The Knights Templar, William Randolph Hearst, The Crusades, The Occult, Freemasonry, The Holy Grail,

that an interesting story for sure. I will have to try to check that out next time I am in Miami, and have time to do so.

that an interesting story for sure. I will have to try to check that out next time I am in Miami, and have time to do so.
Here is another spot i would love to see in Miami . A ancient star map.

Knights Templar is something that I spend a lot of time reading and watching videos on anything i can find. Anything in Miami is going to be wreck over with the density of construction. I the stars map and using it as another important data next level shit. But, the Knights, Masons, possibly the Jesuits all from my understanding used it for la/t long to navigate. i'll Watch it later

I have been reading a lot of Roger Snow's post. He has said that a lot of information would be released. Same as what they are saying in this video. In this video they tell you why a lot of the churches and their followers torture and kill Templar's still to this day .It seems they have the true knowledge. The churches and their ego and greed will not let them have it or find it. The Templar's are big threat to them with the knowledge they have. Roger also talked of the UFO connection. Very interesting reading of his post and this video. Did anyone notice the double 2 made from the ends of the rope of the upsidedown angel. And people that like following compass degree's, how about the X of the road at the stone found 32:36 in the video. The upsidedown double duce at 28:38 time in video.I have found that they like their north heading. Maybe when they anchor that,the rest gets laid out?

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Liar found in Pennsylvania. Ha Ha the landowner doesn't allow Scott on the property. Maybe he knows he isn't a Templar? Lots of German miners are settled in that area of northwest Pennsylvania. Some really great stone work done. Hard to imagine what is in that small hole.Ah yes forgot about the importance of the angel of the entrance stone

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I had read in Roger Snow's posts where it seems he doesn't like Scott Wolter at all . So I thought it was funny that the property owner of that chamber didn't want him on his property but it open to others. Funny how things work out.

How about the guy in the Why file video that had the crazy lady on Facebook posting about him,crazy stuff .I had two crazy ladies and a crazy guy on Facebook posting crazy stuff about me along with death threats and even tried extortion. All because of crazy treasure greed in their heads. I put the FBI on them. It all has stopped now. I couldn't even believe that they were that dumb to post that stuff on social media. So be careful there are some people that go crazy over this Treasure hunting. Stay safe. Be careful of what you show and post. Some people can't control their emotions.

I have been to some of there sites. There sure seems to be some type of energy or magical things going on at them. Makes me believe in the curse that the one Grandmaster put on the two people that had him burnt at the stake. I guess Karma can come back and bite a person good.

I found this video very interesting. I like the paranormal that happened at 10:40 and another time. The UFO topic at 33:40 is interesting. At 39:55 is were I can find answers for things that I am looking for in the field. The wild life that shows up at these sites and what happens is beyond just a happenstance,to many times for it to be that way .At 41:00 is a good warning to look out for. The lion tomb at the end is interesting. I have found that in the field but never opened it, just been inside the threshold.

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I believe what has been said in the one video about the Templars being friends with the Native Americans. I even like how the Indians knew about the gold. They seem to have not let that wealth rule their lives. I like how they kept it a secret.

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