Trashed brassy mesh turned out to be a RARE ANTIQUE WHITING&DAVIS BAG


Jr. Member
Feb 16, 2013
Northwest - Idaho
Detector(s) used
Bounty Hunter - Fast Tracker
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
When I opened the box containing this chain mesh mess, I could not figure out :dontknow:what it was supposed to be. The blob of tarnished fine chain mail, a bell shaped cap, little rings, and a twisted band was filthy and mangled. With a hopeless sigh, I feared it would most likely end up in the trash.
bellmeshbefore-mess.png I cleaned it up with baking soda, vinegar, and a squirt of liquid dish soap. Then I laid it out to dry on a cotton towel and studied the pieces in hopes to discover clues or a pattern of sort. I don't know why I just had to have this thing.
I decided it was either of brass or a gold-wash brass. As I began to connect the links and reconstruct the pieces, I began to see how unusual this piece really was. I had acquired the mangled mess for almost nothing at a local junque shop, but soon discovered that what I had was a most rare find, and worth far more than I could have ever imagined. This was an antique drawstring, mesh purse of some sort. As the thing started to take shape, I started searching antique purses. Then I found the the telltale clue... a tiny "Whiting & Davis" tag, still attached to the body of fine chain mail mesh.
Bellbag-WDtag.pngGoldchainmail-VeryRareBelltop.gifVERY RARE-EARLY WHITING & DAVIS BELLTOP GOLD MESH PURSE

Amazingly, every tiny gold dangle, every link, draw chain and tassel, were all there. Upon completion I realized that I had resurrected a fine historic and very rare "Whiting & Davis" antique mesh purse. When I finished piecing it all together, it was absolutely stunning.
To my best estimate, this rare piece was worth around $1800-$2200,:hello2: although no dollar amount was shown for another purse I found in a reference book, best resembling what I had.
Still, the most exciting part about my find is that I had just spared this rare historic piece from the trash. I cringe every time I think - 'what if I hadn't picked it up and bought it?':BangHead: - JSpinner

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after untangling my wifes gold chains dozens of times i must say that you,sir,must have the patience of Job. congrats on a great find.

after untangling my wifes gold chains dozens of times i must say that you,sir,must have the patience of Job. congrats on a great find.

Patience, I do not have. But, with mega-curiosity and focused persistence with driving determination, I might achieve a goal I've set on. I just had to figure that thing out. It took me over a week to finally put it back together. It definitely was the the biggest 'meshed up mess' I had ever tackled. I don't know if I'd do it again. But, with what it is worth... Yeah, I guess I would. It was really exciting once I had a clue as to what it was. Believe me, I have never seen anything like that before. It is really cool, though.

Very nice:thumbsup: Congratulations:occasion14:

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