The Curse of Civil War Gold


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2015
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Just saw a brief preview. From the same folks that brought us The Curse of Oak Island. Just happens to be up by Marty Lagina's neck of the woods and they just happen to be using the same guy who does the metal detecting from The Curse of Oak Island, ( Gary Drayton ).

Some say the guys on Oak Island had some type of argument ? and maybe this is why ?

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This is worst treasure show ever. That Gary dickhead guy is an idiot, the narrator talks in questions and all they ever do is procrastinate and have meetings. I stopped watching it. If there was ever gold it's long gone. How could a boxcar filled with gold weighing tons be "pushed" off a barge back in those days without 20 -30 men pushing? and... none of them told anyone?
That "professional" Garry dickhead swings the detector 12" above the ground on both sides of his swings. He also just turns it on and never ground balances it or sets any dis or sens levels.

The lost treasures of the Japanese show is pretty good but off the air now. At least they have proof of treasure being there. Oak island is getting boring with all their stupid decisions and finding nothing of value after spending millions.

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I had watch this show many times including when they found bricks covered with yellow paint. As treasure hunters, they are worthless and hopeless. Hope the show will be cancel soon.

I really liked the theory of Confederate gold smuggled to Michigan, but it would be nice if somebody actually found something on one of these type of treasure hunt shows. Although, I understand if you find a huge cache of gold you keep your mouth shut or your life will be miserable, or over. Maybe some of you Michiganders or others who’ve studied this story deeper can help answer a few questions I had while watching the show (IF the original theory is true):

1) How would the lighthouse keeper know there was a large, specific amount of gold on the boxcar?
2) Maybe Charles Hackley made his extra millions from his legitimate gold mining shares? If not, any better research or theories?
3) Why wouldn’t Hackley smelt his own gold in Muskegon rather than the risky transportation to Utah and back, involving way too many people to trust.
4) How would you push a heavy boxcar off the back of a ferry without it getting stuck after the first wheels go over the end?

Only my opinion: 1) all the fluff was to keep the show on longer for advertising dollars; 2) the narrator is pretty annoying when he questions EVERYTHING inconsequential for dramatic effect (both shows); 3) from different camera shots edited together it looked like they picked up one of the fake gold bricks to examine it, nothing wrong with that; and 4) don’t be so hard on Kevin Dykstra and crew, I’m sure many of us have launched out on the hunt with a fraction of the research. I’m thankful nobody wanted to televise my miserable failure searching for Fenn’s gold in Yellowstone.

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