wet suits


Silver Member
Feb 22, 2005
Spring Hill, Florida
OK not that I'm going to run out and buy one but..... I was wondering. I have thought about it. I know a lot of you guys wear wet suits when hunting especially at this time of year. I have asked a few questions of some of you but I was wondering .... how many of you guys really do wear them? What kind are best to keep warm but are easy to get on (and off). Full suit? Farmer John style? 3 m or 5 m or something different. Do you wear weight belts with them? How deep do you go when you hunt with a wet suit? I have no idea why I'm even asking about them because I am really a coward when it comes to going out too far but I guess I am just curious. ::)

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OK first I want to say sorry for not sending the mercury dimes, but I have some put away with your name on them. I bought a small restaurant and my free time went to zip. Now for your question. How cold is the water? How deep are you going? If you are just wading at waist deep a farmer brown is fine. I use a 7mm or a dry suit when I hit the waters with snow on the banks. I use a 3mm when diving the Florida springs in the summer and up to a 5mm if I go in the Florida rivers In the winter. On Florida beaches I just follow the low tides and wear water proof boots. Don't pay more than $100.00 for a wet suit. EBay has many to choose from. You will get cold if the suit does not fit well. So make sure its a snug fit. If you Choose a 7mm its very hard to move in so go as low as you can for the warmth you want. I have many more tips but I'm sure what I don't post others will. The smart thing is to stay warm. I send crackbadger in first then I follow when he finds the hot spot. LOL LOL

Have a great Christmas JIM

Hi Mumzie, if i wear one when the chill arrises.. i use a 3mil.. full.. arms and legs covered that is.I need to add a few more lbs to my weight belt.I use 10lbs with out the suit and 14 with.That is something you'll need to try and adjust for yourself. I don't go deeper that i can stand up and breath thru my snorkel.Past that i scuba.I'll start using my wet suit soon over here, if the suns not out, brrrr.. by mid Jan for sure.. after so many years here i can't take cold any more.. well i could take it.. but why be cold?..LOL .. Mikey

OK first I want to say sorry for not sending the mercury dimes, but I have some put away with your name on them. I bought a small restaurant and my free time went to zip. Now for your question. How cold is the water? How deep are you going? If you are just wading at waist deep a farmer brown is fine. I use a 7mm or a dry suit when I hit the waters with snow on the banks. I use a 3mm when diving the Florida springs in the summer and up to a 5mm if I go in the Florida rivers In the winter. On Florida beaches I just follow the low tides and wear water proof boots. Don't pay more than $100.00 for a wet suit. EBay has many to choose from. You will get cold if the suit does not fit well. So make sure its a snug fit. If you Choose a 7mm its very hard to move in so go as low as you can for the warmth you want. I have many more tips but I'm sure what I don't post others will. The smart thing is to stay warm. I send crackbadger in first then I follow when he finds the hot spot. LOL LOL
Well, KPT, it is good to hear from you...how are things with you, You and your Son are legends
Have a great Christmas JIM

I've got a 3m full suit that kept me nice and toasty all last winter. No problems getting it on or off. I don't wear a weight belt and I've gone just past waist-deep (if I remember correctly).

On the off chance that you do decide to buy a wet suit, I would definitely try them on. The sizing charts aren't always accurate.

willie d said:
I've got a 3m full suit that kept me nice and toasty all last winter. No problems getting it on or off. I don't wear a weight belt and I've gone just past waist-deep (if I remember correctly).

On the off chance that you do decide to buy a wet suit, I would definitely try them on. The sizing charts aren't always accurate.

My weight belt is because i go under the surface , sometimes having my face close to the bottom. If this helps knowing this.. Mikey

I purchased a shorty last week. The guy had me try it on before I paid for it.
The first time I tried it in the water I had no idea what to expect. Previously, when a wave reached my chest, I would lose my breath from the cold water. The experience was better then expected, No shock. I have been very comfortable the last four times in the water.
The suit I got was 2 mm thick.

Highly suggested!


If you go to Bill Jackson's in Largo they will let you try it on, and push you into the pool to try it out.

Wetsuits are not an easy thing to get into or out of. After you try it out, you may rethink your desire to go winter wading...

Hi Mumszie, I use a 3mil year round on the Florida east coast, especially for deep dives in the summer. However, if I'm working shallow water during the summer <20 feet I just use a skin, or just swim trunks and knee pads. If your just wading in the shallows during the summer, a 3mil suit will cause you to overheat in that hot Florida sun.
If I'm working the beaches during a hurricane I will use the 3mil suit to stay dry, and warm as well as for extra floatation just in case I get sucked into the surf.


