What kind of foods do you think would be good for survival?

...we have bay laurel trees growing here, locally...

One fellow I know of did cook with a leaf in the sauce, here and there...

Maybe I should get some!


Nick, and rmptr, When I was little my mother use to put bay leaf's and mint leaves into the sauce. Us kids called the bay leaves Tana leaf's like in the mummy movies! But you take them out when the sauce is done.

rmptr said:
Gosh, those are great ideas!

and EDDE is tops with the good websites!


Wild Turkey...either form, solid or liquid


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Either way, ensure you have enough weapons (basic firearms, plus reserve such as Cross/long bows, swords, knives, machetes, spears), water, dried and conserved foods, ex. mil. clothing, a couple of respirators plus reserve canisters, recharge batteries with solar re-charger, a wind up recharge torch and radio, enough containers to keep food and water in (Air sealable if Pos.), a water purifying system, and tablets as a reserve, fuel, calor gas, benzine and diesel(Only hold out a year maybe two, due to chemical problems), and nylon or steel twine for snares. Everything else you can get. If you can, get coca leaves or the plants themselves (Natural pain killer), tree moss (Natural peneciline), and a few rabbits or hares (They breed quick), sheep or goats for milk and cheese (Forget bovine, cost too much to feed).
Nylon fishing line and hooks, plus even those plastic baits,flint and a steel to strike (Survival knife) with some dry stuff (Lots) to start the fire. Bee´s if you can find some and protect them (Honey=Sugar=Energy).Seeds and seeding earth, plus a bag or twenty of mushrooms (They grow quick, and can give you vitamins and iron too), and charcoal (In case you get the runs), plus night sights, sun glasses, and anything else you care to take with you LOL
But, I´m not a survivalist, just ex. Mil.
By the way, eart insects, they´re full of vitamins and iron too, as are earthworms. Use maggots to clean out septic worms, and keep Iodine in case of Nuclear attack (It keeps you from absorbing RADIATION, teaspoon a day in half a pint of water)

Great advice Ray!


I've never been able to subscribe to the survivalist theories, yet have any number of those things you advise for normal use. I just can't maintain stores of expendables.

As you've described, military training is valuable.
I've had none, so I pay attention when someone relates such tales of interest.

I do know it would be very difficult to attempt to live off the land.
If possible at first, it would become decimated quickly.
I saw 10 deer today in scrub amongst housing developments.
Most of them would be wasted in short order, then they would be gone.

Solar charger is good idea. Wish I had one of those!
I've got generators... too expensive to run!


You cannot cook bad food over charcoal, just don't eat the carbon if you burn it.
Any kind of hardwood make charcoal unless its treated. Pine is not bad under a dutch oven, keep the lid on. An old rack out of a refrigerator or stove is good and don't take up a lot of space. Bullion cubes are a good drink if you have some water heated.
I drank a lot of that in the Arctic, warms up the insides. One more thing that makes a meal is greasy olives, you can find them in stores that specialize in Itallian, Turkish of Greek food and some Feta cheese. It will keep. That and bread and you'll live like a king.
Since I have ate all over the world, I love world food except India and I don't care much for cardboard and curry. A seasoning or spice that dominates the taste turns me off, well maybe not garlic.LOL Gnewt

That EDDE is one brutal guy, shootin' perfectly defenseless bananas!

and it even had a face on it.


Just be careful with the Boulion cubes, as they have tremendous amounts of salt in them.

Ray, you can also get iodine pills. But some folks get a reaction to them and they will kill you! They are to be taken only when in close proximity to radiation. I also had nuclear warfar training in the army. I also spent 9 months in an outfit that had tactical nukes.

Yep, me too, but I have no reaction too them. Nowaday´s though people seem to have more and more allergies, probably fro all the chemicals they put in the food.

Funny that no one mentioned Ensure. It is a fortified drink.

Something good to have (Although probably won´t keep to long) is lots of those multi-vitamin tablets that you can mix with water, and also lots of salt (MUST BE KEPT AIRTIGHT). Small gas cookers (3 or 4) with lots of gas cartridges, and make a stash of them in airtight containers with de humidifiers. If you have to move quick, you´ll allway´s be able to cook, and boil water. (Prefer hexamine stoves, but some people can´t use them, and they can give your position away with the smell (Ditto for the gas cookers if you have them up to high, the sound will give you away as well as the smell).

Has anyone considered McDonalds french fries? There was someone that posted how long it took before foods showed signs of becoming bad. The french fries didn't grow any greenery on them like the rest of the food. :o

Hard Tack, coffee, dried fruit and veggies, MRE's...at some point living off the land. Learn and know plants that are edible...most don't taste bad.

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