Thoughts on drug advertising commercials.


Warnings & Precautions​

Who should not use ?

Allergies to Ingredients. People who are allergic to any of the following should not take
  • Any of the ingredients in the specific product dispensed
Your pharmacist can tell you all of the ingredients.
Current Abnormal Bleeding. can cause serious bleeding, people who currently have bleeding problems should avoid taking .
Prosthetic Heart Valves. People who have had their heart valves replaced with certain heart valves should not take because it has not been studied before.

What should I know before using it?

Do not takeunless it has been prescribed to you by a healthcare provider. Take it as prescribed.
Do not share with other people, even if they have the same condition as you. It may harm them.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Do not stop taking without talking to your healthcare provider. Your healthcare provider will decide how long you should take . Always refill your prescription before you run out of medicine so that you don’t run out or miss any doses. Stopping can increase the risk for a blood clot or stroke.
Always tell all of your healthcare providers including the dentist that you are taking. This is especially important before you have any procedures or surgeries, because you may need to stop or pause taking beforehand. Your healthcare providers should all talk to the healthcare provider who prescribed Eliquis before they instruct you to stop taking it, even temporarily. You may have to take a different medicine to protect you from clotting while you are not taking.
If you are taking to prevent blood clots after hip or knee surgery, make sure you fill your prescription early and have your medicine available so that you do not miss doses when you are discharged from the hospital.
If you cannot swallow tablets whole, reach out to your pharmacist or healthcare provider. They can help you find other ways to take your medicine.
If you take and receive a spinal puncture or medicine injected into your spinal or epidural area, you may be at risk for forming spinal or epidural blood clots (hematoma). This can cause you to become permanently paralyzed. The risk is higher if you have received an epidural, if you take certain medicines called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), if you receive multiple repeated or troublesome spinal or epidural punctures, or if you have a history of spine problems or surgeries. Your healthcare provider will determine if you should receive spinal puncture or epidural injections and will watch for symptoms of complications. If you take Eliquis and have one of these procedures, let your healthcare provider know right away if you feel numbness or weakness in your legs or feet.

What should I tell my healthcare provider before using ?

Tell your healthcare provider about all of your health conditions and any prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, vitamins/minerals, herbal products, and other supplements you are using. This will help them determine if Eliquis is right for you.
In particular, make sure that you discuss any of the following.
Current and Past Health Conditions. Tell your healthcare provider if you have any of the following.

  • Kidney problems
  • Liver Problems
  • Bleeding problems
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome, which is a disorder that causes abnormal clotting
Other Medicines and Supplements. may interact with other medicines and supplements. Before taking Eliquis, tell your healthcare provider about any prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, vitamins/minerals, herbal products, and other supplements you are using. See the Interactions section for more details.
Pregnancy. Taking Eliquis during pregnancy is not recommended. It is not known if or how Eliquis could affect pregnancy or harm an unborn baby. Tell your healthcare provider if you are or plan to become pregnant. Talk to your healthcare provider about your risk for severe uterine bleeding if you take .
Breastfeeding. It is not known if passes into breast milk. Tell your healthcare provider if you are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. Your healthcare prov

My stepfather started smoking Kools at 13, smoked them all his life, and died of COPD (emphysema) at 49. At the time of his death, I was in the Air Force and had taken up smoking in boot camp/basic because if you smoked you got a smoke break if you didn't smoke you didn't get a break, and in boot camp, you wanted all the breaks you could get. I stopped smoking on his death, I decided I did not want to die that young or that hard. Emphysema is a hard death.....

I was smoking less than half a pack a day when I quit. I smoked an occasional cigar, after that, maybe 3 or 4 a year, but I even quit that over 25 years ago. It has been 28 years since I smoked a cigar, my last cigar was in 1997.
I was there when my father took his last breath. He died from Emphysema. Smoked camel non-filtered cigs for 50 years then switched to filtered ones (big deal). My late wife died from Emphysema also and it took a long time. She was only 64. Personally I have never smoked my entire life.

