Underwatersub partners wanted. No money


Sr. Member
Feb 7, 2010
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
ctx 3030 deus excalibur sovern but used gp4500 sd2200 whites nd a few fisher. Nox 800
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
First of all. Hello. Subs today can be financed with easy financing. Just look at this forum. It's full of information. I shouldn't have to say anything more about this. This forum says it all! I'm not asking for money. In time i want to form a corporation. After we talk,see what we have together as a team,see what our goals are and make each other happy. Then we'll go from their. If your into metal detecting and love stories about treasure. Then your in the right place. Just think of finding a ring on the beach. That find gives you a rush, which keeps you going for the rest of the day. Now how would you feel about finding a boat load of old stuff. You can get a sub for around $200 thousand cash or finance some of it without alot of problem. They teach you how to operate it,which isn't hard.You can put one of these on your boat. They even come with air condition. Their taking people down to the titantic now for $59,000 per person. Building motels underwater.Scientist are finding new discovery's and cures for the sick. My friend sells horsecrabs for cancer research. Scientist are spending grant money on renting ships.It cost $35,000 a day to rent plus $5,000 a dive. That's alot of overhead. Were just starting to explore our oceans. Being first into this is key. Anything found that's old is history. Museums love this. They can even help back projects,once we get going. But we need to be first at this. Even renting out our sub and skills,would be something to think about. Oil rigs are starting to use subs to lay out pipe and check the ocean floor. Grants will be easier to get. Just look at what people are showing us on these forums!! That's nothing. Their are a unknown amount of shipwrecks out their. Recorded and unrecorded. We are just starting to hear more and more about exploring our oceans and rivers. All the easy stuff is being found as we speck. That's because they are the first doing this. Just think of finding a old vase,or the war planes that were lost in the triangle. Books, movies,changing history and even getting known. That would change everything. We would be overnight hero's. The navy found 100 shipwrecks while looking for one. All this kind of work ,we can double,triple tasks as far as working goes. We can even look,while looking and working for others,part time. We can do more than one job at a time if we wanted to. We could even give people on these forums a job,if they wanted to work with us. That's after were going. Everyone on these forums knows or has heard something about treasure. Once trusted ,word of mouth to our friends would spread. The possibility's are endless. The pirate ship whyda had a plack at the wreck site. It was in all the new book. But wasn't found until a few years ago. It was right in front of our eyes. Mel fisher started this way. Dropping coins on the floor in front of his investors and while picking them up,kept redropping the coins,so as they looked like more coins than he really had. I'm only getting people together now. I'm not asking for money. So lets talk!! I'm all ears. United we stand divided we fall. Stories like this do come true. Frankie

i think if it were that easy alot more people would be doing it. biggest problem is giving up most of your finds to the state. good luck with your venture

dogpound said:
i think if it were that easy alot more people would be doing it. biggest problem is giving up most of your finds to the state. good luck with your venture
Nothing is easy. But its better than a real job. So the state takes 20%. Their are thousands of wrecks out their. Who knows. If and when i make it. I might ask you to help me if you want. But i have to make it first. Not everyone is doing it like the explorer. Their the king of the best.They just got known. They found the republic and a few other shipwrecks. And now a country has hired them to work for them for two years looking for a ship they sunk during the war. It's loaded with gold and silver. Theirs so much out their that your head would spin. What about finding a different kind of treasure. Like the lost war planes in the triangle. Just think of what would happen if you found them. People who just have everyday lives cant put it all together like us people that are into the forums,news and whats interesting to us. The people that are metal detecting hear some of whats going on. I fished for 25 years and have hundrens of wreck numbers that havent been touch yet. Only by fishing boats gear. What do you say about this. A navy!! cant remember where but can look it up. Found 100 shipwrecks while looking for one shipwreck. Thoses shipwrecks must be in only one location. Anyway thats alot of wrecks. And if its not worth it then why did they put the explorer together to be a profit making operation? They can tell you every everything that is laying on the bottom in just one day and have it maped out with this hi tect equiment they have. They have nothing but state of the art. Keep your eye on them. They will find so much stuff that it will blow your mine. They find it and others help recover it. They recovered the republic,but have other recovery ships that work with them. So thanks for your email. I hope i make it also. Keep your eyes and ears open frankie

