Thanks To The US Postal Service

Ray S S

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Nov 18, 2007
Port Huron, Mi.
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Greetings everybody, I received another email that I want to share. It does not say who wrote it and
there is a picture mentioned in the story and came with the email. I'll post that at the bottom.

Is kleenex handy? The story goes as follows just as I received it....

This is one of the kindest things you may ever see.
It is not known who replied, but there is a beautiful soul working in the dead letter
office of the US Postal Service.

Our 14 year old dog, Abbey, died last month. The day after she died, my 4 year
old daughter Meredith was crying and talking about how much she missed
Abbey.. She asked if we could write a letter to God so that when Abbey got to
heaven, God would recognize her. I told her that I thought we could so she
dictated these words:

Dear God,
Will you please take care of my dog? She died yesterday and is with you in
heaven. I miss her very much. I am happy that you let me have her as my dog
even though she got sick.
I hope you will play with her...She likes to play with balls and to swim. I am
sending a picture of her so when you see her You will know that she is my dog. I
really miss her.
Love, Meredith.

We put the letter in an envelope with a picture of Abbey and Meredith and
addressed it to God/Heaven. We put our return address on it. Then Meredith
pasted several stamps on the front of the envelope because she said it would take
lots of stamps to get the letter all the way to heaven. That afternoon she dropped it
into the letter box at the post office. A few days later, she asked if God had gotten
the letter yet. I told her that I thought He had.

Yesterday, there was a package wrapped in gold paper on our front porch
addressed "To Meredith' in an unfamiliar hand. Meredith opened it. Inside was a
book by Mr. Rogers, called, 'When A Pet Dies..' Taped to the inside front cover
was the letter we had written to God in it's opened envelope. On the opposite page
was the picture of Abbey and Meredith and this note:

Dear Meredith,
Abbey arrived safely in heaven.

Having the picture was a big help. I recognized Abbey right away.
Abbey isn't sick anymore. Her spirit is here with me just like it stays in your heart.
Abbey loved being your dog. Since we don't need our bodies in heaven, I don't
have any pockets to keep your picture in, so I'm sending it back to you in this
little book for you to keep and have something to remember Abbey by..

Thank you for the beautiful letter and thank your mother for helping you write it
and sending it to me. What a wonderful mother you have. I picked her especially
for you. I send my blessings every day and remember that I love you very much.
By the way, I am easy to find, I am wherever there is love.



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Ray S S

Ray S S

Silver Member
Nov 18, 2007
Port Huron, Mi.
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Thanks tee and dirt doctor, I am glad you liked it. I kinda thought it has so much heart
and love that I should post it for others to enjoy also.

Chug And Red

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:icon_thumleft: Awwwww, you made me cry, but it was worth it, beautiful story!!! :icon_thumright: Red

Dano Sverige

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I thought it was only the US military who decieved everyone into thinking they're God! :o

(Sweet...but wrong!)


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Dano Sverige said:
I thought it was only the US military who decieved everyone into thinking they're God! :o

(Sweet...but wrong!)

Ummm, Dano my friend, I have a sneaky suspicion that the only one fooled into thinking it was GOD personally who sent that was the child. Pop's more than likely was under no such illusion.
Numba 2: And who, my Amigo, says it was not GOD. We all work as his extension at one time or another.
Oh, and BTW, do not ever think you can sucker me by that old logic bit. More than likely you were sitting there in Stockholm eating a pieace of strudel, sipping tea, while bawling yer eyes out reading this story.
Go ahead and admit it you limey faker!! :tongue3: ;D
Admit it Dano, yer a huge softie! More so than the Sta-Puft Marshmallow man even!!

Ray S S

Ray S S

Silver Member
Nov 18, 2007
Port Huron, Mi.
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Hello Red, thank you for your nice reply

Dano, you sure do make me wonder about you, sometimes.

Thanks, Allen

Rooter, I was wondering the same thing

21stTnCav you might be right. But it kind put a damper on a nice story.


Dano Sverige

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Aug 10, 2009
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Rooter said:
Wow Dano, Really? How do you turn a story about a little girls dog dying into an anti US political statement? You are what's WRONG! >:(

We're not allowed "political" anymore Rooter, it was "factual". Admittedly the original post i was thinking of was a little i toned it down. Keep following me around Rooter, you'll learn "how". :wink:

21st! - Who says it wasn't God who replied? Me! i don't believe USPS could have delivered it, unless they asked Osama to drop it off on his way to paradise!
Short version? - I'm an atheist - I have an aversion to brainwashing kids into believing things because it's an easy way out of tricky situations, and infecting them for life. :dontknow:
Just because i tear up once doesn't mean i tear up at every time someone posts a sad tale! But yeah, you're right, a trickle did escape! :laughing9: As i said "sweet....just wrong".
I can see "being honest" is going to get me in a lot of trouble in the future!...*sigh* :tongue3:

Ray S S

Ray S S

Silver Member
Nov 18, 2007
Port Huron, Mi.
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Mister Dano, you are entitled to your opinion. But I do not think it is wrong for a nice lady
or a man to write such a note to help a little girl, that young, to feel better in her hour of
grief over losing the pet that she definitely loved. That note would have helped to make her
feel better. It is hard to believe that you would actually deny a little girl with a broken heart
some comfort at such a time.


