Trump to Declare National Emergency Today

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Still waiting for the CV-19 self test for antibodies to come available.
I would like to know if the sickness I went through last month, was just the flu or the Covid-19


Still waiting for the CV-19 self test for antibodies to come available.
I would like to know if the sickness I went through last month, was just the flu or the Covid-19


Mid February ... both my girl and I felt like we had the worst flu since we were kids.

The symptoms we experienced were very much like some of the descriptions given for the Covid symptoms.

We often think we might ... or might not... have had it already.

Which sucks not knowing.

IF it was we kicked it.

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Mid February ... both my girl and I felt like we had the worst flu since we were kids.

The symptoms we experienced were very much like some of the descriptions given for the Covid symptoms.

We often think we might ... or might not... have had it already.

Which sucks not knowing.

IF it was we kicked it... and if just bad flu we kicked it as well.

If you had it you may now be immune to the current strain. That would be a load off your mind.
And would be life changing.

My wife and I were sick from sometime toward the end of February thru mid March.
I'm hoping we had it and are now immune. :dontknow:

I've heard yes you would be immune, and I've also heard maybe not.

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Mid February ... both my girl and I felt like we had the worst flu since we were kids.

The symptoms we experienced were very much like some of the descriptions given for the Covid symptoms.

We often think we might ... or might not... have had it already.

Which sucks not knowing.

IF it was we kicked it... and if just bad flu we kicked it as well.

You can be tested, if you had it a new blood test will reveal it. They are looking at plasma from people who recovered from virus to use as anti bodies for the virus.

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You can be tested, if you had it a new blood test will reveal it. They are looking at plasma from people who recovered from virus to use as anti bodies for the virus.

This from your link.............................

On Apr. 1, the agency approved the first antibody test for use in the United States made by Cellex. It looks for antibodies in a finger prick of blood. It delivers results in about 15 minutes.

FierceBiotech reported that the test will be available by prescription, although there’s no indication of how quickly the tests will be rolled out.

Scientists at UCSF have also developed a test and expect to start using it this week, although it will not be available to the general public.


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You can be tested, if you had it a new blood test will reveal it. They are looking at plasma from people who recovered from virus to use as anti bodies for the virus.

Well... As much as we would like to know... we are not going anywhere near anything "medical"... not even CVS for crying out loud... IN CASE we did not and only had the Flu.

Some of our symptoms did not jive with the Covid so we are really not sure / leaning toward we had it to begin with... there was a flu going around all over for a bit... everyone we knew was sick.

We isolate anyway... we leave the house once to twice a week.

So we "quarantine" everyday.



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I wear one pair of gloves and bring one pair "backups"... and then I use Clorox wipes when I feel I should and clean gloves thoroughly WHILE they are on.

In fact I am going to ask the cashier next time to use a wipe I will offer him / her PRIOR to touching my groceries.

FOR... the ten people OR 100 BEFORE me touched EVERYTHING that cashier is ABOUT TO touch of mine.

Transfer THIS ! ! !

I guess I still don’t get don’t wash your hands every time you touch something do you?
You go for a period of time..going about your day...not touching your face, then when you get the opportunity... you wash your hands? At least. That’s what I do. Use hand sanitizer at the one public store stop I might have every week. Gas station...hardware store, etc.

Are you saying you wear gloves all day then wash at the end? That would cause more problems with skin conditions wouldn’t it?

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Go to town...don’t touch your face...get home...wipe vehicle contact points down, then wash hands.
Let groceries sit for 5 days if possible then load your cabinets.

The Gov. approved a process for sterilizing N95 masks making them reusable. We should be demanding some of our government workers take advantage of this process to save masks for the general public.

Some hospitals are issuing 5 masks per worker. They wear one for the day, then put it in a paper bag for 5 days. Use it again.

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This from your link.............................

On Apr. 1, the agency approved the first antibody test for use in the United States made by Cellex. It looks for antibodies in a finger prick of blood. It delivers results in about 15 minutes.

FierceBiotech reported that the test will be available by prescription, although there’s no indication of how quickly the tests will be rolled out.

Scientists at UCSF have also developed a test and expect to start using it this week, although it will not be available to the general public.

Didnt mean it is available tomorrow, but tests should be available soon, shooting to have them available next month.

