πŸ† HONORABLE MENTION Well now I know how gold sounds like on Deus


Silver Member
Sep 5, 2016
Eastern Canada
πŸ₯‡ Banner finds
πŸ† Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
Well, finally found my first ever gold and in a very unexpected way I should say...

Was sitting at home for the last two days as the weather was horrible. On Friday evening and Saturday morning we got a good quantity of snow, than almost right away, few hours of freezing rain. On top of that we were expecting a Polar Vortex and the temperatures plummeting to -30 C or - 22 F with windchill factor.
Late Sunday evening, I get a call from a colleague of mine saying that a young couple he knows lost a wedding ring while playing in the snow not far from their house. They borrowed a detector from someone else hoping to find it but it wouldn't work properly as there were high voltage power lines right on top of the spot where they believed the ring was lost. I agreed to help them and set up a meeting at 9 pm.
When I arrived on the spot where they lost the ring I realized why the job was so much more challenging on top of the arctic cold and the power lines over the head. They actually lost it in a knee deep snow a day before the freezing rain, on the grounds full of all kinds of junk like pull tabs and aluminum paper. The detector was going wild without the possibility to remove the unwanted signals as the ground was rock solid. After 30 min. of searching couldn't feel my fingers and feet but but decided to give it an other try on a different setting. Finally after an other 15 min. or so found the precious item. Not sure what excited me more: finding my very first gold object; being able to return their wedding ring to young couple or just being able to get back to my warm car with the feeling of a job well done. As a reward I asked if they wouldn't mind if I posted a picture of the ring on the forum which they agreed. So before I got home they sent me these pics on my cellphone.
Really glad with my very first gold ''find'' and the unexpected way it happened. But really happy to be back home!


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Great job I'm sure that's a good feeling. I know how cold it is but sounds colder where you are I do not like winter but this site and all the great posts keep me sane . Thanks again for sharing your story!!!

That ring is a terrible fit on her finger.

If they are not smart enough to resize it she'll lose it again before long. She should at least wrap the band with thread to make it fit.

Good job finding her ring though.

Awesome job Aureus :icon_thumright: I'd have been pretty discouraged by knee deep snow with freezing rain icing on top. ha After about 8 or 9 years of detecting, I found my first piece of gold (ring) this past summer and it too was a big surprise. Based on your finds, the types of places you hunt have a super low probability of producing gold... so awesome job with the ring and return. Honorable Mention.

Isn't the wedding ring to be worn on the LEFT hand?

Isn't the wedding ring to be worn on the LEFT hand?

I'm not completely sure as I don't really know them but in some cultures people wear it on the right hand (Russians for example). I don't believe it's required for Muslims to wear it on the left hand. As for the rings size it does look like a terrible sizing but it might have to do with the extreme cold as the fingers get much thinner. They took a pic few minutes after I found it and after spending almost an hour outside looking for it with me. But it sure looks too big, I agree.

Great job I'm sure that's a good feeling. I know how cold it is but sounds colder where you are I do not like winter but this site and all the great posts keep me sane . Thanks again for sharing your story!!!

Thank You!

Awesome job Aureus :icon_thumright: I'd have been pretty discouraged by knee deep snow with freezing rain icing on top. ha After about 8 or 9 years of detecting, I found my first piece of gold (ring) this past summer and it too was a big surprise. Based on your finds, the types of places you hunt have a super low probability of producing gold... so awesome job with the ring and return. Honorable Mention.

Thank You!

Yes indeed, the grounds I hunt don't have much gold. I have a much greater chance to find a Rev War button or a Spanish silver than a gold ring. But I'm fine with that otherwise I would have hunted in the parks. Jewelry is not really my thing, all thou I have to admit, it felt great to hold this one in my hand when I pulled it out of the snow. I just might give it a try in the local parcs next year if I have a chance.

Kudos to you, no better feeling than one you get deep inside for doing the right thing.

As well on the wrong hand for wedding ring. Looks like it was on the right hand.

As well on the wrong hand for wedding ring. Looks like it was on the right hand.

It's not on a wrong hand. I already answered the similar comment - only in the Western culture the wedding ring is worn on the left hand.
I truly believe what matters is that the ring was successfully found and returned not on what hand it is worn.

Don't know how I missed this thread, but well done!! :notworthy:

Wait, didn't Crusader last week predict you'd find gold very soon, or something to that effect??

A wonderful and meaningful way to end this year. Really happy for you, Anton, and thanks for sharing the story and pic.

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