Dano Sverige

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Aug 10, 2009
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Not trying to deny a little girl some comfort Ray, already said twice it was a sweet gesture, i just think it was a wrong one. It's the same as smacking naughty kids...some think it's wrong, some think it's necessary.
Also, in a few years time, mentioning having a "personal letter from God" to other kids could end up in a violent response, as we all know some kids are plain evil!

Millions of kids lose their pets and get by with the usual parental responses. I just think a response like this one is capable of bringing on deep psychological responses, for good or bad, and is wrong. :dontknow:

Yeah, i'm going to extremes now lol...but they are a possibility.


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the mom is obviously a believer. the child is being raised as a believer.
so to write a letter to God is not wrong and that response was a wonderful offer from a believer also to this child for some comfort was not wrong.

if you don't believe, don't ask anything from God. If you are a believer, then this type of situation was a warm and sweet gesture.

believers 'get something' in life thru their faith.

yea one would have to go to extremes to say this gesture was wrong. As usual the extremes are pulled out to trash a simple kind gesture.


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Dano Sverige said:
Not trying to deny a little girl some comfort Ray, already said twice it was a sweet gesture, i just think it was a wrong one. It's the same as smacking naughty kids...some think it's wrong, some think it's necessary.
Also, in a few years time, mentioning having a "personal letter from God" to other kids could end up in a violent response, as we all know some kids are plain evil!

Millions of kids lose their pets and get by with the usual parental responses. I just think a response like this one is capable of bringing on deep psychological responses, for good or bad, and is wrong. :dontknow:

Yeah, i'm going to extremes now lol...but they are a possibility.

Alright Dano, have you been smokin banana peels with some of the Conspiry theorist here on TN that you so revile?? I mean really psychological damage because you lied??
First my friend, before you take out that liar paint brush or Wagner power painter and start slapping layer after layer of liar paint down you gotta do me one favor. PROVE THAT A LIE WAS TOLD.
That's right, prove there is no God. Me, well I openly admit I believe and have faith. I admit I cannot empiricaly prove GOD does exist. Will you do the same and admit you cannot prove God's nonexistence?
A buddy of mine told me a little statement today and I will tell it to you. "If you say there is a God and your wrong, well not problem and no foul. If you say there is no God and your wrong, brother your SOL.".

Second, by you implication that this "lie" harms children do you mean it is the same for Santa Claus, The tooth fairy, and the Easter Bunny?? Do you really mean we should take the childhood things away??


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21stTNCav said:
Alright Dano, have you been smokin banana peels with some of the Conspiry theorist here on TN that you so revile?? I mean really psychological damage because you lied??
First my friend, before you take out that liar paint brush or Wagner power painter and start slapping layer after layer of liar paint down you gotta do me one favor. PROVE THAT A LIE WAS TOLD.
That's right, prove there is no God. Me, well I openly admit I believe and have faith. I admit I cannot empiricaly prove GOD does exist. Will you do the same and admit you cannot prove God's nonexistence?
A buddy of mine told me a little statement today and I will tell it to you. "If you say there is a God and your wrong, well not problem and no foul. If you say there is no God and your wrong, brother your SOL.".

Second, by you implication that this "lie" harms children do you mean it is the same for Santa Claus, The tooth fairy, and the Easter Bunny?? Do you really mean we should take the childhood things away??

It is like the old addage about guns, " I would rather have a gun and not need it, than need a gun and not have it."

Same thing, I would rather believe in God and be wrong, than deney God and be wrong....

Dano Sverige

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Aug 10, 2009
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And that's the crux of it TH mate. It's not that you believe in God, you're just hedging your case! Which is probably what (i'll be generous here) 50% of any other religious person does.

Have you been reading "The mormon book of quick comebacks" 21st mate? lol. I once fell into the Mormon trap of " if you don't believe in God because you've never seen him...why do you believe America exists if you've never been there?" followed with 2 sets of perfectly straight and white toothed grins!
They left 2 hours later shaking their tooth filled heads at my long and detailed explanation of "why"...which mercifully i won't go into here.
Nup...i can't prove there is no God, same as you can't prove there is a God. But..if you didn't all brainwash your kids into believing something you can't prove is a reality, then people like me wouldn't be asked by adults to prove something isn't a reality! :dontknow:

I also can't prove that a lie was told....basically because i never mentioned a lie. All i said is that i think it's wrong.

