The rare craptastic day


Gold Member
May 26, 2009
Sailor Flat, Ca.
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
SDC2300, Gold Bug 2 Burlap, fish oil, .35 gallons of water per minute.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
It started out feelin pretty good too.

I was on my way to the post office to send Delnorter his EZ pan and going to the county to look at files so I can map out an open in an area with a few claims to help a client prospect. Hopefully have it end up being a good spot for her and her boyfriend to locate a claim.

I had just left my neighborhood and right up the road I pass a Tweetie Bird yellow Nissan frontier 4x4. There aren't too many Stupid yellow trucks where I'm at for me however there is a very specific yellow truck around here.

It belongs to a fellow named Doug or Ray Rinzonni (he goes by both). He owns a company called mORE mining out of Georgetown. He was a dealer for him for a while selling a few of the things he makes. That rolling sluice and sniper/viewer tubes.

I met him when I opened my store he is mainly a nuggethunter. we had several conversations He knew I had claims and where.
Well,last year I moved my store across the highway and had to remodel and open by may I started my new lease in mid March was still working on the creek four days a week. But, Starting April I was remodeling a whole suite, moving, dealing with my daughters softball practices etc.

I had still been hitting the claim two days a week I hadn't swapped out my memory cards in my camera for a few weeks. One day on my way out theres this yellow truck parked near the start of the road. I'm in my heart hoping it isn't Dougray Knowing it is.

I actually had a printed picture map I made of the BLM land and claims on it Our two and the one next to us.I put it under his windshield wiper, headed home. Went to softball practice. Came home checked out my camera videos and images and theres Ray on three different days for eight plus hours each walking out in the dark even.

He uses a minelab sdc whatever the hell folding one that is. There he is on video with it and the same white dog that shows up in his youtube videos.


Next day I go down to the claim and where he had been parked he crumpled the map and threw it on the ground. But, not before writing F.U. on the back of it with a sharpie.


So, I go work for the day. When I get home I call his partner who I also know. He's a geologist. Told him to tell ray he has two days to figure out what he has to say to me before I call the sheriff.

Two days later I call the Sheriff. file the report they go by his house twice. The first time the wife even says.. "oh, your probably here because of Jarrod"

When the deputy finaly runs into him he plays stupid" oh, I saw the yellow signs but, I just had eye surgery"

"if he wants to tell me what is open i'll make sure to only go there"

So, basically nothing was done except he was admonished not to return.

Fast forward back to today. I see him turn around follow hanging back. I had a different vehicle when we met.So, I figure he won't even know it's me.

He didn't see me turn around. So I'm behind him he makes the turn into my neighborhood. Our claims are in a BLM area surrounded by private land. You have to be with a homeowner as a guest to use our common areas our road is private.

We did make eye contact as we passed and a little ways into our hood I figured he may know it was me following him.

Right near the road to our trail is a lake and park. He pulls in there I see him eyeing me in his side mirror I go up the road park for a few minutes and ponder my next step.

Go back to the park and pull in. get out walk over and tell him he's got a lot of nerve. Top get the hell out of my neighborhood. Remind him what a P.O.S. he is he starts getting all defensive and talking about claim markers etc.

Then he tells me how he heard that I got my claim by tricking a club and taking it after they took me there...totally weird and untrue.

When I found him out in the spring I tracked where he had gone on our claims the neighbors and onto the large parcels adjacent to the blm land.

So, I told him what a P.O.S. he was for highgrading and trespassing.

He had some guy with him this time so, I reminded him that he was cruising around with a thief.

I had already called the sheriff right in front of him gave his vehicle and Liscense plate. But, they take forever to show up.

So, the more he tried to claim he could stay and that I was the jerk somehow, the more I tried to verbally get him to allow me to self defend my self all over his stupid face.

Of course he is a stupid coward and left. Now, I have to file another report running into the deputy can take a day or two.

I did wait for a bit where I parked but, I had other things I needed to do.

When I get to the county Recorder. I found out for sure that the new recording tax in Ca. does count for mining claims.

So every mining claim document that has to be recorded now has a $75 dollar tax per document. MINIMUM.

Location notice. Proof of labor. notice of intent to hold.

That $150 bucks added to the cost of filing a new claim. the first year. $75 at time of location recording and $75 when you file the Notice of intent to hold the first time you use the SMW.

And $75 added to annual paperwork. It was less than $50 before total. El Do county is $18 first page $3 for each additional.

Like I said CRAPTASTIC!!!

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golddigger you have about the worst opinion on this I can imagine..

Are you gonna put a nugget back in a hole?

If you had a claim would you enjoy showing up and finding a bunch of holes and scrapes?