Treasure_Hunter is right.... Emphysema is a hard death. I'm glad TV ads were banned for cigarettes long ago. But I hate the solicitation from drug companies directly to the public.
When traveling in Indonesia the locals would take out a bag of tobacco leaf.
Crumble it up, add some cloves.
We'd be sitting right in the seats near them, and it wasn't bad at all.
When the quit dragging on the rolled smoke, it went out.
I didn't hear smoker's coughs, phlegm hacking like one does in NA.
Their smokes didn't have the chemical fertilizers, added, chemical, nor the fiberglass filters.
It always made me wonder if the ingredients that the industry added is the leading cause to health issues.

This year it'll be my 37th year for smokes, or joints.

I quit drinking yesterday...
And i feel so good about it i am going to celebrate with a drink.


How about all the ridiculous side effects they list for almost every pill they advertise? Got a skin rash? Take this pill! Warning: Possible side effects include explosive diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, heart attack, stroke, blindness, paralysis or death! No thanks, I'll stick with my skin rash!
I noticed the same thing with one curious exception. Whe the Covid vaccine was being pushed on TV nonstop, nothing was ever said about possible side effects, such as:
Death, heart attack, blood clots, immune system disorders, strokes, etc.

I noticed the same thing with one curious exception. Whe the Covid vaccine was being pushed on TV nonstop, nothing was ever said about possible side effects, such as:
Death, heart attack, blood clots, immune system disorders, strokes, etc.
Yea I too noticed that. I'm off script here with this statement but here goes:

When I heard early on leaders in our U.S. Govt stating "Get the shot and stop the spread" that did it for me...! I wanted NOTHING to do with any Covid shot or booster(s). I never got any shot let along any booster. Simple common sense knows a personal shot does NOT stop any individual from spreading a disease via there hands or sneezing. It was never a true vaccine hence all the money making boosters following the money making "vaccine shot". I believe at best it just helped with symptoms of Covid but again, never was a vaccine. Many folks around me disagreed at the time and were totally caught up in all the hysteria. Now some agree and are pissed being so easily lead.

Well it would be a fact sports team values would be less, they thrive off of TV money. and advertising also. It would trickle down. Its time these nonessential things take a hit, why they dont live in our reality, money is utterly ridiculous. In the next 5 to 8 years the 9 to 5 working hours will be fading. Companies ate firing people, people better find gigs or side jobs. You will see, thousands of stores closing taking away the lowest level jobs. Gee Elon musk might be right, since all the non living wage jobs are being eliminated. The government might have to have universal pay or homeless will increase. Good guestion, this is aweful be very real. Foreclosures and bankruptcy are getting high. You won't ever be able to own anything on your own.

Another fun fact about big pharma is they make up diseases so they can sell there drugs. The term ED didn't exist before they needed a way to sell Viagra.

Not so!

The term ‘erectile dysfunction’ first appeared in the 1970s, although the condition has been recognised for centuries under other names. Viagra (Sildenafil) didn’t reach the market until 1998. The drug’s properties in relation to erectile dysfunction were discovered by accident.

Pfizer in the UK originally developed it as a potential treatment for cardiovascular problems, especially angina. It was first clinically trialled in the UK in the 1990s under the name ‘UK-92480’ but found to work only moderately well and needed to be taken three times a day to maintain any beneficial cardiovascular effect.

However, the men enrolled for the study were often found laying on their stomachs when nurses went to examine them and a very observant nurse reported this, saying “the men were embarrassed [because] they were getting erections.” Some were reportedly getting very hard and persistent erections.

At the end of the Phase 1 clinical trials, many of the male participants refused to return their remaining unused tablets to Pfizer and it was only then that Pfizer recognised they had a potential money-maker on their hands.

To me, the problems are obvious and significant.

First, there is that it is all about advertising to make money.

Second, it's about getting people to influence their already sorely compromised doctors.

These are the same people who make stupid statements about supplements, like "you get everything you need from what you eat." They don't know what goes on my farm. Much of the food grown on farms is nutritionally hollow. Food from one area no iodine, while food from other areas does. Many areas are void of selenium. Fields are over farmed and nutriments not replaced.

