aussie 1

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Aug 4, 2008
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At the sides of winding trails around mountainsides in the interior of the USA where Indians travelled for thousands of years, later travelers were the Spanish Jesuits.
The ancient trails were permanent landmarks which suited them perfectly as markers for later returning to the site.
For their own mysterious reasons concerning the future of their order they buried the proceeds of much mining.
They averaged a depth of 9 feet to the top of their post hole caches.
I use the terminology “Posthole” as that is an accurate description of what they are.
It is only commonsense that when burying something that you don’t want anyone else to find, you will leave as little area as possible to the chance of exposure to a chance shovel. I estimate by looking down countless times that the caches are stacked in ingots at ingot width and about 4 foot in depth.
Usually only gold is stacked this way except the supposed Warrnamool
Mahogany ship stranded in a small bay during a violent storm and stranded by sand banks building up.
It had to be Spanish as the nearby paddocks are gridded with silver posthole deposits at a depth 9 feet and 10 foot apart.
The ship was about 60 foot in length and about 25 foot wide and is buried in an ancient bay behind 30-50 foot sand hills with raging surf on the beach front.

Around the coast of Australia in any convenient site which has a permanent landmark, much treasure has been buried.
Even the Californian coastline and its Islands are not spared as a burial ground for Jesuit deposits. Long range dowsing from photos or maps is a fact if you know the rules of dowsing and obey them 100%.
I have discovered with much digging that for every cache there are at least a dozen decoys and at least one and at times more, death traps.
With dowsing time again approaching following faithfully its 11 year cycle , now is time to dust off your ignorance of dowsing. Regards max


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2008
Midwest USA
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United States the current price of gold, hard to say if it could pay off the national debt...but we have a lot to search for here in the way of Spanish & Indian gold. :icon_sunny:


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Apr 3, 2010
Dallas, Texas
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Excalibur II, Minelab Etrac, Ace 250k, Discovery TF-900
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Max, as a true novice to dowsing your post brings up many questions. What is this 11 year cycle you write of? Does dowsing only work well at the 11 year cycle? What is "warrnamool"? Since you have done "much digging" of decoys, why would they come up as positive locations in your dowsing efforts? Why would the Jesuits go to the time and trouble of digging a dozen decoys for every legitimate cache since they went to great pains to make them 9 feet deep and only a post hole top for identification? Is this mahogany ship off the coast of California or Australia? Is this a site you have dowsed? Any idea of its location and depth at this time? Thanks for your expertise! :read2:


Hero Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Aurora Aqua, Excalibur, Garrett CX2, Gemini-3, MFD's, Sovereign, Viper, E Trac, Dees Nutz rod, Tesoro Sand Shark. Pro pulse.
Hi guys;

Let me jump in here. I don't dowse, I'm on the other end. I go where the dowsers send me. Here's what gives the same signal as a real cache. Certain mineral deposits, hot rocks, placers, some quartz will reflect a signal, and the dreaded nada balls. Since I pick them up with my equipment, makes sense that a dowser would hit them also. It's been proved to me dozens of times. I guess it's just part of it.


aussie 1

Full Member
Aug 4, 2008
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All Treasure Hunting
The randy man, Dowsing is powered by EMF (electo magnetic flux) from the sun. When a solar storm occurs on the surface of the sun, much disturbance causes the creation of many types of magnetic waves among others such as x-rays etc and one particular apparently unknown wavelength will power dowsing via the human body as long as it is reflected off an overhead moon.
As long as the moon reflects directly onto your body or through a tin roof boosting your bodies magnetic aura you will have the correct wavelength that allows you to dowse providing you use an antenna such as dowsing rods.
Science has known about the Solar flares for several centuries and have been successfully metering the flares throughout the 20th century. Some scientists say that the flares are really spaced 22 years apart, however 11 years appears sufficient for us normal humans.
The reason there is so much debate about dowsing is that very few investigators have been fortunate enough to be studying dowsing at a time when dowsing time was available.
And when they have, the magnetic rays are selective and don't cover all areas , plus a persons natural magnetic aura strength may vary from person to person, causing further confusion as some will require larger doses of magnetic radiation, plus the further north you are situated the more dowsing weather you will enjoy.
The last solar flare period was 1993 to dec. 2004. The strength of solar flares increases towards the centre of solar flare periods, and subsequently so do dowsing periods.
However as the results of the flares do not bathe all of earth as half of earth is always in darkness, most do not know the rules of dowsing which are critical, and they will go thru their lives trying but not succeeding to be able to look mentally underground, dowse the moon or discover what Obama had for breakfast.
An instance of lack of important dos and donts is that you cannot dowse if you allow your head to be bare on a day of heat and high UV rays. Wear a wide brimmed hat. Keep you dowsing rod well inside your bodies aura, dont dowse under a tiled roof, and you must have a solar flare in motion , plus nothing such as shadows of buildings , trees etc obstructing a direct link between you and at least a part moon and a good solid solar flare in motion.