4-H said:
Here we go again.
What was wrong with what we both had said in your eyes? He was telling me how he felt and his reasons why. He could be right and he was stating his side of how he felt. But i thought we both were nice. I even said maybe if i ever got to where i would like to be. I might even hire him. I feel everyone here should be able to say whats on their mine. Its better to say things to peoples faces how you feel than behind their backs. Just like you saying here we go again. When i read youre post i laughed because i know where your coming from. Im at least trying to get ahead of where i am and have $50,000 cash to prove it. I might not get to where im going,but im giving it my all. And right now,thats all thats on my mine.Thats not alot of money, but its a start and im willing,like others to put it into something i believe in if the times is right. Im hoping also tobeable to help more people like me. Ive allways worked very hard to get where i am,with nothing handed to me.Ill stick up for what i feel is right and tell people how i feel. But anyway i want to say hello. I also want to say im not here to cause problems. Sometimes people read me wrong. Ive been on forums,and their are alot of great people on them. So anyway,hello and have a greatholiday season. frankie

dogpound said:
i'd love to help but i'm currently busy looking for the lost city of gold
I hope you find it. I only have $50,000 plus im getting about another $20-30 of my own money toward buying a sub. Its not much. But would it be nice to help all these nice people on these forums. Ive found that 3/4 of them will help someone they dont even know. That says alot about a person.I cant find a nicer group of people to be in touch with,then the people on these forums. Wouldnt it be nice to give something back to them or get them involved in something they love doing.Their are the people that made this forum. I havent found a lost city,but i do have a 300 year old king george coin two dimes1771 1781 two war tokens,all sizes musket balls a cross rife hat pin plus alot of copper large cents ect. Ive only keep the good stuff and sold all the silver dimes,1/2 dollars ect. Ive returned some of my rings and sold the others for scrap or have given them to family or friends. Im trying to get my coin pictures out of my kodak site into a site i can use to put on this forum. So best of luck on your venture Frankie What have you found. I would like to see some of your finds. Im going to see if i can show mine. Hopefully today. Good luck

Frankie, Your a dreamer! But then my theme is dream a dream and try to make it come true. I hunt for the big caches around the country. Sometimes I am Lucky but mostly not. But then I look at it as an adventure. The find is just the icing on the cake. The thing is I am strictly a land person. You could not get me in a sub. To me it is simply tempting fate to much. If my vehicle breaks down, I can walk away. If your sub breaks down, you can kiss your ass good by. Good luck anyway. Frank

dogpound said:
i think if it were that easy alot more people would be doing it.

That, right there, is one of the key sentiments that separates the employees from the employers.

What are you going to do when you find something in a submarine? You can't just jump out and put the gold in the trunk. Would be much cheaper, safer and easier to use an ROV. With the money you already have you could have a decent setup going by spring. Then when you do find something, depending on depth, go from there. Finding would be harder than recovering unless very deep. Options abound for a motivated person... Good luck and if you are serious, rethink the usefullness of a submarine for a beginner on a budget. :icon_thumleft:

Frankn said:
Frankie, Your a dreamer! But then my theme is dream a dream and try to make it come true. I hunt for the big caches around the country. Sometimes I am Lucky but mostly not. But then I look at it as an adventure. The find is just the icing on the cake. The thing is I am strictly a land person. You could not get me in a sub. To me it is simply tempting fate to much. If my vehicle breaks down, I can walk away. If your sub breaks down, you can kiss your ass good by. Good luck anyway. Frank
They have a s/s slead you drop and leave on the bottom. But ya you can get clolsafobic. When i dove by myself. I would dig qhogs in the mud with my hands and end up not being able to see where your going or where you are. Findly i would have to us the mud cloud for a gide and stay just in front of it. Its not for some people. But then you work off the boat. I look at it. I might like one of these movies you see on tv. The one dreams are made of. But if i was to get that lucky. Then their isnt a bunch of guys i would rather be with. A question for you. Have you seen these gold machines. If youre like useing it like on farm lands. Then you can use the chepper one.It's the minelab gpx 4500. You dont miss much, It covers alot of ground and you can pick up a hair pin at over 3 ft deep. That's up to your knee's for a hair pin. They have the cheeper one's like the sd2200 but the difference is electrail noise near wires and black sand. I could go behind a guy with their reg machine and get what the missed. A used one is about $1,200. The coils come in different sizes. Like a 12x8 was a good size. Got to go,but i can talk later if you want to know more Frank

