What would gold and silver do if N Korea is a go?


Silver Member
Apr 15, 2008
I know that the posturing between N Korea vs the US has always been a common theme for a long time, but this time seems different to me. In the past there was always talking and not much action, even after N Korea attacked and sank that S Korean navy ship a couple of years ago. But this time we've got all kinds of our navy (and bombers, etc) there and they got there in a hurry.

I think something will happen. Probably not anything nuke, but maybe the N Koreans do something like launch a few rockets or something worse. Or maybe there is something going on with respect to power struggles in N Korea and the current leader there is doing this to try and protect his position? Maybe we will see a regime change there? No way to know for sure.

Normally gold and silver would rise and stocks fall upon any new breakouts of war, but in today's world probably the opposite would happen if there is anything that happens over there.

Just my opinion.


I don't think much will happen Jim with the PM's as the Elite are trying to upset the applecart so to speak. Their have been numerous countries in the past few years where governments or should say dictatorships have been falling and this may be the next one on the Agenda for the Elites for their dreams of a One World Order. Lol Charlie

This is a very interesting question. I really don't know what would happen. I think that China would be the biggest question that investors would likely have. If the US gets into a skirmish and China backs N. Korea then I think people would assume that it would be bad for the economy and trade. Would this make PM's go up or down though? I really don't know. I trust your opinions way more than I trust my own on this one.

The N. Korean situation could be very much of a destabilizer to the world financial markets for 2 possible reasons. The first, and most likely of the two is the possibility of the N. Koreans putting a couple nukes into the financial center of Tokyo. This would crash the SE Asia market for a few days, until it's financial capitol re-established in China, adding to China's already formidable financial presence in Asia and the world. The next reason, and less likely, would be direct Chinese military involvement on the side of N. Korea. If China decided to flex it's empirical military muscle in the region (especially if the first possibility came to pass), the only thing to contain China to southern Asia is India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan on the west, Russia to the north, and the US/Australians in the western Pacific. Many of the smaller countries in southern Asia could be swallowed up in a matter of a day or so. Like I said, the second possibility is very highly unlikely, but I wouldn't put the first possibility out to pasture just yet.

Im just going to say, North korea scares the crap out of me. Angry and hungry mofos are the toughest enemy. Anyone remember vietnam? That was supposed to a stroll through jungle.

Im just going to say, North korea scares the crap out of me. Angry and hungry mofos are the toughest enemy. Anyone remember vietnam? That was supposed to a stroll through jungle.

I'll never forget it. I spent 6 months in a Japanese hospital because of it and a check each month because of it.

I'll never forget it. I spent 6 months in a Japanese hospital because of it and a check each month because of it.

Thank you for your sacrifices. My father and grandfather flew jets then. They used to say people thought they had it ''cushy'' but said looking down at the horrors befalling their brothers on the ground and precision gunning and rocket fire being the only way to get them out was not ''cushy''. Sometimes firing feet from friendlys at 150 mph and 50 ft high. I couldnt imagine that kind of stress.

Was brainstorming this whole NK deal today. It was announced that there was a "secret" meeting a few weeks ago with NK and the US. Shortly after that meeting, NK started up with all the rhetoric and such.

Here are two theories: First, what if at that meeting the US made NK "an offer they could not refuse". Basically telling the new leader how things were going to change, either voluntarily or by force. Maybe the US doesn't want to be messing with NK for the next 30 years considering the new leader is only 30 years old and probably like his dad with respect to policies and such. If that really happened, the NK leader may just realize his days are numbered and wants to go out with a bang, literally.

Or second, maybe NK is just posturing like before to get some free stuff from us. If that were the case though, I don't think you would be seeing all the military build up from US forces and such. I think they know some stuff is going down, maybe due to theory 1 above.

Just my opinions and wild speculations.


I am beginning to think that the best we can hope for out of this mess is for them to go ahead and shoot off a missile that we shoot down. Then the rest of the world passes the word to China that we will sit by idling watching the events if China decides to invade and take over the country. China could have this mess cleaned up in a matter of days and everyone in NK would be better off for it. Would the rest of the world really care considering what we know is going on in that country and how much the general population is suffering?

I am beginning to think that the best we can hope for out of this mess is for them to go ahead and shoot off a missile that we shoot down. Then the rest of the world passes the word to China that we will sit by idling watching the events if China decides to invade and take over the country. China could have this mess cleaned up in a matter of days and everyone in NK would be better off for it. Would the rest of the world really care considering what we know is going on in that country and how much the general population is suffering?

This is just speculation, but I don't think China will ever invade NK. If that happened there would probably be spillover into SK, which would then bring us into problems with China if they tried to mess with SK in any way. If the US were planning something in NK I would venture a guess that they cleared it first with China and maybe somehow China would benefit from any new regime in NK. I read a report earlier in the week that stated China is massing troops on their border in an effort to prevent any possible refugees from NK fleeing into China if the $h!t goes down.

I always kind of thought NK was a bit of a headache for China due to all the rhetoric and crap over the years but I have no real idea.


As for Viet Nam, I don't recall the expression 'stroll through (the) jungle', but I do recall the expression 'walk in the park'. As for North Korea, I would not be surprised to hear that China and the Allies (read, the USA) have already had prelim. talks about splitting up NK in the event they attack and lose.

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The kid has a problem with a couple of his generals. He's all talk to consolidate power behind his lead.

The kid has a problem with a couple of his generals. He's all talk to consolidate power behind his lead.

The markets are non plussed at his antics. Stock markets stable, Gold and Silver taking it on the chin. All the opposite of what would be taking place if a serious threat was perceived. Not that NK isn't a serious threat in itself, just not about this.

That said, if you need warranty work on your Kia or Hyundai, sooner rather than later. You know, just in case!:laughing7:

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The North Koreans do not take the current administration in Washington very seriously. Gold will probably skyrocket, the go down again. What's the old curse again, "may you live in interesting times?"

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