Vermont Copper in Maryland


Silver Member
Jun 1, 2015
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
Minelab Equinox 600 XP Deus
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Got another promising farm field to detect near to where I think a mill once was. It was not loaded but I did find some tombac buttons and an awesome first. A 1787 Vermont copper in farm field fresh condition. Ive only ever found a few identifiable Connecticuts so I never expected a Vermont.

Upvote 18
Congrats on a great coin and a new permission. :icon_thumright:

Rough but Ive got a lot more that I could never id. If I put any water on this it would be completely gone
I'm curious why water would hurt it? I mean, it's been laying out in the elements for a very long time, which certainly includes rain, snow, etc., so why would water be an issue? (I'm not asking to argue, but to learn.)

Got another promising farm field to detect near to where I think a mill once was. It was not loaded but I did find some tombac buttons and an awesome first. A 1787 Vermont copper in farm field fresh condition. Ive only ever found a few identifiable Connecticuts so I never expected a Vermont. View attachment 2130917
Very Cool!!! Congrats!!!

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