There's a bit of difference in our operating procedures. My 2Box won't pick up a pin at 3' and I am glad it won't because that would be truly annoying. I am looking for a saddlebag full of $20 gold coins or a chest with gold, jewels,etc. I can pick up these targets at depth's of 8'+. and I have never seen one that deep.
Yes I have done some prospecting and picked up my share of nuggets and paned my share of dust. I also hunt beaches and old yards between the big hunts. In these I have found my share of silver dollars and gold rings with diamonds and rubies. It keeps me in practice, but of course I use an XLT or Surfmaster PI for these chores. In the water's edge I sometimes snorkel using a Vibra-Tector and scoop. In treasure hunting , variety keeps you keen. You can only do so many parks in a row before it becomes boring.

RW said:
What are you going to do when you find something in a submarine? You can't just jump out and put the gold in the trunk. Would be much cheaper, safer and easier to use an ROV. With the money you already have you could have a decent setup going by spring. Then when you do find something, depending on depth, go from there. Finding would be harder than recovering unless very deep. Options abound for a motivated person... Good luck and if you are serious, rethink the usefullness of a submarine for a beginner on a budget. :icon_thumleft:
Your right in alot of ways. If rov if big enought. It can do alot of things and no one is in the water. I wouldn't just jump into the dark waters without knowing what i [or were doing]. So now were talking a rov,plus sonar. That can run as much as a sub. These subs can[in clear water see alot if your just off the bottom and can cover more bottom than a rov. First you need a boat with sonar that is towed. That finds the wreck. Thats alot of fuel towing and looking. A sub can take pictures for a movie,book,take water samples ect while underwater. The more you can do,the more you can make. This keeps our mission afloat. That can run some big money. Start little and affordable at first. Then add a sonar. When you find something,you need to send a rov down. Alot of ships wrecks are in shallow water and these subs have arms. When you find stuff,you then need to find a way of getting this stuff. You can scuba dive safely down to 100 ft. or the sub can put things in a basket with a float on it with a strobe light. If its a big wreck with silver and gold. Then im sure you can get backers or a museum To help get whats ever on it. Im not saying its going to be easy. But if you found a shipwreck. Im sure you would put your boots on and go get it somehow.This is what i wanted was to talk about this with a group of people. Their are deeper wrecks also. Wrecks in rivers. One thing i do know. Theirs so much stuff out their. Thru out history we have lost so many ships that we know about. Then theirs some we dont know about. You can cover alot more bottom with a sub and you see whats their. Their is a ship called the andria doria which is a ocean liner in 350 ft. Divers go their ,but its real deep. Their getting plates which are worth $100.00 each. Theirs thousands of them. But thats not really making money. But now you take a scientist down with you. They study how fast the wreck is falling apart ect. now you get paid b4 you go and get paid for plates.I havent gotten enough people interested. But this is what is needed b4 you do things like this. Thats getting input. Thanks for your thoughts. Frankie