So as you can see , there will always be wild theories and pretenders whom will boast about their ability to dowse at any time. No -one can dispute them as most of the vey few who know the secrets of dowsing keep mum.
By a co-incidence the Ancient Mayans ended their written history of predictions in 20012 which is the centre of the present solar flares which are gradually building up strength which I am waiting for.
I live in the southern part of australia where we have less dowsing weather in quieter periods. I havnt nor has an aquaintance of mine been able to dowse since June 2004 , however based in Colorado he is slowly getting increasing but still weak strength dowsing signals. Thats all I can devulge without giving you a headache. Regards max


Hero Member
Apr 3, 2010
Dallas, Texas
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Excalibur II, Minelab Etrac, Ace 250k, Discovery TF-900
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The sun is awakening!!! Take a look at this thread and link.,340346.0/topicseen.html

I forgot to ask if you do map or picture dowsing. I am interested in learning how to dowse and of course want to go the correct way so I dont waste time. Your posts have been an excellent starter but how do I proceed now in my learning?


Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
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Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
Thats all I can devulge without giving you a headache.
You are correct about the headaches
Max type Rods


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aussie 1

Full Member
Aug 4, 2008
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All Treasure Hunting
Actually several hours ago the first Solar flares of use to enable mental dowsing in 6 years arrived early am in australia. The flares arrived with a bang and even featured in the Teli news today.
As mental dowsing requires the need of the EMF originated on the sun bouncing off the moon and onto your body and the moon was over Aussie land at the early hours of the morning while I slept

The flares reached g20. I dont know what the minimun requirements are for dowsing as when we had the last of the flares 6 years ago I wasnt studying that aspect of EMF strength. I didnt think it was necessary, as I didnt know that solar flares and mental dowsing could be non existent for years at a time.

THe Solar flars are sitting on g2 at the moment which hasnt happened before since 2004 as they always dropped off in the past, and according to the experts g5 is powerful. I am also wondering how the crew circling the earth are going re protection from radiation. Ill put a pic on this thread of how to use the look down wire which is a hundred times stronger than an l shaped wire.
Only problem is that you receive mental underground pics for a maximun of a minute or so, then you blank out. a single rod whis only relable in extreme solar flare conditions can go for hours.

If solar flares were continuous at all times LRLs would be non existent, and a lot of crooks would have to do an honest days work. Max


Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
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Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
The solar activity of the latest CME is now dying down... a good event but not a giant storm.
Why didn't we send out a red alert?
We send out a red alert if the Boyle Index goes above 200 (it hit 180)
or the predicted auroral index goes above 1000 (it hit 800)
or our predicted Kp hits 6 or greater (it hit 5).
Our predicted DsT is -80.

Now the realtime Kp estimate did hit 6, but that is quantized in even units, so it could be anywhere from 5+ to 6-.
So, although it was a nice storm, it wasn't a huge one.
One advantage for Americans is that it occurred nicely in the evening so that we could enjoy the auroras. So should I lower the trigger index if it happens in the evenings??

For more details,


Jul 26, 2010
aussie 1 said:
Thats all I can devulge without giving you a headache.