I guess I still don’t get don’t wash your hands every time you touch something do you?
You go for a period of time..going about your day...not touching your face, then when you get the opportunity... you wash your hands? At least. That’s what I do. Use hand sanitizer at the one public store stop I might have every week. Gas station...hardware store, etc.

Are you saying you wear gloves all day then wash at the end? That would cause more problems with skin conditions wouldn’t it?

See ... here is what's wrong with your thinking... you are only thinking of YOU. heh (we kinda went through this before didn't we ?... :P ) - No offense.

Meanwhile... your are a "carrier" of the virus... transferring all the while from touch to touch to touch.

ITs not just the face you need be worried about ... its all the other things around you YOUR infecting for OTHERS.

The old adage... "If you are not part of the solution(s)... you are part of the problem(s).

If you do not wash your hands after pumping gas... you might have just got it.

When you walk into the gas station and open the door using door handle... you might have just got it.

When you get a shopping cart ... When you touch the screen at checkout... Your keys... then trunk door OR back car door OR your door OR your wife's door if you opened it for her... Steering wheel... gear shifter... radio... Sunglasses... and on and on.

Now you are home... and you check the mail... mail box... mail itself... both of which might have it already... keys again... house door... if you came in through garage then the garage door openers are contaminated.

House doors...And it continues... as you pet your dog at the door... AT ANY one point of contact... you have left it IF you have it.

Think of it a lot like fingerprints... Almost everything you touch leaves a trace.

When it comes to viruses and communicable diseases that are "viscous" like this one seems to be... ANY point of contact may be it.

Now... since you only think... "well I don't touch my face"... and etc... What about your wife ?... Kids ? Friends ?

As they pet the dog... open the door... or use your keys or vehicle OR touch anything else you may have touched throughout your day ?

Currently... in public... it would be wise to wash your hands as much as possible... and yes... don't touch your face...

DONT TOUCH ANYTHING you don't have to... And if you do... Then getting it off your hands by any means possible is paramount.

And remember... this virus spreads in multiple ways... NOT just touch...

It also seems to be just as aggressive in the air.

Ok. I’ll accept those numbers, but NYC is now reporting 700+ and 800+ COVID related deaths per day. There are also the usual non-COVID deaths to handle. NYFD is also responding to 100-200 at home deaths per day, rather than the typical 20 or so, since more people aren’t heading to hospitals.

I just don’t see how inflating the numbers really benefits anyone. Suppressing the numbers makes more sense, so that leaders could say, “look what a great job we’re doing... nothing to worry about... restart the economy.”

Kindest regards,
Inflating the numbers helps the hospitals. They’ve got their hands out. More cases, the more funding. Skinned knee and a cough? C-flu $$$!


See ... here is what's wrong with your thinking... you are only thinking of YOU. heh (we kinda went through this before didn't we ?... :P ) - No offense.

Meanwhile... your are a "carrier" of the virus... transferring all the while from touch to touch to touch.

ITs not just the face you need be worried about ... its all the other things around you YOUR infecting for OTHERS.

The old adage... "If you are not part of the solution(s)... you are part of the problem(s).

If you do not wash your hands after pumping gas... you might have just got it.

When you walk into the gas station and open the door using door handle... you might have just got it.

When you get a shopping cart ... When you touch the screen at checkout... Your keys... then trunk door OR back car door OR your door OR your wife's door if you opened it for her... Steering wheel... gear shifter... radio... Sunglasses... and on and on.

Now you are home... and you check the mail... mail box... mail itself... both of which might have it already... keys again... house door... if you came in through garage then the garage door openers are contaminated.

House doors...And it continues... as you pet your dog at the door... AT ANY one point of contact... you have left it IF you have it.

Think of it a lot like fingerprints... Almost everything you touch leaves a trace.

When it comes to viruses and communicable diseases that are "viscous" like this one seems to be... ANY point of contact may be it.

Now... since you only think... "well I don't touch my face"... and etc... What about your wife ?... Kids ? Friends ?

As they pet the dog... open the door... or use your keys or vehicle OR touch anything else you may have touched throughout your day ?

Currently... in public... it would be wise to wash your hands as much as possible... and yes... don't touch your face...

DONT TOUCH ANYTHING you don't have to... And if you do... Then getting it off your hands by any means possible is paramount.

And remember... this virus spreads in multiple ways... NOT just touch...

It also seems to be just as aggressive in the air.

I’ll admit it I’m just slow sometimes. The gloves are doing the exact same thing as the skin on your hands...spreading it around.

