Using a Harbor Freight PinPointer

Super Opie. If you search TN - you will find you aren't the only one that likes the pointer.

K,,,I had a couple friends put me up to this, but here goes. I was in the need of a good pin-pointer, a friend of mine had recommended the Garrett and a few others. I brought up a $16 dollar Harbor Freight one I had been secretly been using and have to tell ya it has worked great!!!

Hi Opie ... I had a HF Pin-pointer several months ago. It worked fine for about two weeks, then it started going off in the air, even with the sensitivity turned all the way down. I did read about that problem in HF comments/reviews, but went with it anyway. My advise, if it starts acting strange, and it's less then 30-days old, HF will give you your money back, no questions asked. That's what I did.

Hey SoCal, thanx for that info, I had a contact at HF that first told me about the thing and told me to keep the receipt,,but I don't really expect much for what I paid for it,,and honestly its been going good for 2 1/2 months now,,,,lol in the words of Newman "who'd a thunkit!" ,,,lmao!!

I used to use one of them and thought it worked great too until i got my Pro-pointer. Now i feel like i might as well have been using a stick before this thing!

Check out this video- evaluating several pin pointers including HF's. Bottom line: the Harbor Freight pinpointer is pretty cheaply made and won't take the abuse of others but actually works very well.

Also, if you have one and want to improve it, here's a video showing how to install a better on/off switch, vibrator and speaker:


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Get the Harbor Freight pin pointer even cheaper $12.74 using the coupon below.
valid until 6/23/14
May as well get the free tape measure too.


I use one from time to time and have found if they lie in the sun and heat up they will sound off every time u hit the button. Keep them out of direct sunlight when u r not using them and they work as advertised.

I got one of the HF pinpointers and it worked for 2 different hunts. On the first hour of my third hunt, the power button quit working correctly. I looked at this forum and many others and I saw that the power button goes out on them VERY frequently. There are videos on how to "mod" one with a new power button and even add a vibrating motor if you like. I borrowed a Garrett Pro Pointer and as Showtime said, the HF pinpointer is NOTHING compared to the Pro Pointer. PERIOD!!! I am saving money to buy my own Pro Pointer!

the garrett PP is without a doubt one of the best PP on the market. I personally just cant justify spending more on a PP than I paid for my detector. I have borrowed a friends several times and I reaaaalllyyyy like it. but wow, I just cant see spending that kind of money right now. maybe when I start finding boxes of buried pirate treasure ill entertain the idea. but I bought a HB centech and spend $10 on it and honestly I don't see where the garrett is 10x better. is it better? absolutely. is it much better? for sure. is it 10x better? no. not in my opinion. I would much rather keep that money and invest in a few new coils. I can honestly say that I don't find objects 10x faster with the garrett.

I know im probably going to get flamed beyond belief by garrett fanboys and that's ok. like I said, I love the garrett. and if you have that much disposable income to purchase one, then by all means. because I would if I could. im just saying that to me its just not that important of a tool to justify the price. theres no way those things should cost what they cost. maybe that's one of the reasons why I refuse to buy one. I think its just way overhyped. I think its much more important to take the time and effort to get to know your detector. once you do that, the PP really becomes more of a tool than a necessity.

too many times ive seen guys out with an AT Pro get a hit. they stop and pull out a 5' shovel and dig a plug you could fit a newborn in. then pull out the garrett PP and start breaking the clod up with the pointer until he gets a hit. its pretty obvious that he has no idea how to use his equipment at all. then ill see a guy with a tracker iv get a hit and he will kneel down and take out a screwdriver and find the object in about 20 seconds.

so, yeah you are right. the HF pp is NOTHING compared to the garrett pp. but its not supposed to be. they aren't even in the same league and really shouldn't be compared at all.

K,,,I had a couple friends put me up to this, but here goes. I was in the need of a good pin-pointer, a friend of mine had recommended the Garrett and a few others. I brought up a $16 dollar Harbor Freight one I had been secretly been using and have to tell ya it has worked great!!!

I have used a WHITES and several other pinpointers which have failed me miserably.Having knowledge of electronics I opened them up looking at the components.CHEAP Chinese junk and overpriced.Pay for the name.I have purchased a Harbor Freight unit for $19.00 and it well out performs in depth and intensity to the leaders.They also have a light on them and a finer adjustment for sensitivity.Been using for 3 years,in fact I just purchased 3 more for spares.$60.00 less than the price of any 1 of the leaders.Don't be fooled by price and name it all works on conductance and you can only get so much out of a As or 9 volt battery.

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