What if someone would support your project? Money Equipment ect????

Real funny thing! I've once asked people on another forum this exact thing , MY EQUIPMENT,YOUR SITE. I've been on a few of other peoples places.

One place I got stranded out in the middle of nowhere by a jerk who thought that I knew where it all was but I wasn't telling him. I've been ripped off, lied to, robbed and now I dont do anything for anyone EXCEPT tell what I know about these signs.

I've seen so very many! I've photo'd hundreds. And not just in the desert southwest, also in Spain too.
Its as much fun to find Celtic mines hidden in Roman times as it is to find Spainish mines today.

All of these signs will point to a mine. Not one will give you an "X" marks the spot to dig. 90% of these mines are open pit placers. Hardrock mines are few and most are backfilled or otherwise concealled.
The deserts of AZ,UT,NV have about the most.

What are you looking for? the cache site! someone elses hardwork. These mines, some are the treasure! I mine them.
Some of the signs point to a cache site of an empty hole. Gotta love that breadcrumb trail!
I've been reading posts, I've got pic's of a 100' skeleton thats looking at a rock panel a mile away. Panel has a full size map of the area behind you. That fun is over!
Faces "look" at items. Knowing what your looking at and what it all means took time.
I'm still looking.


Aufinder01 -- So, if a face looks directly at the graound I should move just a little dirt to see what there?? Or another rock, I'd look for another sign??

If I don't find anything in the ground do I keep digging?
When you say faces are these human or any type of face??


Any kind of face EXCEPT skulls. Animals are the ones I see the most, peoples faces I see too. I've found Mermaids, kings,elephants,Even a SNAIL!

Looking at the ground ? the mine is there or a trail can be seen, or another sign, stand back and look.


Thaks Aufinder01 --- I always keep muy eye on the ground when walking, have found several very small arrows and all kind's of carved rocks. I try not to slip on any and change what is there. But someitmes that's just impossible.
I'll let ya know what I find following the faces.


ColoradoMike said:
A) HI Colorado, if you ever get enough interest to send a team - or financing - to Mexico, em me.

P.S. I am speaking of over 610 mule loads of gold.

I have enough data to convince the POPE himself that it is there.

Till Eulenspeigle - Jose de La Mancha

ColoradoMike said:
OK I am looking for everyones thoughts on this subject.
What if someone would fund treasure projects & the like. What if they could offer support in the way of equipment that most don't even know to exist much less dream of? What if they could send a trustworthy team member or 2 to help out?
Now we treasure hunters are a untrusting lot & that's not a bad thing. That said if a guy could get past that how much would it benefit to have some real help sometimes?
So what I am looking for is feedback. What would an ideal situation look like to you? Could you trust them? What if they deep pockets & would use it?

Please give me your feedback....

to Colorado mike, i am responding regarding your invitation for helping other th please read my file ,and post ,and if you like what you see let's talk have a nice day Ed

Say, you put up the money to pay me while I do the labor? I can quit my day job and do this for a living (within a reasonable time frame?) Yes, I have a specific project in mind. No, I don't think your equipment can get me there on the doublequick, but your equipment and money with my skills and labor might could get us there eventually. Initially sound promising?


ColoradoMike said:
Thanks for the input. This is what I am looking for. Think about this too, many times you might spend a lot of time on a treasure trail that has already been retrieved & this could save you lots of wasted time you could be spending on other trails.
Remember the old time grubstakers. They would grubstake a lot of guys with the idea that the more guys they partnered with the better chance someone might hit something.
Yes I make great money, but the machine must be fed with my time, so I am limited to how much time I can spend in the field.
Thought this idea might be a win-win.... I have some great team members that could really be of help to some hunters...
Keep the input comming.

There are no win-win situations. Someone must ALWAYS lose or it is no contest.....Think about that. If you are looking for someone with a GIGANTIC metal detector for a few thousand a day.....good luck. Let us know what happens.


Hey Mike,I know this post is kinda old but I had to reply.Have you had any luck?I think you would do well to concentrate your efforts on private land owners who think they have something on their own property where they can keep an eye on the site to see that noones coming back to find it without including the original finder of the site.Most people who have a site in mind have spent countless hours researching and hunting and to just give up what they have worked so hard for would require an awful leap of faith.Most people won't take that leap.Let me put it to you this way,I have a site that I've heavily researched and have hunted many many times.I have found some very interesting signs.I have come to the conclusion that my detector just doesn't go deep enough.So how about this You send me a good two box detector and I promise you that if I make a find I will give you an equal share and send your two box back.That would require the same leap of faith from you as you are asking other people to make.Would this work for you?As you said some is better than none.Just a thought. Bootstrap

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