Trx pinpointer


Full Member
May 27, 2006
Detector(s) used
Deus 2
I don't see a forum for the pinpointer, so hopefully someone here can help.

I bought a new TRX pinpointer, but it won't go to the vibrate only mode. I'm turning it on, then holding the power button as the manual states. It will only cycle through 1 beep/vibrate to four beeps & vibrate. I can not get it to do either vibrate only or beep only. What am I missing (except my $).

I had to put some paper towel in the battery cap so it would stay turned on too. Don't know if that's a problem with the AA batteries only, since mine didn't come with the 9 volt adapter for some reason, so I couldn't try that battery instead. (I didn't realize it was missing, until I tried to put a 9 volt in at the lake today, only to realize the battery was much too small on it's own).


Check out this video and see if it helps get you going. good luck, the TRX is great in my book.

I had the same problem with mine staying on. I cut a plastic bottle cap and used it as a shim. Now it works fine.

thanks for the video, but mine doesn't do this. It just cycles through the 4 sens levels and nothing else. Not sure what is going on. :dontknow:

I would contact Whites about it, they are very good about repairing or replacing. Just go to their website for contact info

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