What Got You Into Detecting?

The possibility of finding a True Historic Item regardless of value is what gets me the most.I can sit and read or research for hours on end.Sometimes i feel the search for the areas and treasures is just as fun as actually digging up the goods.I often find myself lost in a world of fantasy wondering about whatever topic im studying.Imagine actually finding some sort of time capsule(box/writings/treasure)from someone of great importance like Ben Franklin,John Adams or anyone of any importance.I can remember as a child burying messages in bottles after signing them with friends and swearing to return for them someday.Even as a child we understood the importance of an old coin or item.All in all ....The excitement and enjoyment of searching and discovering anything from the past is what got me into metal detecting...coins are just a bonus and great practice.Happy hunting.

a friend of my dad's had a detector and found an axe head in our yard. i thought that was cool and started wondering what i would be able to find... plus i needed to get outside more... :)

I would watch Cash and Treasure shows with Mr. Pepper and see them MD'ing. I always thought I would like to try it but never did until...
I happen on this Site. Seeing all the Finds...etc...gave me the fever! :blob8: The fever only gets stronger with each new hunt. I'm addicted. :headbang:

My 4th grade teacher got me initially interested in metal detecting. At recess, I would follow him around the whole school field watching him detect and find old coins and rings. At home, I used to dig 2-3ft holes in my backyard looking for treasure. I would spray paint rocks metallic gold, bury them, and later on dig them up to think I "struck it rich". It fooled my brother once. He actually thought I found gold ;D

It wasn't until about 4 years later that I had my own $80 Radio Shack special. My greatest find with that machine was a 1 ounce gold nugget attached to a 14k rope chain.

Fun Times....


I was given a couple of issues of treasure magazines,I had to have a detector! this was back in the late 60's,I loved treasure and love old coins,still do,still read the magazines still, now it's 270,000 coins later...kane 23

20 years ago i found a western eastern mag (foreshadowing) in my dads night stand, not thinking to much about it or knowing what it was i just put it back down and went on playing (I was 13). That Xmas i got a detector, a Whites 3900D. I guess now he was researching on what to buy. Well it sat for months then I got bored one day and took it out. I remember my first find a 1916 penny. I was hooked I had no idea what I was doing but I loved it. Now 20 years later and a coin collection most dealers would love to have I'm still looking and finding.

I wanted fame and fortune. I obtained neither.

On the upside, I now enjoy the best hobby in the world and share thie hobby with some of the best people in the world!

Who needs fame and fortune anyway?

In 1980 The Air National Guard unit that I am still a member of started an MDing club and I remember watching all those guys on line going across an old parade field and finding all kinds of old millitary artifacts and coins. And figured i had to have one. So one of them sold me his Tesoro Inca and I started swinging. Those guys are all retired now and I think I am the only one left on base into MDing. I kinda got away from it for a few years.
But then I found this sight last winter and have been reading some of these threads and decided to get going again. The knowledge and friendliness of this sight has truly amazed me. While I have been MDing a while, it suprised me how much I have learned from you guys. So I decided to send in the Money and join.


Well welcome to Tnet and to charter membership as well! So very excited to have you part of the family!

Daddy hunted Euclid Beach (old closed amusement park) and the Lake Erie shore back in the 70's and found some awesome stuff. He always liked arrowhead hunting more tho.
I got a Bounty Hunter for free a few years back. So far my best find is a '63 dime within 2-3 years of taking this hobby up, but that jar full of silver dollars and the gold rings are just waiting for me to find them... :love4: And who am I to deny?!
I got my hands on a map of the city before they tore it in half building Interstate 90 and am planning hunts based on that map and others made between then and now. Oh and let's not forget MSN Virtual Earth.
The lore of something that hasen't seen the light of day for who knows how long is fascinating. Got a better machine this spring, so who knows- like Mel Fisher said, "Today's the day!"

'cause i'm a piggy and want every thing! really, i've always dreamed of pirates treasures and the like. when i heard about these magic machines i had to get one,two. i'll never regret that choice.

When I was 9, I got a cheap detector for Christmas. It was orange with only one knob. We lived in a house that was build in the 50's and all I found were cans!
My friend had a detector with a meter on it (I don't remember what the meter it did) and he was finding coins!
I broke out the old department store catalog and found a neat looking detector. It was a Brinkman with a hole in the center of the coil.

I mowed what seemed like hundreds of yards and finally saved enough money to buy a real detector.
I was at my grandfathers house detecting finding nothing. He said, "boy, you need to be huntin' by that there driveway. I'm always loosin coins when I pull my keys out of my pocket".

I took his advice and it payed off!
I went from finding cans to Wheaties in one day!! I began to notice the difference in sounds my detector made from coins and cans. I was hooked at age 11.

Now I'm 37 and I just got my 10 year old daughter hooked. She found a silver ring her third time out. That's all it took for her! She wears it everyday.
Before we even went out to swing the coil, I made sure she knew how the discriminator and sensitivity work. We've practiced making dig holes disappear. She's a coin finding fool now. :thumbsup:

lazy? sheeesh I wanna learn how to successfully do that! lol Remember us that can't afford to be lazy while you are out there livin our dream dear tropical tramp! :tongue3:

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