There Is Treasure In The Trash!

Carolina Tom

Gold Member
Apr 4, 2014
๐Ÿ† Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
XP Deus V3.2 9" & 11" Coils, AT Pro, ProPointer AT, Lesche 55, 75 & 80LT
Primary Interest:
I went out early on Saturday morning with Smittyman. He was sporting his lucky "silver fox" hairdo, which can mean only one thing: Some silver is going to show up!


We have been hunting a place where an old neighborhood once stood. There is a lot of trash in the ground, especially aluminum 40oz bottle caps. The former tenants were a thirsty lot.

There is an especially bad area, right under a power line. The machine buzzes from the power line and there is a lot of aluminum trash in the ground. The other boys found nothing here. I decided to dig ALL repeatable signals, and see what happened.


After about (30) holes, I saw this gentleman looking up at me. I could immediately see that it was a silver Washington quarter.


Thrilled that my strategy yielded some silver, I proceeded ahead digging all repeatable signals. About a half hour later, I was greeted with the site of another silver quarter in the dirt!


Neither of the coins was a "good" signal. If you are not digging a lot of holes, you are missing good targets! There is treasure in the trash!


YTD silver coins: 30

Thanks for looking and best of luck on your hunts.

Upvote 37
Great finds Tom! Silver GW's are one of my favorites to two in one visit is truly thumbs-up day! Congrats on hunting with your instincts...Ddf

Heck of a hunt brother! Double gw day is a great day in my books!

Congrats man

Silver is good and 2 silvers are better. HH.

Screw lid caps give me almost a perfect silver quarter signal, maybe just a tad too strong. I can't resist digging them even if it is 7 or 8 in a row. Happy for you that your persistence paid off with 2 GW's, congrats!!

Nicely done CT.
That site turning up 2 silver quarters is sometimes indicative of a site that hasn't been hunted too hard.
It could be that all the trash and the overhead power lines are too much for other hunters.
I have encountered some serious EMI. Dropping my Sensitivity to 85 and switching to 18 hz has quieted the DEUS down. You may want to try a little experiment the next time you visit that site.
Good luck and Happy Hunting.

Well done on the silvers, makes it all worth it by the end of the hunt.
While digging in a 400 acre park in the city I commonly called the caps - Hobo Tokens, oh they rang up so nice. The screw caps off bitter bottles are even more crazy to dig.

totally agree, there can be some great finds in the trash. one of the hardest things is making yourself dig those not so great signals. I have dug several rings that were kind of inconsistent on the VDI numbers. I have been hammering a soccer field that hasn't yielded anything great yet. have dug a handful of pull tabs, at least yesterday that had me really hoping. the soccer fields around here are pretty new. congrats on the super nice silver. I do have a question, does the silver hair still work on semi bald heads?

Nicely done CT.
That site turning up 2 silver quarters is sometimes indicative of a site that hasn't been hunted too hard.
It could be that all the trash and the overhead power lines are too much for other hunters.
I have encountered some serious EMI. Dropping my Sensitivity to 85 and switching to 18 hz has quieted the DEUS down. You may want to try a little experiment the next time you visit that site.
Good luck and Happy Hunting.

It has been well hunted, this I know. Other people did not like the feedback from the power lines, or the trash, so they avoided that area. TNetter, Scrappy taught me to hunt where other people find it too difficult to hunt.

I will give 18 KHz a try next time I am at the spot. Thanks for the tip!

totally agree, there can be some great finds in the trash. one of the hardest things is making yourself dig those not so great signals. I have dug several rings that were kind of inconsistent on the VDI numbers. I have been hammering a soccer field that hasn't yielded anything great yet. have dug a handful of pull tabs, at least yesterday that had me really hoping. the soccer fields around here are pretty new. congrats on the super nice silver. I do have a question, does the silver hair still work on semi bald heads?

I have a shaved head, completely bald, yet Smittyman's hairdo seemed to work for me. I can only assume that it is a proximity issue, as long as you are "close" to the silver fox, it'll work.

Glad to see Smitty was rocking the Doo. Congrats on digging those 2 silvers Tom. You are doing way better than me since April. The only thing I dug of interest over the weekend was a New Hampshire transit token and might have a lead on a promising permission.

Glad to see Smitty was rocking the Doo. Congrats on digging those 2 silvers Tom. You are doing way better than me since April. The only thing I dug of interest over the weekend was a New Hampshire transit token and might have a lead on a promising permission.

Thanks Loco. I have not had very good spots, and it is getting hot, but I am making the best out of it. Hopefully another good spot will become available shortly... I have my eyes open.

Let me know when you are coming down this way, and I'll take you t find your own pouch full of bottlecaps!

When you texted me I though you forgot how to read numbers - first you said '52 and then '57. I didn't realize you had found two! Lol.

Nice silver digs buddy

Very nice hunt and some great advice on digging a lot of holes....even in the trashy areas.--JB

Nice dig! Most of my silver has been in very trashy areas.

Last time out I found a war nickel and the vdi was in the low 90s. Ended up being a war nickel and a
small piece of trash. I always dig more iffy signals in the beginning of the hunts before I start getting tired.

Way to stay with it. Sounds like you need to try and grid out an area and dig every signal.

Three words...."I Like Silver"

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