The REAL "big reveal " was censored! (season 2)


Jan 27, 2015
Syracuse NY
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
There is a very interesting comment,and subsequent editing of said comment.It occurs when some of the team visits the masonic lodge looking for information about the cypher stone.The older gentleman says that he is quote “WORRIED” about what they may find down there.The edit occurs right after he says “there”. The very next part of his statement(that makes the air)is quote “ARE WE READY FOR IT”.I think it’s very reasonable to assume that he explained WHY he is worried,but it was deliberately cut out of the show.The masons are obviously involved in the oak island story BIG TIME.The same gentleman who made that statement admitted that they have some secrets.So I think it’s safe to assume that he knows damn well what he’s referring to.So in conclusion I will begin banging my head against a brick wall and ask that someone on the oak island team HONESTLY tells us the missing portion of the mans statement,because in my humble opinion,THAT is “the big reveal”.


"Censorship" against the "Freemasons" can be found in the most unlikely "Places"

Maybe! "Closer to Home" than you "Think"


End of season shenanigans!.....

I don't like how they tell you they found something "substantial" and then make you wait for the "Reveil" until next freakin season? If you want me to watch it next season, don't keep bringing me to the "brink" and then make me wait again! I am already hooked, like a friggin fish, so "show me something, not more promises, dang it!.....Muck a duck! I also agree with you, that they heard way more, than we heard and everyone has their secrets, that won't be revealed to anyone! Especially us!

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It's all going to be blown open next season. And when it isn't, we'll keep talking about how it will be blown open the season after that. This has actually been par for the course for a few centuries now. Is this a trend?

It's all going to be blown open next season. And when it isn't, we'll keep talking about how it will be blown open the season after that. This has actually been par for the course for a few centuries now. Is this a trend?

That's how "treasure hunters" get people to invest money. There is always something huge just right around the corner.

It's a TV show, same thing many series use called cliff hanger...

its easier to live well of investors cash ---while you work on -- their deam of finding the "big one" that will make them god awful rich ...use the wealthy greed to support you in a decent life style and when and if you hit it big --take the money and run like a scalded dog --ala Tommy Thompson* --sadly often hitting it big --just ruins things --you can MILK rich folks ala "the producers" type scam --time after time but one good treasure find and the wheels come off..

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This week: Spin & Marty discover the Money Pit was dug by THE CYBERMEN!!!


Don't touch that dial!

It's a TV show, same thing many series use called cliff hanger...

Agreed. I just think that it's a shame that oak island has turned into "reality TV", because you have a real-life story here that doesn't require manufactured drama or other such B.S. , unlike most , the oak island story stands strong , in and of itself. To see the oak island story relegated to "reality TV" status is very disappointing to me , and I would wager that I am not the only one.

I don't like how they tell you they found something "substantial" and then make you wait for the "Reveil" until next freakin season? If you want me to watch it next season, don't keep bringing me to the "brink" and then make me wait again! I am already hooked, like a friggin fish, so "show me something, not more promises, dang it!.....Muck a duck! I also agree with you, that they heard way more, than we heard and everyone has their secrets, that won't be revealed to anyone! Especially us!

I couldn't agree more . The " oak island team " is playing games here. I think you hit upon a very good point , if there really is something extraordinary there , especially pertaining to any religion , ( not simple precious metals ) , that would be earth-shaking or somehow upsetting , particularly these days in our quick to be outraged at any little thing culture , we'll never know about it... and no that doesn't make me outraged , just disappointed. With that said , I would call on all with firsthand knowledge of current discoveries to honestly share it with the rest of us. For the vast majority of those who are " hooked " on the mystery , it's not about personal financial gain , it's about solving one of the most intriguing , captivating , and apparently complex manmade puzzles of all time.

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This reminds me of the "treasure show" in Japan that against all odds stayed on the air for YEARS. Spoiler alert: They didnt find anything. AT ALL.

There is a very interesting comment,and subsequent editing of said comment.It occurs when some of the team visits the masonic lodge looking for information about the cypher stone.The older gentleman says that he is quote “WORRIED” about what they may find down there.The edit occurs right after he says “there”. The very next part of his statement(that makes the air)is quote “ARE WE READY FOR IT”.I think it’s very reasonable to assume that he explained WHY he is worried,but it was deliberately cut out of the show.The masons are obviously involved in the oak island story BIG TIME.The same gentleman who made that statement admitted that they have some secrets.So I think it’s safe to assume that he knows damn well what he’s referring to.So in conclusion I will begin banging my head against a brick wall and ask that someone on the oak island team HONESTLY tells us the missing portion of the mans statement,because in my humble opinion,THAT is “the big reveal”.

Sorry & think he said he was “WORRIED” they would find out it's all a waste of time & not Mason
related at all, causing a loss of street Cred in the Masonic community
as far as connecting them to the knights Templers and the fantasy pieces supposedly buried there.

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I honestly don't know how you can ignore or dismiss the numerous masonic "foot-prints",from the triangular swamp to the triangular dots on the nolin's cross stones,to the implementation of masonic geometry found on the island, it just smacks you in the face that the masons had some involvement or strong influence.

I honestly don't know how you can ignore or dismiss the numerous masonic "foot-prints",from the triangular swamp to the triangular dots on the nolin's cross stones,to the implementation of masonic geometry found on the island, it just smacks you in the face that the masons had some involvement or strong influence.

well first off I don't want to debate too much as I dislike negativity in Treasure Posts.
if this were not a thread discussing the TV show happenings I would stay completely out of it.

now since you asked, I think some of the "foot-prints" are natural & simply mistaken as
Masonic by those who want it to be Masonic .
I think the same can be imagined anywhere ,
if you look hard enough, Just like the Man in the moon.
and virgin mary on the piece of toast on ebay.
and the rest of the Masonic signs are from the numerous Masons who decided to put their signature
on the Island while they were there.

Of course this is all Personal Beliefs.
I have no Proofs of a Negative any more then anyone has Proofs of a Positive at this point.

I guess I'll have to sit & wait to have someone Find it & Prove I'm Wrong :tongue3:

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