What should the Laginas do next?

This looks like fun.

Just spit balling here with absolutely no historical precedents, but 2 possibilities suggest themselves:
1) Natural underground water erosion
activity - thinking stalagmites,
2) Native American worship, art, burial.

Did you knock one over to see what's underneath? How big are they?
Years ago I had a thread(s) which described these mud mounds, etching & symbols upon them and where they were located within the cave. The 2 main ones had tunnels behind them going way back into the ground. See my avatar for the one up front. The 2nd very squared up one is WAY back into the cave and is in a very cramped area. Maybe I'll repost later today in General Discussion and see if anyone new has an idea...?

This looks like fun.

Just spit balling here with absolutely no historical precedents, but 2 possibilities suggest themselves:
1) Natural underground water erosion
activity - thinking stalagmites,
2) Native American worship, art, burial.

Did you knock one over to see what's underneath? How big are they?
Please don’t vandalize the formations and the native remains!

That thread was honestly refreshing.
A person had a puzzle, asked for help, and people tried to help him.

I too have a problem - I want a solution to this oak island question.

Can anyone help me?

That thread was honestly refreshing.
A person had a puzzle, asked for help, and people tried to help him.

I too have a problem - I want a solution to this oak island question.

Can anyone help me?
Howdy.... Well today is YOUR lucky day. I am known as an Oak Island expert. I know most everything. So if anybody can help answer your question... it's gotta be me. First I can't believe I found this website and saw this question. Lucky for you I did...! But being a world renowned expert on Oak Island keeps me very busy.

Hold on... I gotta fill my coffee cup back up. And turn the meat and spuds on the stove (breakfast).

Ok... I'm back now... where were we? Hell I done forgot the question now. I'll check back later.

Again.... WHO said there's a treasure buried on Oak Island and why was it believed...?

Coincidentally, I have found the message left by the depositors and have the method of reaching and extracting the treasures. You can read my post. If you find a problem with it look to yourself first as the cipher has been reviewed by 10's of thousands over the last 4 years.


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That thread was honestly refreshing.
A person had a puzzle, asked for help, and people tried to help him.

I too have a problem - I want a solution to this oak island question.

Can anyone help me?
you can read my post.


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The Lagina’s next step:
1) buy more Grecian Formula but don’t touch the sideburns!
2) keep the TV $$ coming in steadily.
3) Reveal absolutely nothing that has anything to do with reality.

Hey, this plan has worked great since the show’s inception!

I got a Bigfoot family living in my timber.
How long would you believe me without a shred a true evidence?

Laginas are modern day PT Barnums.
A sucker born every minute…

But, we do keep coming back for each new season. 🤷‍♂️ 😆

The Lagina’s next step:
1) buy more Grecian Formula but don’t touch the sideburns!
2) keep the TV $$ coming in steadily.
3) Reveal absolutely nothing that has anything to do with reality.

Hey, this plan has worked great since the show’s inception!

I got a Bigfoot family living in my timber.
How long would you believe me without a shred a true evidence?

Laginas are modern day PT Barnums.
A sucker born every minute…

But, we do keep coming back for each new season. 🤷‍♂️ 😆
They found a lead cross. That was about the only episode I ever watched part of. I just can't understand why the Sierra club isn't sicking their lawyers after them and leave those who are attempting to obtain mining permits alone.

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you can read my post.
Well I've tried reading it and find I need a more basic explanation of your logic processes. Frankly, some of it reads like an algorithmic associative AI program.
(I've always wondered what would happen if someone set an AI program to solving the OI mystery.)

Are you saying that Nolan's Cross is a representation of a 3 side pyramid?

BTW the stone triangle is most likely (in my opinion) just a marker for the tour boats.

Well I've tried reading it and find I need a more basic explanation of your logic processes. Frankly, some of it reads like an algorithmic associative AI program.
(I've always wondered what would happen if someone set an AI program to solving the OI mystery.)

Are you saying that Nolan's Cross is a representation of a 3 side pyramid?

BTW the stone triangle is most likely (in my opinion) just a marker for the tour boats.
You make fair statements.

The cipher is made by frugality and all parts should be used. The Crossbar has 180 degrees, 720 feet and points 150/330. It has two 360' segments. All this in one line and 3 stones

The cross when broken down into 5 segments or 6 and ignore 1 for now. We get 429' side (C ) of a triangle. The hypotenuse. The we use 360 the next biggest segment as side (B) and we wish to find side (A) the depth. To do this accurately the Pyramid gives the internal angles of 33, 57 and 90. When applied side (A) is found to be 233'

The cipher is redundant and likes to use pairs as a sign of being correct. This depth of 233 is attained by a 33 degree ramp. The reference to Christ is 33. The Ramp descends to 233 feet. I take this to meant that the items of Christ are at the base. Its limestone bedrock at or after 185 feet or so.

Adler's Pyramid is made of triangles but the base is curved to nullify all the internal angles except 90. The Pyramid is a 3 sided pyramid,.

