What does "stropped" mean in Union Civil War personnel records

Siegfried Schlagrule

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Mar 19, 2003
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What does "stropped" mean in Union Civil War personnel records

Howdy, I sent off for the records of my great-great-grandpappy at the national archives and learned that he spent some time guarding a railroad in Tennessee and that he was "stropped the value of one bayonet". Does that mean he had to pay for it or does it mean he was whipped? Thanks so much, SS

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Re: What does "stropped" mean in Union Civil War personnel records

I'm thinking that this would be an older "slang". Looking at it in context it looks as though his pay was docked for the cost of the bayonet. The actual definitions:


1. A strip of coarse leather or other abrasive material that is used for sharpening razors.


stropped, stropping
1. To sharpen (a razor) on a strop.

Etymology: Anglo-Saxon, from Latin struppus thong.



1. colloq
A bad temper, when the person concerned is awkward to deal with
Example: came home in a teenage strop.

stropped, stropping
1. colloq
To go away from something in a bad temper.
Example: stropped off when he realised he wouldn't win the argument
Form: strop off (chiefly)
Etymology: Back formation from stroppy.

That's a timeless piece of family history being able to get a hold of a record like that.

Re: What does "stropped" mean in Union Civil War personnel records

Either way I'm researching his unit's location. That bayonet along with that document would be the find of a lifetime. Thanks, SS

Re: What does "stropped" mean in Union Civil War personnel records


Re: What does "stropped" mean in Union Civil War personnel records

i could help on the location of that place if you can give more info!

Re: What does "stropped" mean in Union Civil War personnel records

G'day Jed, I have the location just wondering what that word meant. Will search the next time I visit my grandbaby in Sunbright. Regards, SS

Re: What does "stropped" mean in Union Civil War personnel records

Found this on a site that explained German Military terms
zog ab=stropped=deducted=pulled=stripped

Re: What does "stropped" mean in Union Civil War personnel records

makes sense, thank you, ss

Re: What does "stropped" mean in Union Civil War personnel records

My Great-Great Grandfather brought home his Spencer carbine, cavalry saber and saber belt. His muster role records say he had "stoppages" for the cost of these items when he mustered out. Could this be the same thing? Poor hand writing could make the two words look similar.

Re: What does "stropped" mean in Union Civil War personnel records

i agree with the hand writing you should see mine i should be a doctor!!!? ;D

Re: What does "stropped" mean in Union Civil War personnel records

gldhntr, I got stropped a few times my self as a kid, maybee we're related LOL!!!

Re: What does "stropped" mean in Union Civil War personnel records

probably are as daddy was either stropping me or banging someone else. glad he decided to strop me instead of banging me. i walk funny enough as it is.

Re: What does "stropped" mean in Union Civil War personnel records

You guys have some great late night replys.

Re: What does "stropped" mean in Union Civil War personnel records

great treasure in itself!!!!!!!!!!

Re: What does "stropped" mean in Union Civil War personnel records

It is really interesting the things you uncover when doing family research. Keep at it, you won't regret it.



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