Trump to Declare National Emergency Today

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Graduation will be determined soon for our foster daughter, a high school senior this year--- OIP graduation.jpg

Come on, it is a just a virus, nothing more nothing less, it will pass, it is not the end of the world, it is not the end of America or the end our way of life...….Spanish Flu infected 1/3 of the world, killed 20-50 million, approximately 700,000 Americans died, life went on....



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Plumbata keep the political comments about government out of the posts.

Treasure Hunter, you're just plain wrong. The virus itself likely wouldn't do anything to me personally, indeed it would just be a flu or less, but for my heart transplant father and 90+ year old grandparents it could mean a long miserable death. Even for my wonderful woman and mother of my babies. Anyone infringing on that will soon be receiving supersonic attitude adjustments without warning or apology.

If you can't see what's actually happening globally then may God have mercy on you because you'll need every bit of it. I 100% support our commander and chief but this catastrophe is not the fabrication of his political opponents. It's real and you all need to prepare. This transcends politics man, please get ready.

Keep political comments about the government out of the posts.

Come on, it is a just a virus, nothing more nothing less, it will pass, it is not the end of the world, it is not the end of America or the end our way of life...….Spanish Flu infected 1/3 of the world, killed 20-50 million, approximately 700,000 Americans died, life went on....

so we're to presume you stocked up on supplies just because it's just a virus. Yeah, life goes on but you don't have the right to spread this crap to others .

I'm willing to wager you'll give a song and dance about how you have the right to keep your family safe and well fed during this pandemic and blah blah blah about how others should have seen this coming but too bad for them.


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so we're to presume you stocked up on supplies just because it's just a virus. Yeah, life goes on but you don't have the right to spread this crap to others .

I'm willing to wager you'll give a song and dance about how you have the right to keep your family safe and well fed during this pandemic and blah blah blah about how others should have seen this coming but too bad for them.

Davest, I haven't stocked up on anything, I buy what I need to last about 2 weeks just like I always have. No where have I said others should have seen this coming. Political comments were deleted because they do not belong in this thread.

The hysteria is ridiculous.

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So many topics come up with this virus,,,

On a tangent.... My Sister and Mother are super religious...yet are always the most fearful when things like this arise? Im not religious but feel I have more faith that everything will be OK. Q - What exactly is driving the hysteria? A- the fear of death... THE ONE THING IN LIFE THAT IS 100% GUARANTEED!!!

I have a theory that people who are afraid of death are the ones who have been stingy, greedy,violent,abusive, neglectful, judgemental etc. in their everyday lives. People asked me why I dont go to church to ask for forgiveness? I tell them that I cant think of anything that Ive done to ask forgiveness for?

People always hinting that we live / appear *poor or lower middle class.....turns out Ive just been living WITHIN my means. And this is what it looks like. 6 year old car, paid off, fully maintained (why upgrade and burden yourself to appease the joneses??) Older cell phone (why commit to a contract and a phone I dont need)...wheres all the money going? Its called saving. Im interested to see how the inlaws and joneses / Karens booked to the hilt with the latest and greatest all about a month away from defaulting on the meaningless material commitments and Mc Mansions etc.

Hopefully this will ultimately bring out the best in people as everything with meaning becomes obvious


My wife and I are living on our monthly social security income (we are both 70) so we like to purchase enough supplies to last us a month to prevent going to the store more often.
Our last shopping trip two days ago was a nightmare.

We had to stand in line for almost half an hour just to get in the door at the local Wal-Mart as they were only letting 25 in at a time.
Was not worth the wait because they were out of most everything on our list.

All the tp was gone and of course there were no paper towels or even paper napkins or tissues

No hand sanitizer, wipes, alcohol, or aloevera gel

All the ramen noodle soup was gone (no big deal)

No rice, potatoes, cheese, eggs, spaghetti, flour, sugar, beans, hamburger, chicken

No name brand coffee

However we were able to buy a 50 pk of disposable gloves. We had made our own masks.

We also were able to get bottled water but due to rationing only one pack to a customer.

Again shelves were half empty and we had to go to 3 other stores just to get a weeks worth of groceries and paid almost double regular price

Found some tp at a RV store, but had to pay $1.00 a roll for it

Wish we had horded some early on while it was still available

My advice....Stock up while you can, if you can. Wear mask and gloves when going shopping.
The fewer trips to a store or any enclosed public place for that matter, for the next 60 days the better off you will be.

Stay safe out there. I think it's only going to get worse before it gets better



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Per the Whitehouse Coronavirus Coordinator..emphasis mine.

"The next two weeks are extraordinarily important," said Birx. "This is the moment to not be going to the grocery store, not going to the pharmacy, but doing everything you can to keep your family and your friends safe and that means everybody doing the six-feet distancing, washing their hands."

Goodguy...the supply chain isn’t going to recover instantly...couple months...then another hit this summer I’d say..gotta remember all the factories across Europe are shut down right now.. there has to be a big impact from this that we have yet to see.

We are going to see the curve start to flatten..the sun is going to come out..people will start being complacent and we will see another spike.