These are the people who think vitamins and minerals are quackery, even as their products try to copy them, OR they prescribe them for pregnant women, add supplements to milk and bread. . . .

. . . .

I was just wondering if I was the only one or there are others who DO NOT LIKE seeing drug companies advertising to the general public. Outside of premium viewing on my TV it seems a large majority of the 1 minute ads are drug companies advertisements. We all watch normal people doing normal things all the while listening to all the ailments they all suffer from. The first 30 seconds are all the ailments. The next 30 seconds are all side effects. But the real kicker that always gets on my nerves is at the end of each commercial the speaker always says.... "Ask your Doctor if (this shit) is right for you"...!

Now the drug companies want you to sort through your ailments, listen to them, than YOU solicit the Doctor if their drug is right for you. And there's where I draw the line. When I go to the Doctor I'll tell him the ailments and/or problem and I'll trust him/her to prescribe a drug if needed. I'm paying the Doctor to do this and I'll be damned if I'm going to ask or suggest a drug off a TV commercial. The drug company is suggesting you diagnosis yourself and inquire. That just seems so backwards and unprofessional to me.
I disagree with you. There are so many new drug treatments being developed every day, it is difficult for medical professionals to keep up. Add to that the increasing number of Physician Assistants and Practicing Nurses that see patients before you even get to see an MD.

My wife was suffering with a gut problem that the GP couldn't get an understanding of. I saw an advert for a drug that treats issues caused by a disease affecting the pancreas. The advert listed the symptoms, and I showed the list to my wife. The symptoms matched what she was experiencing! Armed with this information, we went to her GP and showed him the advert and the supporting documentation. One new test that very day confirmed that she had that problem with her pancreas! The drug was prescribed, and she is recovering nicely!

Don't wait for your doctor to "figure it out." YOU are solely responsible for your own health! The medical professional you hire, WORKS FOR YOU! YOU need to be in charge.

I heard that drug advertising was not allowed in Europe or Australia. I don't know if that is true or not.

I said in an earlier post that DTC (Direct to Consumer) advertising of prescription drugs is not allowed in the UK (nor in Europe). My belief is that it's only permitted in the USA and New Zealand.

I disagree with you. There are so many new drug treatments being developed every day, it is difficult for medical professionals to keep up. Add to that the increasing number of Physician Assistants and Practicing Nurses that see patients before you even get to see an MD.

My wife was suffering with a gut problem that the GP couldn't get an understanding of. I saw an advert for a drug that treats issues caused by a disease affecting the pancreas. The advert listed the symptoms, and I showed the list to my wife. The symptoms matched what she was experiencing! Armed with this information, we went to her GP and showed him the advert and the supporting documentation. One new test that very day confirmed that she had that problem with her pancreas! The drug was prescribed, and she is recovering nicely!

Don't wait for your doctor to "figure it out." YOU are solely responsible for your own health! The medical professional you hire, WORKS FOR YOU! YOU need to be in charge.
I disagree with you.

1st off I'm glad your wife got the proper treatment she required and is on the mend. And I hope she stays healthy.

I too have seen Physician Assistants and Practicing Nurses... if I want. But I don't have to before I can see my primary MD. I can make an appointment to see him directly. I've never heard of having to see (or go through) a subordinate before I could see my MD. And your right we are solely responsible for our own health. We all have to make healthy choices but I pay my MD to "figure it out" when a medical problem arises. I'd never depend on some drug company ad for self diagnose and promotion. I pay my MD to WORK FOR ME.... and I put HIM in charge of my medical decisions not me. If I question a subordinate I'll see my MD.

I disagree with you.

1st off I'm glad your wife got the proper treatment she required and is on the mend. And I hope she stays healthy.

I too have seen Physician Assistants and Practicing Nurses... if I want. But I don't have to before I can see my primary MD. I can make an appointment to see him directly. I've never heard of having to see (or go through) a subordinate before I could see my MD. And your right we are solely responsible for our own health. We all have to make healthy choices but I pay my MD to "figure it out" when a medical problem arises. I'd never depend on some drug company ad for self diagnose and promotion. I pay my MD to WORK FOR ME.... and I put HIM in charge of my medical decisions not me. If I question a subordinate I'll see my MD.
Seeing my physician makes for an extended (distant in time) appointment. Compared to visiting his office alone.