Now were talking.If you found something underwater. Say gold and silver. I'm sure you could get backers! Plus end up up more equipment for future hunts. But i hear you. Say we found old vases. They would be in deep water. The sub has arms. You would need to make up something. Like a basket with a float line and strobe light. Or have a small basket on the sub. If you found a wreck. I'm sure you would put your boots on to go get it. Your right about a rov. No one is in the water and it's safer. You would still need to get stuff up. Then your going to need a sonar now to find these wrecks. Then it cost alot for fuel to tow. You put a sub in the water. It runs with the tide and on battery's. Your in touch with the sub by radio on the boat. You just float around with the boat saving gas. It's not easy getting started. But once we do get going. Then we add more and more gear. Then were towing and looking with the sub at the same time. I'm trying to keep cost down until we start finding things. Museums can help back you when you find something. But their not going to help buy a sub. Or give you start up money. Ive talk to museum directors b4. He sent me to another place. That's where i learned a few things. Now back to raising things. You would be surprised how just a little air can raise stuff. I bought a sunken boat as is. It was 30 long and sunk in about 20 ft of water. I tied ropes to the corners of this boat. Then i put the rope Thur chains and sunk 55 gal drums with the chains attached to the chains. The chains followed the rope down to the boat. Then i hooked up the chains to the boat with as little slack as possible. I sat inside the boat. I had a extra scuba tank. I put just enough air into these drums to float them off the bottom. On the third of four drums. The boat started to come off the bottom ,fast. One scuba tank,can fill about 10- 55 gal drums. That boat came to the surface so fast. Gas and oil was floating all around me. So just a little air can float just about anything. Alot of wrecks are in shallow water. Hitting reefs,shoreline. Our shore lines move after time. Most move off shore. So you can use scuba divers to recover shipwrecks up to 100 ft deep. Then you have a start. You want to start were you can use what you have to the best of its ability. If you have a spoon,you don't want to dig a big hole. You want to use the spoon for what it can handle. Thanks for your email. Now were talking like i wanted to. Frank

I kept that rov site on my favorites. You know i really never thought of something like that lowerance side scan. Lowrance makes great stuff. We used them on our commercial fishing boats. Their are very dependable. I want to thank you for your time and ideas. All it takes is a few more like us to get together. we might get somewhere and have some great ideas. That's a great idea! Lowrance might have something on the bigger side of what you showed me. When on the water its a really big area. That lowrance covers 480 ft which might be helpful when were close or on a wreck. The big guns use a sonar that's like a 1/2 mile or 1/4 mile wide. Running a boat is like a hole in the water that you put your money in. Boats are excessive. Gas could kill you running around just looking. Ive learned over the years. You mostly get what you pay for. By spending a little more money. Your getting something that's made for doing this. You can get a side scan sonar for around $10,000 and up.I really need to learn more on all these machines. That's where our teams comes in. I don't know everything.This might never happen. But I'm willing to give it my all. But right now I'm going nowhere fast. Whatever we decide as a team would be our answer. But i like the way your thinking. I could be wrong and that could be the cat's meow inshore. Alot of wrecks are in shallow water close to shore. Never mine about in rivers. It wouldn't hurt to go to a boat show or check one of these machines out. Thanks

Half mile scan is probably for DEEP water. The deeper you go, the recovery becomes exponentially more difficult and expensive. By starting out and making your first finds at 100' and less, you could finance the deep water hunting later. Also, if transom mounting is the drawback for sonar quality, I am sure you could rig something to pull behind/below to have less turbulence and get a cleaner image.

dogpound said:
These are all good ideas. They give us stuff to think of. But right now im thinking of where would be a good area to start with all of this. It takes reasearch and or luck. Im thinking shallow water. Where its warm and has a history of wrecks. I dont have any of the top of my head. But anyway im thinking fla would be a good starting point. Or the triangle in fla. I could use information from people that live their,that know the history,plus word of mouth.Even newspapers. People that live in places like where you are know the history that surounds you. If i can get people interested in really doing something like this. Then we can really have a starting point.Thanks for the input.I didnt know they had camerials like that for cheep. Ill read more later. I have a small child over who wants to play some learning games on the computer. I know whats out their. But getting started and lucky will need to come into play.If this never happens or i [we] think its not going to work. than i might try something i can afford like a 3d detector. Then getting a few guys together and go looking for stuff. like a vacation for a team. We can go somewhere as a team looking for stuff and grow from their. Everyone here knows something. We could go look for the lost city of gold. Ha Ha got ya. You got to have a little fun. By the way. What have you found. Anything interesting.

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