyn. ;D ;D

My website is up but it is just a temp until the designer puts the template one up. There will be updates and synopsis there.


Cynangyl said:
Sweeeeet! Another one! Can I automatically be added to the list for each one you write? ;D

Also "Beneath Gulf Waters" the second installment will be in the works after the new year. :wink:

James please make sure I am on the list for your books as well I love to read. I drive my husband nuts, I average 2 books a week. I don't watch a lot of TV I would rather read and once I start a book, many times I will finish it that night or the next day.

txkickergirl said:
James please make sure I am on the list for your books as well I love to read. I drive my husband nuts, I average 2 books a week. I don't watch a lot of TV I would rather read and once I start a book, many times I will finish it that night or the next day.

No problem consider it done, unless I am watching the History or Discovery channel I am usually reading something or doing internet research as well. My wife swears my laptop is sewed to my lap.

My mom almost named me James, ;D :wink:


Jason, just found this site, yes, I'm a newbie...lol. I've been reading treasure books since I was a kid, back when they still carved them in rock...lol. Would like to get a copy of your books when they come out, please keep up the updates.

05kas05 said:
glad to hear everything is going according to plan well add me to that list of future books. i can always use a good read thanks for the update

I will do that, thanks again for the interest.

oldgoat said:
Jason, just found this site, yes, I'm a newbie...lol. I've been reading treasure books since I was a kid, back when they still carved them in rock...lol. Would like to get a copy of your books when they come out, please keep up the updates.

Welcome to Tnet, this place has more info than you can imagine! I will keep you as well as others informed on the progress and thank you for the interest.

10-28-08 Update:
I am happy to say that Steven Manchester will complete the professional edit this week of Beneath Creek Waters. Steve is a very accomplished author and editor with over 16 books under his belt and has contributed to more than three dozen international anthologies.

Scotty Roberts is working on the new illustration for the book cover. He is an extremely talented artist with many credentials in the business and his covers are always top notch.

Once again thank you guys and gals for your support and I will keep everyone updated as things happen.

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