Well I've tried reading it and find I need a more basic explanation of your logic processes. Frankly, some of it reads like an algorithmic associative AI program.
(I've always wondered what would happen if someone set an AI program to solving the OI mystery.)
Are you saying that Nolan's Cross is a representation of a 3 side pyramid?
BTW the stone triangle is most likely (in my opinion) just a marker for the tour boats.
The stone triangle pointer was erased a long time ago by bull dozer. It pointed to celestial N where the Northern Cross asterism disappears once per day at the Northern Horizon for just a few minutes. If you pay attention to the night sky at this latitude you will see a couple of things each and every day. Deneb (largest star atop the Cross asterism) passes near apex above your head and disappears at N. There is another star that does approximately the same thing, Capella in the constellation Auriga. Together these two form an equilateral triangle centered at the North Star (Polaris) with a Constellation we no longer refer to which was called Quadrans Muralis. It is located just at the tip of the tail of the Great bear (Ursa Major) near Bootes. Quadrans Muralis also has the same path in the daily sky as Deneb and Capella. The way Quadrans Muralis was depicted in old Atlases is with an arc sector that has a dividing line through it (the same representation as the stone triangle pointer).
The naming of this constellation dates to 1795, which happens to be the date we are given for the origin of this story.
If you want to have a look at the sky above OI you can view that in a sky charting tool. I've plugged in the coordinated for OI in this app and you can see the path of the stars in question. see:
I suggest rotating the outer ring of the circle to place N on top. Simply access the change time menu and press the double arrow next to animate. Notice that Polaris is always in he same spot halfway between apex and the Northern horizon.
A "frozen view of that is this:
I is Deneb in the Cross (atop Cygnus), J is Capella in Auriga, H is the position of Quadrans Muralis and G is the constant North star Polaris. Position E is the Apex directly above you head. The circular dotted line is the daily path. Apex and setting at N occurs every day at a different time (shifts by a few minutes per day).
The short story of Quadrans Muralis starts in 1795 to mimic the start of the OI myths.
At Bologna, Italy at the same latitude, is an esoteric monument referencing the same daily path of Cygnus. You can look it up. It's called the Aelia Laelia Cripsis monument. Same daily show happens at that monument. Why? It has to do with Myths associated with Cygnus, that of the the swan and the corresponding ones that exist for the Northern Cross in Cygnus. The Bologna monument is a lamentation of the fact that the Gods of Antiquity are all dead. They have been replaced by a new God. Cygnus was associated with Zeus (he had transformed into a swan to seduce Leda and bear offspring). The Northern Cross is the symbol for the Christian God's offspring too. The Christian God has come to replace Zeus. It was both a lamentation for some and a glorious happening for others. That's the back story to the mythology at OI. All efforts to turn that into a treasure hunt for anything material is 100% bullshit. The searcher era at OI exploits everything it can to suggest otherwise.