It's called respect.

My claim is signed it tells you you can't detect. I'm the owner I have that right.

I don't have the right to stop hunters or atv riders,walkers or hikers because they aren't digging in the ground.

If you are on someone elses claim and digging in the ground you are a jerk. PERIOD

"Oopsies I found this guys nugget but i'm only looking for coins and relics..I'll just put it back in the ground since its some ones claim"

Said no one EVER!!!!!!!!!

Just remember this forum is out in the net ! What said ect,:icon_thumleft: tread lightly

This is a public forum...oopsies my bad :tongue3:


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I suppose if you’re going to be out for a few days at a time you might be able to catch him on video camera . Maybe get a ride in and camp where you generally don’t? Not sure if that would help or hold up?

I suppose if you’re going to be out for a few days at a time you might be able to catch him on video camera . Maybe get a ride in and camp where you generally don’t? Not sure if that would help or hold up?

drink crap on tnet...start truck..leave house five minutes later I'm parked.

I have more than one video camera.

I am pretty keen on getting a small dual sport motorcycle

to be clear this is not how I would react to a random actual fella who thought he could just pan wherever.

I'd probably end up showing him something he didn't know. And he would feel bad about being on someones claim.

RAY RAY is not that guy.

Soda bottle, dry ice, bottle of skunk scent. Add skunk scent to soda bottle, add dry ice, squeeze bottle and cap tightly, toss under truck quickly, drive away like a maniac laughing your A$$ off!

Raw linseed oil in gas tank. Add a quart or two. About a month happens.

Plenty of time? .30-06 shell worth of powder dumped down a sparkplug hole.

Superglue in the keyhole, then dust with baking soda.

Potato ramrodded up the tailpipe.

Bike inner tube tied at one end and pipe clamped to exhaust pipe.

1/4" cable, nicopress sleeves, and a crimper. Tie the wheels together in back.

Great ideas!
We had some of those tail pipe whistlers at a job site one time and we're putting them in people's exhaust. I got home late one night and put one in my wife's car and went to bed. She woke me up later the next day saying something was wrong with her car and was whistling really loud all around town. She was not happy with my prank!

golddigger you have about the worst opinion on this I can imagine..
If you had a claim would you enjoy showing up and finding a bunch of holes and scrapes?
It's called respect. If you are on someone elses claim and digging in the ground you are a jerk. PERIOD

First off - You can attempt to lecture me on how to be respectful, but those lessons were already taught to me many years ago.

I have been metal detecting for 35 years in a locale where mining claims are very common. I have searched remnants of trails, barns, shacks, campgrounds, ranger stations, logging camps, buck camps, roadside rest areas, picnic areas, swimming holes, beaches ect. I have never found a nugget in all those pursuits. I also have never been run off by some guy calling me disrespectful or a jerk.

Times however are changing, there IS a lack of respect in society.
I find it annoying at times, but still manage to find a way to get along with most everybody I meet.

By the way, my grandpa taught me to fill my holes before I was old enough to swing a detector.

Merry Christmas, and I hope you can enjoy this time with your family.
Perhaps we might have the pleasure of meeting up some day in the field (although based on this discussion I would probably avoid areas that you have "marked" as yours).

Soda bottle, dry ice, bottle of skunk scent. Add skunk scent to soda bottle, add dry ice, squeeze bottle and cap tightly, toss under truck quickly, drive away like a maniac laughing your A$$ off!

Raw linseed oil in gas tank. Add a quart or two. About a month happens.

Plenty of time? .30-06 shell worth of powder dumped down a sparkplug hole.

Superglue in the keyhole, then dust with baking soda.

Potato ramrodded up the tailpipe.

Bike inner tube tied at one end and pipe clamped to exhaust pipe.

1/4" cable, nicopress sleeves, and a crimper. Tie the wheels together in back.

Nothing personal - but that is called chicken **** where I was raised.
Merry Christmas!!!!!

Maybe so, but essence of skunk oil seemingly would force a yellowbelly (my name for yellow pickup man) to think long and hard about his misdeeds. :skullflag:

First off - You can attempt to lecture me on how to be respectful, but those lessons were already taught to me many years ago.

I have been metal detecting for 35 years in a locale where mining claims are very common. I have searched remnants of trails, barns, shacks, campgrounds, ranger stations, logging camps, buck camps, roadside rest areas, picnic areas, swimming holes, beaches ect. I have never found a nugget in all those pursuits. I also have never been run off by some guy calling me disrespectful or a jerk.

Times however are changing, there IS a lack of respect in society.
I find it annoying at times, but still manage to find a way to get along with most everybody I meet.