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Just remember to ration your food...smaller portions. No waste.
Stretch it out like the old time miners did. The days of living fat on the hog have been paused for the moment.
Americans have plenty of fat stores to suffer through a lean diet.

Per the Whitehouse Coronavirus Coordinator..emphasis mine.

"The next two weeks are extraordinarily important," said Birx. "This is the moment to not be going to the grocery store, not going to the pharmacy, but doing everything you can to keep your family and your friends safe and that means everybody doing the six-feet distancing, washing their hands."

Goodguy...the supply chain isn’t going to recover instantly...couple months...then another hit this summer I’d say..gotta remember all the factories across Europe are shut down right now.. there has to be a big impact from this that we have yet to see.

We are going to see the curve start to flatten..the sun is going to come out..people will start being complacent and we will see another spike.

Well if Everyone else Stays home, I Should have Free Range thursday :coffee2:

Well if Everyone else Stays home, I Should have Free Range thursday :coffee2:

Better safe than sorry, there are now 77 reported cases in your county.

Well if Everyone else Stays home, I Should have Free Range thursday :coffee2:

What’s going on Thursday. Shopping or detecting?
Or are you going chasing after that Dents Run Gold?
; )

Well if Everyone else Stays home, I Should have Free Range thursday :coffee2:

Heck yes!
You could make a day out of heading to the lobby to pick up your weeks deliveries piled up...:laughing7:

Hey , I found Death Wish coffee in a store this past winter and tried it. Thanks for mentioning it before.
Pricey , so it was rationed accordingly.
Spotted it one more time and after that it was a bag of beans now and then.
(The grinder and I argue too much to run it a lot.)

I need to score a couple bags of commercial type coffee found locally when I dare go for groceries again.
Been trying others but economy suggests a better volume...

Heck yes!
You could make a day out of heading to the lobby to pick up your weeks deliveries piled up...:laughing7:

Hey , I found Death Wish coffee in a store this past winter and tried it. Thanks for mentioning it before.
Pricey , so it was rationed accordingly.
Spotted it one more time and after that it was a bag of beans now and then.
(The grinder and I argue too much to run it a lot.)

I need to score a couple bags of commercial type coffee found locally when I dare go for groceries again.
Been trying others but economy suggests a better volume...

Relevant, you got someone to do some shopping for you?

We really should be thinking about unnecessary trips..otherwise it just isn’t worth the sacrifice.

Coffee is something you can probably get shipped from Walmart on line or Amazon
This IS an age related virus. Plenty of younger people that should have nothing better to do. Asking and accepting help is an underrated quality in our society. John Wayne ruined it for us. God rest his soul.

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Relevant, you got someone to do some shopping for you?

We really should be thinking about unnecessary trips..otherwise it just isn’t worth the sacrifice.

Coffee is something you can probably get shipped from Walmart on line or Amazon
This IS an age related virus. Plenty of younger people that should have nothing better to do. Asking and accepting help is an underrated quality in our society. John Wayne ruined it for us. God rest his soul.

I can do the trip.
It'll be the last for a while.
Should get some tractor gas too.
It's gloves and mask and wiping stuff down and the shoe outside after I get home ect.
Trying to keep the ladyfriend less exposed for a while.
The last groceries are ready to leave the back of the truck after their extended quarantine. There's a pound of coffee in there.
Trying to time last trip with peak outbreak but it's been a tiny rise around here vs the chaos S.E. (across the state).
13 cases in the county here. Probably many more carriers though.
The county South has a bunch of outbreaks, Including a nursing home close to the line.
The last trip I went North.
We're spread thin here for density compared to cities and such. That is not a false sense of security though.

If it gets down to it in the near future , there's neighbors I can holler at.
I plow their snow at multiple homes in winter and most are willing to help should it be needed.

My wife and I are living on our monthly social security income (we are both 70) so we like to purchase enough supplies to last us a month to prevent going to the store more often.
Our last shopping trip two days ago was a nightmare.

We had to stand in line for almost half an hour just to get in the door at the local Wal-Mart as they were only letting 25 in at a time.
Was not worth the wait because they were out of most everything on our list.

All the tp was gone and of course there were no paper towels or even paper napkins or tissues

No hand sanitizer, wipes, alcohol, or aloevera gel

All the ramen noodle soup was gone (no big deal)

No rice, potatoes, cheese, eggs, spaghetti, flour, sugar, beans, hamburger, chicken

No name brand coffee

However we were able to buy a 50 pk of disposable gloves. We had made our own masks.

We also were able to get bottled water but due to rationing only one pack to a customer.

Again shelves were half empty and we had to go to 3 other stores just to get a weeks worth of groceries and paid almost double regular price

Found some tp at a RV store, but had to pay $1.00 a roll for it

Wish we had horded some early on while it was still available

My advice....Stock up while you can, if you can. Wear mask and gloves when going shopping.
The fewer trips to a store or any enclosed public place for that matter, for the next 60 days the better off you will be.

Stay safe out there. I think it's only going to get worse before it gets better


With all due respect this thread was started almost a month appears keeping up to date with Treasure net is an important part of prepping


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