Oh man! All this gibberish is definitely giving me one.

I just want my rods to turn when they need to turn, and cross when needed. Didn't realize I needed to worry about the sun, too! LOL


aussie 1

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Aug 4, 2008
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All Treasure Hunting
Hmm, Art. Your gibberish rantings have swung over to the real side of dowsing still not having any comprehensible understanding of what you are saying. Stick to your crooked LRLs and leave comprehesive studying of dowsing to those who have an understanding. And stop confusing new chums. Max


aussie 1

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Aug 4, 2008
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All Treasure Hunting
Fenixdigger.Re hot rocks etc affecting dowsing, you will be surprised to learn that dowsing has no barriers or limits over distance or depth. The disadvantage with dowsing is that someone has to invent a substitute of the wave length that the sun emits during a solar storm which bounces off the moon and covers your body if you are outdoors or under a tin roof.
If there are any guys out there who can achieve this elusive EMF wave length the whole world will be your oyster.

All those map readers whom never mention these important facts which are vital to successful map reading are having a lend of themselves and you. Unless they have a magnetic aura many times stronger than normal which I doubt.

Regards max


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2008
Midwest USA
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Garrett Ace 250/GTA 1,000; Fisher Gold Bug-2; Gemini-3; Unique Design L-Rods
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I've for the past 2 years been using a simplified method of measuring my dowsing potential on a daily basis. It is simple, much like the test garden treasure hunters used in the days of primitive metal detectors. They would put coins, jewelry, etc. in the ground (where they are safe) to test each detector.

After a few years, a halo of detection appeared around the targets, growing larger and increasing detection depth. For dowsing, no need to bury your treasure. Many of us have coins, jewelry, etc. in drawers or on shelves. You can walk through your home, any day of the week and see how the rods respond.

Sure, some days the response is weak...other days you find things forgotten about for many years. I've found all the old watches, watchbands in the house...nobody knew were still there.

Test nuggets are great, I've lost and found mine took the rods both times to recover the nugget. :icon_sunny:


Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
Detector(s) used
Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
Hey Red_desert….I still use a test garden..It is not as big as it used to be….I have gold and silver and a 2 foot square of iron buried. I also have a two foot deep hole dug in some pretty hard ground. I can drop anything in to the hole and fill it with soft dirt. Then bait my rods to see if I get a match….Yes…when the sunspots are in the red the rods do respond stronger. Just like you I can dowse anytime that I want to…Art


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2008
Midwest USA
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Garrett Ace 250/GTA 1,000; Fisher Gold Bug-2; Gemini-3; Unique Design L-Rods
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aarthrj3811 said:
Hey Red_desert….I still use a test garden..It is not as big as it used to be….I have gold and silver and a 2 foot square of iron buried. I also have a two foot deep hole dug in some pretty hard ground. I can drop anything in to the hole and fill it with soft dirt. Then bait my rods to see if I get a match….Yes…when the sunspots are in the red the rods do respond stronger. Just like you I can dowse anytime that I want to…Art

I just got back from a family reunion in PA. One of the relatives own a hunting lodge up in the mountains. No time to treasure hunt, have to meet all those you don't see for years. There is an old mine tunnel across the road up the hill, but is on private property. I did see it once, we had permission to look and enter the old mine. The gold in PA is glacial drift and a glacial terminus runs through there. On the other side of the road you find nice size chunks of quartz vein rock, often has a pink tint. Took back four pieces.

Yes, the test garden is a good idea. From what I understand about the sun rays, a science program on TV explained it well.

As the rays of the sun strike the upper atmosphere, an ionization phenomena takes place. When reaching us at lower levels on Earth, we become energized and experience increased mental activity. This ionization process begins to diminish at why night time gives us sleep, the mental activity slows down.

Solar flares give more mental energy, but other studies show our subconscious mind where dreams, meditation, prayer, religious and paranormal experiences take place...requires a lower level of consciousness...the mental activity must decrease some for this to take place. I've dowsed at night already, but it is best away from car traffic or people. At night you actually feel a person approaching, even before seeing them (same way with cars).

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