The Curse of Civil War Gold


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Jun 11, 2015
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Just saw a brief preview. From the same folks that brought us The Curse of Oak Island. Just happens to be up by Marty Lagina's neck of the woods and they just happen to be using the same guy who does the metal detecting from The Curse of Oak Island, ( Gary Drayton ).

Some say the guys on Oak Island had some type of argument ? and maybe this is why ?

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There used to a show, on cable, that was very good about medal detecting, for all kinds of treasure. The stars always found something and were a couple of Hillbillies like me, who went around digging up peoples yards and finding buttons and old coins, knives, rusty guns. It was an entertaining show. Does anyone remember that show?

There used to a show, on cable, that was very good about medal detecting, for all kinds of treasure. The stars always found something and were a couple of Hillbillies like me, who went around digging up peoples yards and finding buttons and old coins, knives, rusty guns. It was an entertaining show. Does anyone remember that show?

Yup .... you talking about diggers ? 2 goofy guys that would go crazy whenever they found something good. They were definitely entertaining

Yup .... you talking about diggers ? 2 goofy guys that would go crazy whenever they found something good. They were definitely entertaining

No, I dont think he's talking about diggers. There was a crappier, coonass version. It was the worst of all the shows and only lasted one season I believe.

I want to like Kevin Dykstra as he reminds me of someone I know and respect, but Kevin seems to be flying in a cloud bank and I pretty much lost him. Again, I refer back to him finding one bolt and one nut, ( which were not even together, and claims that is the proof he found where the wagons were burned. :icon_scratch:
As far as Oak Island, when I was a little kid some 60 years ago, I remember reading about Oak Island and was fascinated with it. My friend and I planned on someday going to Oak Island and hunt for that treasure. So I have had a life long interest in any story connected to Oak Island. But The Curse of Oak Island by History channel has pretty much dashed my interest anymore. I don't fault Marty and Rick as they got sucked in and were manipulated. I feel the History Channel is/was to blame, just as they are with the Curse of The Civil War Gold.

Does anyone really think that Marty and Rick are actually trying to find anything? I watched a few episodes and caught on that the whole thing is a sham. Really? A Cliff Hanger before EVERY commercial break? Come on people!

My Belief Marty & his Son were brought in for Raising Ratings.

However , My Attitude Marty & his Son are Destroying My enjoyment
& Belief anything will be Found.

as for the Tunnel between the 2 Houses.
Wasn't this found a couple years ago on another Show ?
or am I Psychic & Dreamt I Watched someone Find it ?
Josh Gates Maybe ?
Or are they just pretending they are the First ?

[and "weakening the structure" ? LOL, If it didn't Weaken the Structure 160 years ago
With it Wide open, 2 or 3 Bricks ain't going to effect it

the home owners are going to get sick of all the
tv crews coming in wanting to cut into the wall and pretend they found the tunnel.

At Least I still can enjoy the Lost Treasure of WW2 , If they bring it back for a Second Season

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This show makes no sense to me.
Here's why.
Years ago, I lived in Greensboro Ga. on lake Oconee. A friend found a diary of a driver of Davis's wagon in a small town library in Ga. and copied it.
Here's where it gets interesting. He said they approached Parks Ferry on the Oconee river, went into the woods, 1/2 mile, buried the payroll the had, and burnt 1 of the wagons.
This was done to speed up their travel as heavy rains caused the roads to be saturated and hard to pass.
I found and saw the hole with 4 rust rings from the legs. Looked to be at least 75 yrs old as large trees were growing in the diggins. I also found the hardware of the wagon in a slight ravine.
Exactly like the diary described.
They crossed the ferry, spent the night at Parks house and left, headed South on the West side of the river. Parks stalled crossing back, as to delay the Union troops.
When they were caught, they only had what was in their pockets. The union troops were paid a reward, some got 15,000. Maybe, they forced the location of buried caches from Davis and recovered them.
The buried payroll was 25, 000 in 4 powder kegs according to the diary.
You dam sure would not haul a boxcar full of gold in wagons on flooded roads, running for your life.

Tonight's episode was...............Zzzz​zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

They come back from the plantation and said they found " a treasure trove " of artifacts. The camera did a very quick shot of a few pieces of junk laying on the table. They did not give you a chance to try and see what had actually been found. From last week they find two pieces and make it sound like they discovered a buried cache :dontknow: And tonight while on the boat, some are wanting to stay out on the water while others say no and then the guy on the stern takes what looks like a "staged" fall :icon_scratch: And Brad the back seat driver is telling the Captain how to pilot the boat :tongue3:. I will continue to watch because it fascinates me to see what new theory they pull out of the air and then claim it supports their gold theory.

Something is just not right a box car falls off full of gold and it is just left there, I had a hard time trying to stay awake.

Something is just not right a box car falls off full of gold and it is just left there, I had a hard time trying to stay awake.

yea too much talking and speculation last night

I agree, as each episode aires there seems to be more and more "speculation". I can't see how Marty even goes along with this show. But then again, maybe that is why he quietly slid his son into it while he looks for an exit .

Whats with the goofy smiles they give each other,weird .:icon_scratch:

Every time they find something, ( anything ), they say it helps their case. :icon_scratch: I am glad they are NOT public defenders as they could not win a single case. They have no evidence other than some half blind guy in a light house 2 miles away at night. You build a case then go do the work. They are using the " shotgun " effect and hope to hit something.

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Well I thought this show might of turned out to be something.But I think its time to scrub the remaining episodes.:sadsanta:

I saw they brought Gary in to do some detecting even that did not turn up anything.

I saw they brought Gary in to do some detecting even that did not turn up anything.

LOL yea he digs a 1950's Era Sterling Ring in a creek and insists it,s Civil War Era :icon_scratch:
I Guess one of the Soldiers wore a Silver Girly Ring,
and where it dropped in the creek, it stayed :laughing7:
that's one heavy silver ring.

As usual everything he Digs Belonged to the Gold Stealers
& Puts them Hot on the Trail

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It should have been named the Circus of civil war gold. LOL

It should have been named the Circus of civil war gold. LOL

As I Figured , They should have kept everyone from Oak Island out of it.
imo There is no one from that Show , I Would trust to Be honest.
7 years and all they did was earn advertising money for the Network.

& Now with the Ring , it's the "Railroad Spike / Ships Nail" Theme all over again
with a Soldier wearing a Teenage girls ring

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I have not seen the show, only the beginning of maybe the second episode, and was galled to hear the narrator/announcer, and see Marty and Gary were still around...! ....THAT was "The Curse...."!!

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