By the way, my grandpa taught me to fill my holes before I was old enough to swing a detector.

Merry Christmas, and I hope you can enjoy this time with your family.
Perhaps we might have the pleasure of meeting up some day in the field (although based on this discussion I would probably avoid areas that you have "marked" as yours).
This makes me chuckle, your saying it's normal behaviour of yours to dig wherever you would like , giving no care to mineral claims since your not looking for minerals.. And anyone who has a problem with this is in the wrong? Yeah you were taught well.. There is such a thing, regardless of law called ethics, and yours sir are hard to grasp. Who cares about the legality, it's just not good practice in general imo.

First off - You can attempt to lecture me on how to be respectful, but those lessons were already taught to me many years ago.

I have been metal detecting for 35 years in a locale where mining claims are very common. I have searched remnants of trails, barns, shacks, campgrounds, ranger stations, logging camps, buck camps, roadside rest areas, picnic areas, swimming holes, beaches ect. I have never found a nugget in all those pursuits. I also have never been run off by some guy calling me disrespectful or a jerk.

Times however are changing, there IS a lack of respect in society.
I find it annoying at times, but still manage to find a way to get along with most everybody I meet.

By the way, my grandpa taught me to fill my holes before I was old enough to swing a detector.

Merry Christmas, and I hope you can enjoy this time with your family.
Perhaps we might have the pleasure of meeting up some day in the field (although based on this discussion I would probably avoid areas that you have "marked" as yours).

Claim info is public.This jerkwad has my number and bank transfer info BTW. plus drove past my house to detect on my claims that he knows are mine. Its not hard to get in touch with a claim owner and ask if you can detect for relics.(hahahahahahahahah)

If you did and were denied because the guys said it made him uncomfortable, you would tell him tough shitski

So, that's why you don't ask?

No wonder you haven't found any nuggets detecting on other peoples claims.

Almost the stupidest crap I've ever heard.

I don't feel better knowing I would never do that to you. Cause I shouldn't have to hold that over your head.

Jerry, thank You !!!

So, good.

Miles says your shorts are ready.

You need to make a trip up. This guy lives closer to your claim than mine.

We also need to talk about videos.

I have two guides "keen" to run South Fork or Middle Fork and snipe. Miles got his own raft. :headbang:
Also UNDERGROUND opportunity.

First day of winter, more sun every day now.

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Loose lug nuts is a good one.

Claim info is public.This jerkwad has my number and bank transfer info BTW. plus drove past my house to detect on my claims that he knows are mine. Its not hard to get in touch with a claim owner and ask if you can detect for relics.(hahahahahahahahah)

If you did and were denied because the guys said it made him uncomfortable, you would tell him tough shitski

So, that's why you don't ask?

No wonder you haven't found any nuggets detecting on other peoples claims.

Almost the stupidest crap I've ever heard.

I don't feel better knowing I would never do that to you. Cause I shouldn't have to hold that over your head.

I say a miners bash needs to happen. Invite this guy...and a few others... and adjust some attitudes!!!!!!!
WTF is wrong with people?

Jerry, thank You !!!

So, good.

Miles says your shorts are ready.

You need to make a trip up. This guy lives closer to your claim than mine.

We also need to talk about videos.

I have two guides "keen" to run South Fork or Middle Fork and snipe. Miles got his own raft. :headbang:
Also UNDERGROUND opportunity.

First day of winter, more sun every day now.
Heck yeah! Was wondering bout Miles and my shorts, great news!

I'm off the day after x mas with no plans, I know it's close to the holiday but if your around I might head up there. Also the following weekend have no plans.

Let's get together soon though, let me know if any of thoes days work for you and I'll make it happen.

I'll text you later. Day after Christmas is out for me.New years weekend should work.

Goldwasher, I really think you need to think this through some. It looks to me like you are getting some terrible advice here. I'm all for educating those that lie, cheat, and steal, but do you really want to escalate this situation to violence and personal injury? I mean hell, this is when We celebrate the birth of The Messiah, The Savior, The Prince of Peace. You don't want to do something you will regret later just because it feels good right now.

Forgiveness is hard for me too, but I try not to do things out of anger cause when I do I always end up regreting it. You got a legitimate gripe but you gots be smart about it. Patients is key.

Im wondering if Doug ray is employed? He took from your piggy bank, maybe you can punch him in the wallet- don't go to the Deputy. Go to his employer and explain the situation to them. If the dude is stealing from you no doubt he would rip off others.You already went to Doug ray, did not fix it. Now its time to go to the community Doug ray has to live with. If the truth is on your side, take advantage of that.

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