As for santa claus spend the first 10 years of a kids life making them believe in it all, and then the next 10 years telling them "don't be stupid, there's no such thing!" or avoiding the subject if brought think that's right and justifiable? lol.
Tell me 1 kid who hasn't been devastated the moment they realise there's no such thing as santa & co? But no, you just brush it off as "part of growing up". "It's not the parents fault, it's a tradition that has to be kept going and kids just have to deal with it blah blah bollux!"

You could bring a child up from birth instilling into them that America lost the war of Independence and Britain just gave it away because they were tired of the crap. That kid will fight tooth and nail against any who doubt him/her...because mom and pop said so!
Brainwashing?...because that's what happens with religion, santa and the gang. It's wrong in my opinion, and that's all i've said.


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Dano Sverige said:
And that's the crux of it TH mate. It's not that you believe in God, you're just hedging your case! Which is probably what (i'll be generous here) 50% of any other religious person does.

Your are wrong Dano my friend, it was just an analogy..... I sincerely believe and here is why I believe.....

For me the miracle of watching the birth of both my daughter and son, my standing on a mountain in Colorado and watching the sunrise, to lay back at night 10,000 feet high when there is not a man made light that can be seen anywhere and stare up to the heavens and see billions upon billions of stars in the night sky, to watch a bald eagle fly over a meadow, to stand and watch a hummingbird feeding from a flower, the complexity of the human body and mind, there are just so many other reasons that I believe, for me there are just to many wonderous sights and things for it all to have all been an accident.....

Ray S S

Ray S S

Silver Member
Nov 18, 2007
Port Huron, Mi.
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Freedom Ace Coin Commander and Ace 250
Dano, I hope, for your sake, that you wake up one of these days and realize that there
is a God. When you think of all creation and see the wonders of nature and see so many
things that speaks of God I don't understand how you an still say there is no God.

Another point; I have heard that they say in the military. There are no atheists in
the foxholes. Guys that have proclaimed to be atheists and say there is no God have
completely changed their tune when the bullets and bombs are going off around them
while in a foxhole and they realize they could die any second or be crippled for life. That
is enough to make them start praying for their safety.



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Apr 11, 2006
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Dano Sverige said:
And that's the crux of it TH mate. It's not that you believe in God, you're just hedging your case! Which is probably what (i'll be generous here) 50% of any other religious person does.

Have you been reading "The mormon book of quick comebacks" 21st mate? lol. I once fell into the Mormon trap of " if you don't believe in God because you've never seen him...why do you believe America exists if you've never been there?" followed with 2 sets of perfectly straight and white toothed grins!
They left 2 hours later shaking their tooth filled heads at my long and detailed explanation of "why"...which mercifully i won't go into here.
Nup...i can't prove there is no God, same as you can't prove there is a God. But..if you didn't all brainwash your kids into believing something you can't prove is a reality, then people like me wouldn't be asked by adults to prove something isn't a reality! :dontknow:

I also can't prove that a lie was told....basically because i never mentioned a lie. All i said is that i think it's wrong.

As for santa claus spend the first 10 years of a kids life making them believe in it all, and then the next 10 years telling them "don't be stupid, there's no such thing!" or avoiding the subject if brought think that's right and justifiable? lol.
Tell me 1 kid who hasn't been devastated the moment they realise there's no such thing as santa & co? But no, you just brush it off as "part of growing up". "It's not the parents fault, it's a tradition that has to be kept going and kids just have to deal with it blah blah bollux!"

You could bring a child up from birth instilling into them that America lost the war of Independence and Britain just gave it away because they were tired of the crap. That kid will fight tooth and nail against any who doubt him/her...because mom and pop said so!
Brainwashing?...because that's what happens with religion, santa and the gang. It's wrong in my opinion, and that's all i've said.

:laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :idea1: :idea1: :idea1: :idea1: :idea1: :sign10: :sign10: :sign10: :sign10: :sign10: :sign10: :sign10: :laughing1: :laughing1: :laughing1: :laughing1: :laughing1: :laughing1: :laughing1: :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin: :sign10: :sign10: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :sign10: :sign10: :sign10: :sign10: :sign10: :sign10: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9:
Ohh, my sides hurt!! Thanks Dano for Proving beyond all reasonable doubt your feelings. I guess you did not say those folks were perpetuating a lie, but your comaprison to Santa shows exactly what you equivocate God to. You know I just don't remember ever being tramautized by finding out there is no Santa Claus. Ummm what sort of upbringing did you have Dano? Hint , most kids find out about Santa Claus being a myth from other kids, usually a brother or sister, not from the parents. Are you ok or are you off your medications? :dontknow: Knock yer self out bud!! :laughing7: :laughing7:

No Athist in foxholes ray? More like no Christians in Sweden!!
I am outta this conversation!!

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