Interestingly, surveys conducted by the FDA in 2004 found that most (surveyed) physicians felt that DTC (Direct-to-Consumer) advertising of drugs made their patients more aware of treatments and more engaged in their own health care. Also 27% of consumers were prompted by such advertising to make an appointment with their physician in relation to a condition they had not previously discussed.

Over here, DTC adverts for prescription drugs are not permitted. In fact I think it’s only you guys and New Zealand that have them.

The prevailing view here is that DTC adverts may misinform patients by over-emphasizing treatment benefits, under-emphasizing treatment risks, and promoting drugs over healthy lifestyle choices as well as potentially leading to overutilization and inappropriate prescribing.

Also worth remembering that we don’t pay for prescription drugs in the UK. We only pay for the prescription itself, which is about $12 per item, or $140 to cover you for a full year if you need a larger number of drugs and/or multiple renewals (free once you’re over sixty or if you’re a hospital inpatient.)

PS: You only have to go back to 1913 to see heroin being advertised by Bayer.

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Yes, and all those ads cost big $$$ that they pass along to you! Medical care should not be for profit, every other civilized country seems to be able to do it better than the U.S.A. Why can't we be great with our health? Being healthy is way better than being wealthy. I built quite a few homes for dying millionaires, every one of them wanted to trade places with me.

I dislike the drug commercials very much. I feel like the companies are attempting through suggestions to have the public attempt to self-diagnose and ask their doctors to try their medication.

Many have side effects that to me, are worse than the health issue the meds are targeting.

It's shameful and may eventually lead to a health crisis.

I dislike the drug commercials very much. I feel like the companies are attempting through suggestions to have the public attempt to self-diagnose and ask their doctors to try their medication.

Many have side effects that to me, are worse than the health issue the meds are targeting.

It's shameful and may eventually lead to a health crisis.
Totally agree dognose... It's like there flipping the script. I PAY and PUT my MD in charge of any medical medicine decisions they may suggest or deem necessary. I most certainly don't put myself in charge of those decisions especially through self-diagnose through an ad. Nor will I ask my MD to give me a script through an ad suggestion on TV.

Yes, and all those ads cost big $$$ that they pass along to you! Medical care should not be for profit, every other civilized country seems to be able to do it better than the U.S.A. Why can't we be great with our health? Being healthy is way better than being wealthy. I built quite a few homes for dying millionaires, every one of them wanted to trade places with me.
Sadly you wont be healthy until you get your diet in check. Read something interesting yesterday that 90% of the food we eat now didn't exist 100 years ago. Just like 90% of the health issues happening didn't exist 100 years ago. (or at least not as extreme) Exercise is also important, but being we are treasure hunters we all probably get a decent amount of walking and hiking in. :)

The current state of drug advertising has made me deeply suspicious of doctors and health officials. If I get my arm blown off, sure hands down, send me to a US hospital to have it put back on. But long term health? PREVENTION of chronic disease? Finding the root for a health concern and finding a cure? Rather than symptom managment? Personally, my doctor or health agency is last last resort. Especially with how money travels. This might be bad, it's just my thoughts.

The current state of drug advertising has made me deeply suspicious of doctors and health officials. If I get my arm blown off, sure hands down, send me to a US hospital to have it put back on. But long term health? PREVENTION of chronic disease? Finding the root for a health concern and finding a cure? Rather than symptom managment? Personally, my doctor or health agency is last last resort. Especially with how money travels. This might be bad, it's just my thoughts.

I had a friend/coworker who hated doctors and even walkin clinics. Unfortunately it cost him his life. He ignored signs of a blodclot when he had a terrible headache, he told couple people "worst headache I've ever had" and he refused to follow their advice and go to a doctor, sadly it led to a massive stroke and he died about a week later. I had a nephew who also didn't like doctors and ignored symptoms till it was too late, he died of colon cancer.

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