Ticked off.

Here in the wetlands of NW Minnesota, we have ticks and mosquitoes about as bad as anyone could imagine. VERY few people, tons and tons of wildlife!!

In my NORMAL day-to-day life, I normally start each day of the season spraying down my jeans and boots with Raid Flying Insect Killer. This usually last me a couple of days, by which time the clothes are in DIRE need of washing! I also always wear a ball cap dutifully sprayed each morning with Raid. The ticks will avoid the clothing for days, but the mosquitoes require fresh application every day or two! I try to avoid wooded areas where ticks can drop on me from above. If I have to be in the trees/brush/woods, I duct tape pants cuffs, wear flannel long-sleeved shirts and a mesh net if necessary. I've even had to wear work gloves (also sprayed with Raid). The thing to remember is to NEVER touch your hands, gloves or sleeves to your mouth or face without thorough washing. Any thinner garments, like shirts, use ONLY Off or Cutters (Cutters don't work worth crap here!). If you sneeze, wipe your face with the fresh, untouched portion of a paper towel just off the roll. Permethrin is poison, as is DEET. ...Get a bug or a speck in your eye? DO NOT rub it!! Just keep your eye closed until you can get a clean portion of paper towel out to use. Once used, throw in a waste bag so you don't risk getting the used portion in your eye the next time around (<-- the voice of experience!).

When ticks aren't too bad but when mosquitoes are still horrible, I'll often wear an unlined windbreaker; the lighter the color, the better! During tick season, will sometimes opt to wear rubber boots - not 100% effective, but certainly cuts down. If the ticks are too bad or too small for rubber boots, then wear comfortable boots and spray to heck and back!

Wow, great advice all! Thanks for the input - I'll take that all into consideration when I head out now.

Unfortunately I can't avoid wooded areas, since that's all there are where I live. I walk out my front door right into a forest, so I'll have to take that into account too.

Thanks again!

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Save the ticks (full large) ones off the dog and add garlic simmer on low for 10 min and have "blood bean soup" It will warm you up

You obviously know nothing about fine culinary techniques. Don't you know that when you're ticked off, you're steamed?

Good call on the garlic, though. Garlic fixes everything.

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