A neat rtick is that there are two triangulations. One used the apex angle as it starts on the surface. The other starts from below. To get this right they triangulated its depth 360/293/212 w/ 35, 55 & 90. BUT! to go from down to up these lengths are decimated to 36/29/21. See the red numbers.

I am happy to answer any questions that you may have. Ask away.


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Well I've tried reading it and find I need a more basic explanation of your logic processes. Frankly, some of it reads like an algorithmic associative AI program.
(I've always wondered what would happen if someone set an AI program to solving the OI mystery.)

Are you saying that Nolan's Cross is a representation of a 3 side pyramid?

BTW the stone triangle is most likely (in my opinion) just a marker for the tour boats.
The stone triangle pointer was erased a long time ago by bull dozer. It pointed to celestial N where the Northern Cross asterism disappears once per day at the Northern Horizon for just a few minutes. If you pay attention to the night sky at this latitude you will see a couple of things each and every day. Deneb (largest star atop the Cross asterism) passes near apex above your head and disappears at N. There is another star that does approximately the same thing, Capella in the constellation Auriga. Together these two form an equilateral triangle centered at the North Star (Polaris) with a Constellation we no longer refer to which was called Quadrans Muralis. It is located just at the tip of the tail of the Great bear (Ursa Major) near Bootes. Quadrans Muralis also has the same path in the daily sky as Deneb and Capella. The way Quadrans Muralis was depicted in old Atlases is with an arc sector that has a dividing line through it (the same representation as the stone triangle pointer).
The naming of this constellation dates to 1795, which happens to be the date we are given for the origin of this story.

If you want to have a look at the sky above OI you can view that in a sky charting tool. I've plugged in the coordinated for OI in this app and you can see the path of the stars in question. see:
I suggest rotating the outer ring of the circle to place N on top. Simply access the change time menu and press the double arrow next to animate. Notice that Polaris is always in he same spot halfway between apex and the Northern horizon.

A "frozen view of that is this:
quadran muralis.png

I is Deneb in the Cross (atop Cygnus), J is Capella in Auriga, H is the position of Quadrans Muralis and G is the constant North star Polaris. Position E is the Apex directly above you head. The circular dotted line is the daily path. Apex and setting at N occurs every day at a different time (shifts by a few minutes per day).

The short story of Quadrans Muralis starts in 1795 to mimic the start of the OI myths.
At Bologna, Italy at the same latitude, is an esoteric monument referencing the same daily path of Cygnus. You can look it up. It's called the Aelia Laelia Cripsis monument. Same daily show happens at that monument. Why? It has to do with Myths associated with Cygnus, that of the the swan and the corresponding ones that exist for the Northern Cross in Cygnus. The Bologna monument is a lamentation of the fact that the Gods of Antiquity are all dead. They have been replaced by a new God. Cygnus was associated with Zeus (he had transformed into a swan to seduce Leda and bear offspring). The Northern Cross is the symbol for the Christian God's offspring too. The Christian God has come to replace Zeus. It was both a lamentation for some and a glorious happening for others. That's the back story to the mythology at OI. All efforts to turn that into a treasure hunt for anything material is 100% bullshit. The searcher era at OI exploits everything it can to suggest otherwise.


When you get erased by a bulldozer…
You are erased!

How many times, in various places, has man inadvertently eliminated “clues”? 😟

The feature was documented. It gives data by way of its angles.
I wasn’t doubting your info.
It’s just sad what a piece of equipment can quickly destroy.

The feature was documented. It gives data by way of its angles.
It's just a crude representation of Quadrans Muralis isn't it? How much empirical weight are you going to put on people relating your measurements taken from varied mid sized stones. What sort of margin or error are you attributing to the "data". Are they off by, say, 0.1 feet? What does 0.4+0.6=1 tell you? 6/4=3/2? Why an offset angle from North? What error in degrees do you think is acceptable to assume? There really is no way to corroborate a 4/6 division of the base of that triangle, because a line is infinitely narrow and stones aren't that. Over a 10 foot distance, if you are using stones that are 1 foot in cross section , tell us how many degrees we can be off by and still have a line over the stones? A simple back of envelope calculation shows that the margin for error is +/- 5.7 degrees on what is alleged to be something not that much larger than that for an offset. There's not a hell of a whole lot that we can say with what we are given. There should be no presumption you were given exact anything, I'm afraid.

I wasn’t doubting your info.
It’s just sad what a piece of equipment can quickly destroy.
Yes. I think it was blown up as a stunt. I only know navigation but that feature told a story in kabbalah. 292 its apex means King of Kings - so I am told. Other numbers mean 'buried in the earth', Betrayed by the father and denied by the throne. Exiled with a price on his head he seeks refuge in a strange town etc. (293 = accounts settled)

The cipher also blows Masonry wide open. On OI the cross is 60/150. The masonic device is 60/150 and is in a pyramid shape that is revealed by putting a cross within it.

When the chambers are plotted by the cipher a masonic device gains context. If this triangle is overlain on the Pyramid the Cuffs reveal the chambers about 10' offshore. I don;t know if your interested but there is a good deal more.

Basically they made a Chart from Taurus. A compass rose from the Cross with a built in course (145'/60T).


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