Hello Mumzsie:
although our weather in Canada varies a little from yours, we can get very hot & humid weather in the summer. I like a farmer John & wear a short sleeve shirt under neath for sun protection, I do wear the jacket in early spring or late fall, but the jacket is somewhat restricting for movement. In the hotter weather 80 to 90 degrees, I wear a shorty wind surfing outfit, it's thin & light weight and hugs your body, it's just enough to keep the chill off on a windy day, especially if your just waist deep and not submerged to your shoulders.
I have never used weights of any kind, the only advantage they might be is when your out shoulder or neck deep, because at that depth you become more boyant and it's harder to get any body weight on the scoop for digging at that depth.

If your familiar with the beach, it's fine at that depth, but if your in uncharted waters and hunting neck or shoulder deep, use your scoop or detector to slowly probe ahead of you, don't just rush on ahead, because if you hit a hole or sudden drop, you can be over your head in a flash, and if your ever in that situation, forget your detector and scoop, drop them immediately, and swim back to shallow water, as you can always retrieve your unit later or replace it, but your life is a different story.

regards terry

Hi Mum. If you only go out to waist deep, you may consider a good pair of chest waders. You can wear normal clothes underneath, and not get wet all over. Much nicer to drive home in. I have both a wet suit, and waders. I do prefer the waders most times. BUT you do need to be careful getting too deep, and keep the top pulled tight. Just an alternative. No need to stay out of the water...... HH Gayle

Waders can be extremely dangerous. I personally would not recommend using them in the surf. They may be fine for shallow streams and ponds but not for the Gulf or ocean.

Take heed!

Guy In Back said:
If you go to Bill Jackson's in Largo they will let you try it on, and push you into the pool to try it out.

Wetsuits are not an easy thing to get into or out of. After you try it out, you may rethink your desire to go winter wading...

Well said!!!!

My first experience with a wet suit was this past week. It is a 6mm wet/dry suit. After 10 minutes fighting to get it on I was winded. I walk out of the rest room and my brother had to zip the back from shoulder to shoulder across, then the wrists and ankles for me. He also helped me into some massive thick gloves I purchased. After laughing for a bit and kidding me about floating away once I hit the water, I ventured into the depths. I guess I should mention at this point the weather was 29 degrees with a bitting wind. Got in and felt no cold yeah this is cool a little cumbersome but not feeling the cold. Well here comes my first scoop, great I see a nickle, well the gloves I got on are too bulky to grab anything. I remove them and that is when my trouble started. My hands first turned purple and begun to swell and and go numb, I thought well the water has to be warmer then the air so I went out deeper to keep my hands in the water, at this point it was a blinding pain like sticking your hands in an ice chest for much too long. So the suit is working for body warmth, I just gotta get a different kind of gloves. Finally hit the shore, wrap my hands in a sweat shirt for about 20 minutes until they unthawed, decided to change out of the wet suit. Got my brother to unzip me, headed to the rest room, 10 minutes later I got the neck pulled over my head 15 minutes later I got an arm free, the second arm and body was a breeze, until I got to the feet. I tried peeling it off in reverse no go tried pulling no go, at this point I am almost in a panic had I a knife I would of cut myself out (now I know the real use of dive knives) I ended up sitting on a pile of clothes on the floor for a good long time trying to decide if I had enough courage to wonder out of the rest room in my undies dragging a wet suit around my ankles and beg my brother to rescue me. One last ditch attempt and I swear God must of felt sorry for me(after he quit laughing that is) and finally I was free. Now I know what the term "buddy suit" means!!! This was a suit I picked up on ebay, I now will be looking for one that has zippers down both arms and legs. So that it will not require an act of God to put on or take off, I had cramps from twisting and turning in places I didn't know existed. So if you can TRY before you BUY

The thickness needed all depends on how many times you pee in it, and how cold the water is.
Yah you all wanted to say that. ;D

OH MY GOSH! Now THIS is why I started this post! I have no one with me to help me zip up or get out of the darn thing. Soooo instead of buying cheaper... I am going to go to Bill Jacksons and let them help me pick one out (when I decide to actually buy) I think it would be better spending a little more than having to go through what you did getting in and out of it!

Dirt Fishin Dale said:
The thickness needed all depends on how many times you pee in it, and how cold the water is.
Yah you all wanted to say that. ;D

dont know the exact number of times.. but i would say ....everytime i felt the urge....lol

Mum . I caught flack above, BUT if you only go out to knee deep, the chest waders are the ticket.
YES if you go out too far get swamped, or step into a hole YOU WILL HAVE BIG PROBLEMS. but just pay attention to your situation....... I can relate to TXkikkergirls wet suit ordeal. Been there done that. HH Gayle

I go deeper than knee deep and the waves do wash over me at times. Not often but once in a while they catch me. I think the waders would scare me. Still I welcome all the info I'm getting. That is why this site is so great! Thanks to ALL of you for sharing with me. :wink:

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