This May Pay For My Detector!!!


Bronze Member
Apr 15, 2004
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Minelab Equinox 800
Minelab Explorer II
Compass X100
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
went out Sunday and hunted for 4.5 hours and dug nothing but trash. Then about 1 hr before dark, I got a 03-26 signal at 5" in the dirt. Dug down and out popped this 1809 Liberty cap dime!!!!

1st one I ever dug and it looks like XF-40 which is about $925.00. It could have been About Uncirc when lost. AU-50 is $2500.00 Not done cleaning but certainly worth all the junk that I did dig!?

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If it don't you could send it to me as it would surely pay for mine. ;D

How come it looks like it's painted? These photos make it look like a conterfeit coin. Something just doesn't look right about that coin. ??? But, if it is real, nice find!

Most excellent find.... If it is a counter as coinshooter points out i'ts still an excellent find.. HH Dave

Coinshooter is right; it does look weird. Silver usually doesn't look like that...

hmmm well i dug where there were coppers of similiar date and coins even older.
It does look a little strange but I've seen coins on E-bay that had similiar look to them. Of course, that doesn't mean they are not counterfeit. I suppose anything goes on e-bay.

It's definitely not spray painted - that would have flaked off when I cleaned it.

I will probably have PCGS look at it or NGC. Wait till I have several coins to submit to them. We shall see...

Suggest sending to ANACS. Coin looks cleaned. PCGS and NGC won't grade cleaned coins but ANACS will. Is surley an AU coin though. Great find.

Is it possible that the method of cleaning produced this patina?

Richard C.

Yes, please let us know. Rather than wasting your money at a grading service, first just take it to a coin dealer. One thing that you can do at home if you can find a weight for this coin off the internet is to weigh it. That will tell you fast whether it is at least in the ballpark for a real coin of this age. 8) 8)

I'm willing to bet anyone that the coin is real. I have pulled old silver out of almost every ground condition for years and have seen that same appearance before. And I'll bet that those tarnish spots won't come off very easily like most tarnished pieces. It has sat in moist soil for along time.
I think it is an excellent find.

I may sound nitpicky or old-fashioned here but I wouldn't have cleaned it. My experience is that a dirty coin fresh out of the ground is worth more than one cleaned, even if tarnished. A lot of collectors feel that the tiny scratches you induce by cleaning are a detraction, and I consider that when I buy coins as well.

nice find man. keep us posted on the authenticity if u can. very nice.


this coin was only lightly cleaned with soap and water and a toothbrush to remove dirt. I cannot imagine that created the patina or whatever look the coin has. Since it was dug where coins from 1780's were found - I doubt it is not real. The tarnish spots will not come off.

Unless you have personally dug silver this old - you really have no experience on the matter. I see someone posted who obviously does have experience with old silver and has seen the same results come out of ground. Just because you haven't seen it - doesn't mean that it never occurs.

It will be verified by experts and certified. I will let you know the final results when I get them. And guess what? If it is counterfeit, then it may be even a rarer find and worth much more than book value to certain collectors.

strange patina on the raised spots could easily have come from just how it may have laid lightly in a particularly unpleasant soil. It's awful hard to gauge that sort of thing just by photos alone! Just holding it ought to tell ocean7. Does it feel silver?

that's an excellent find!

well a hunting buddy just happens to have the exact same year in GOOD condition. It's exactly same diameter and feels like same weight. here's pic of them together. It's still going out for grading/auth. - sometime this week.
I don't think you can tell by pictures.

Nice!! i havent found any coins oplder than 1857 :P but i have an old dec Whites XLT :-\any other XLT fans here? :) by the way that coin that was 1857 is a flying eage cent in kinda bad cond plz ask me if u wanit me to post it, k? but dont think its very good cause its in kinda bad cond HH GoldD 8)

GoldDigg - sure start a new topic and post your 1857 flying eagle cent. If it has heavy patina - try baking soda, water, and a toothbrush. Rinse each time and check. Stop when you see just a light green film on coin. This enables you to enjoy the detail of your coin. Do not do to extremely rare or valuable coins!!! Only do to coins that you intend to keep for yourself, want them to look nice, and know that with environmental damage (being buried in ground) - you'll never get a decent price or even G-4 rating (lowest book on coin).

Cleaning good coins reduces their value.

Ocean7 I can tell you from experience and many lost $$, don't send this to PCGS, if they determine it has been cleaned they will just take your money and run with it. Then they will send back your coin with a sticker tha says cleaned on it. I have sent then many coins that had no indication that they had ever been cleaned only to have my money taken and "cleaned" written on them. >:(

well guys the results are back... and for $35.00 they told me NOTHING!!!!!
Not even if the coin is legit or counterfeit - no grade, no nothing. One big ripoff!

They claim they are the "only major grading service to grade cleaned, corroded, damaged, repaired and other problem coins."

but that is pure B.S.!!!!! So take note!

ANACS - yeah right!

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