victorian cut glass crystal structure set


Full Member
May 3, 2006
berks, PA
I have been trying to find information for a antique crystal set my father bought.
It contains probably 2 dozen cut glass various crystal structure shapes.
It certainly dates to the Victorian era or earlier.
I assume it was used as a teaching tool, but I am having problems finding information related to this.
No markings, no names.
Nice box with separate compartments.
Each "crystal" is approx 1 1/2" - 2 inch.
anyone ever seen anything like this ?
(If I can remember next time I go over, I will bring my camera for a photo)

I once saw a set similar to what you described, and I dont remember what it was called but it was to study light refraction.

Might be possible that is called the same "study light refraction".
I think and my father was saying to me that it is too good and important to study about this.

Please make me suggestions and visit:
conveyancing solicitor

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