Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon


Silver Member
Dec 24, 2006
Primary Interest:
U S customs and border patrol released ten videos unidentified aerial Phenomenon

Edit: found a better source for the vids, scroll down for the posted vids, can be viewed at link, no need to down load

the files are zip depending on your apps & os, you might have to download to open
I would load one up but I don't know how, I think they are interesting vids

if the link doesn't want to load try this one


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today I watched OSIRIS-REx land with a sample from the asteroid Bennu,the asteroid was found in 1999
NASA sent OSIRIS-REx out in 2016 to get a sample to study,it took 7yrs to go & come back, amazing.
looked into that a bit,found the usa & others track asteroids & other things in space.
How is it that we don't catch the UAP entering our atmosphere or in space close by,but visuals happen
from planes,boats,land, with video,& sensor recorders,by everyday people,pilots. I'm not on the tin hat
conspiracy train, but something does seem off.there are some interesting reports at the (AARO) under the
Congressional Reports and Briefings tab

at the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO)
there is Object Trackers, & a list of trackers with links in the headers of
Space / NASA Trackers,Aircraft Trackers,Balloon Trackers,Satellite Trackers

All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO)

the report from the boarder patrol site

Edited to correct start date of OSIRIS-REx
Start date: September 8, 2016
Return date: 24 September 2023

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ran across this, an I just thought the man was a really good guitarist & song writer

Sir Brian Harold May, of the band Queen, is an astrophysicist & was part of the OSIRIS-REx mission
with his colleague, Claudia Manzoni created stereoscopic images from the O-REx data that enabled leader,
Professor Dante Lauretta, and his team to locate a safe landing site for sample collection, he also
wrote a book with Professor Dante Lauretta, Bennu 3-D: Anatomy of an Asteroid


In over 60 years of camping, I've never seen anything in the sky I couldn't ID. I've hoped to, but no such luck. I've camped a lot in the San Luis Valley, hot bed of UAP sightings and cattle mutilations, not a thing. Never a Bigfoot sighting out in the heart of reported sightings. No Skinwalkers, no chupacabras, nothin not of this world. What am I doing wrong?

What am I doing wrong?

The only big foot sighting i have ever had...
turned out to just be one of my buddies walking by.

He is so hairy that big foot took a picture of HIM !

In over 60 years of camping, I've never seen anything in the sky I couldn't ID. I've hoped to, but no such luck. I've camped a lot in the San Luis Valley, hot bed of UAP sightings and cattle mutilations, not a thing. Never a Bigfoot sighting out in the heart of reported sightings. No Skinwalkers, no chupacabras, nothin not of this world. What am I doing wrong?
You didn't sample the petote......😁


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In over 60 years of camping, I've never seen anything in the sky I couldn't ID. I've hoped to, but no such luck. I've camped a lot in the San Luis Valley, hot bed of UAP sightings and cattle mutilations, not a thing. Never a Bigfoot sighting out in the heart of reported sightings. No Skinwalkers, no chupacabras, nothin not of this world. What am I doing wrong?
If you really want to see Aleins, Extraterrestrials, and beings that are not of this world, all one has to do is go to Washington....DC that is. This place is overrun by em'.

Look at the Sky at Night ! I used to see lights Going across the Sky that looked like they were up in the Stars.
Most Likely Satellites, Maybe Even the space Station.


Since I Couldn't Absolutely say "that was googles Satellite"
or "That was a Military Satellite" ! I Can say I've seen Plenty of UFO's
(I don't like that word UAP ! You Can't reinvent the Wheel. plus uap suggests they aren't really there just reflections) :laughing7: Maybe even one Really was an Alien Space Craft :dontknow:

Of course Those Who Want attention, Like Ghost Hunters & Big Foot hunters See these things Daily :coffee2:

but it Doesn't Mean they don't Exist . it just Means We still Don't know :thumbsup:

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never seen a bigfoot, heard something that might have been,night camping Blueridge Mtns. in the 70s
not sure what the 2 fast moving things in the sky were, daylight 1 in the 80s, 1 around 2003/4
heard the strange sky sound twice,in the 80s myself & 20+ neighbors, again in 2006, out on country
farm road dif state, the cows seemed to react to the sound too

the sound

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