For instance the grocery checker wearing gloves....they are spreading it around by contact just as much as if they didn’t have gloves. But it gives people a sense of safety.

If it’s for their protection, they can spread it to themselves just as easily. Maybe they won’t be as likely to scratch that itch if they are wearing gloves...that about the only advantage I can see. Otherwise it’s just an extra layer of skin.

Maybe if they were to change out to new gloves might help.
I could see a doctor doing this between patients. But the person donning gloves when they leave the house..?

I’ll admit it I’m just slow sometimes. The gloves are doing the exact same thing as the skin on your hands...spreading it around.

For instance the grocery checker wearing gloves....they are spreading it around by contact just as much as if they didn’t have gloves. But it gives people a sense of safety.

If it’s for their protection, they can spread it to themselves just as easily. Maybe they won’t be as likely to scratch that itch if they are wearing gloves...that about the only advantage I can see. Otherwise it’s just an extra layer of skin.

Maybe if they were to change out to new gloves might help.
I could see a doctor doing this between patients. But the person donning gloves when they leave the house..?

Well here is my dealio... I don't really want to wash my hands every 30 minutes... or even every hour I am out...

Disposable gloves... decent ones... I wear those and use heavy duty Clorox wipes ON the GLOVES... so say I pump gas... I hold pump handle with one hand WITH glove on... theother hand WITH glove on is holding a fresh wet Clorox wipe... when I hang the handle up I wipe the wipe all over gloves...

Repeat.... over and over ... same wipe... until it starts to dry out... BUT same gloves.

When I get home... I remove gloves and toss... wash hands... good to go.

But see I am killing the virus... and any other bad crap all the while WITHOUT having to keep washing my hands everywhere.

IF everyone did this... and was killing germs on everything everywhere... this would break some of the "chain"... now of course... this does nothing for the "air" we breath in... for that we must continue the distancing and masks.

And I keep spare pair of gloves on back pocket... in case I gotta pee somewhere... then I toss gloves... pee... wash hands... put new ones on.

In an average day if you pay attention to everything you actually place your hand on... AND WHAT you placed you hand on you will actually be amazrd at how many objects your hands have come into contact with.

Now think... WHO did the same and touched the same... seconds ... minutes or whatever BEFORE you did.

And did they have it ? ? ?

Who will ever know.

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IMO 99% alcohol mixed with hand lotion [suave skin lotion ] is what we use, cant find aloe vera gel

Well here is my dealio... I don't really want to wash my hands every 30 minutes... or even every hour I am out...

Disposable gloves... decent ones... I wear those and use heavy duty Clorox wipes ON the GLOVES... so say I pump gas... I hold pump handle with one hand WITH glove on... theother hand WITH glove on is holding a fresh wet Clorox wipe... when I hang the handle up I wipe the wipe all over gloves...

Repeat.... over and over ... same wipe... until it starts to dry out... BUT same gloves.

When I get home... I remove gloves and toss... wash hands... good to go.

But see I am killing the virus... and any other bad crap all the while WITHOUT having to keep washing my hands everywhere.

IF everyone did this... and was killing germs on everything everywhere... this would break some of the "chain"... now of course... this does nothing for the "air" we breath in... for that we must continue the distancing and masks.

And I keep spare pair of gloves on back pocket... in case I gotta pee somewhere... then I toss gloves... pee... wash hands... put new ones on.

In an average day if you pay attention to everything you actually place your hand on... AND WHAT you placed you hand on you will actually be amazrd at how many objects your hands have come into contact with.

Now think... WHO did the same and touched the same... seconds ... minutes or whatever BEFORE you did.

And did they have it ? ? ?

Who will ever know.

Well whatever works for you.
Personally I’m not at a public store or even fueling up more than once a week and I just use hand sanitizer that I carry with me. I bought some moisturizing lotion that I use every once in awhile to keep the hands from cracking. The places I spend the most time..I go around sanitizing the surfaces for my benefit as well as others. Wash my hands maybe half dozen times throughout the day.

Well whatever works for you.
Personally I’m not at a public store or even fueling up more than once a week and I just use hand sanitizer that I carry with me. I bought some moisturizing lotion that I use every once in awhile to keep the hands from cracking. The places I spend the most time..I go around sanitizing the surfaces for my benefit as well as others. Wash my hands maybe half dozen times throughout the day.

Perfect. :)

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