What's the most Indian Heads you have dug in one day?


Full Member
May 2, 2023
Cassopolis, Michigan
Detector(s) used
Whites 6000-D, Garrett GTA-1000, Minelab Sovereign, XP Deus I, Equinox 800, XP Deus II
That's fun. I've only had more than one in the same hole a couple of times. One hole that had two Indians also had a 1910, 1914-P and a 1914-D in it. The 1914s were the newest, so they were in the best shape and the soil was good. That 14-D was a $100 coin when I found it back in the '80s. It's worth a lot more now. Too bad I had to sell it.

Hey, at least you got one. I bet there are plenty out there who have not got one yet!
I found my first Indian cent last year in my yard and I was super geeked! 1882 was my oldest coin until this year.
Congrats on your multiple Indian cents.

I believe 24 in one hunt at one location or something like that? Had a few other hunts with 12 to 16 at a time. All from the same location. I posted them here a few years ago so there is a thread somewhere.

I believe 24 in one hunt at one location or something like that? Had a few other hunts with 12 to 16 at a time. All from the same location. I posted them here a few years ago so there is a thread somewhere.
I knew there had to be some guys on here who had hit some really good spots in days gone by. I wonder what the record was for that guy who found a whole set of Indians in a South Carolina church yard?

I knew there had to be some guys on here who had hit some really good spots in days gone by. I wonder what the record was for that guy who found a whole set of Indians in a South Carolina church yard?
No idea, but I imagine there is some guys from the earlier days of detecting who have some ridiculous numbers

Seven all in one small hole

Most Indian head cents that I've recovered in one day in the same yard was 7!! It was a doctors home in the late 1800s, found 5 large cents on a old home site about 2 years ago also! Weird thing about the largies was they all were same date 1853!!!!

My record is 20, but there is a catch. It was at a small town sidewalk replacement. They WERE dug individually, one at a time over a period of many hours. I got 19 on another day and 16 another day at that same site.

Outside that, I did get ten in one day out of a church yard one time. Five in one hole in a house yard one time.
At a Virgin spot I had been hunting for 5 or 6 years there was a spot that had much iron and i would avoid it ..one day I walked through and realized a spot that was about 2 foot square and decided to find out what it was ...about 6" down ifound a rotting old cook stove and removed it ..one swing over the site had many signals and heard many targets ..there was 16 Indians in one hole and at the bottom of the hole was a sweet silver canadian dime...sweet memories...

At a Virgin spot I had been hunting for 5 or 6 years there was a spot that had much iron and i would avoid it ..one day I walked through and realized a spot that was about 2 foot square and decided to find out what it was ...about 6" down ifound a rotting old cook stove and removed it ..one swing over the site had many signals and heard many targets ..there was 16 Indians in one hole and at the bottom of the hole was a sweet silver canadian dime...sweet memories...
Don't forget that coin holder pendant you found, still one of the coolest things I have ever seen come out of the ground

Nine and all were very close to each other along with a V nickel. It was on a private property permission (PPP) and the owner wanted one so I gave him one that wasn't in the worst shape but not the nicest one either. Took forever to dig them as they were in gravel which used to be the first homes "driveway" I assume. He had demolished the second home built on the lot and brought in A pre-built modular home that now stands where the coins were. All of them were pre 1900 and I can still imagine someone getting out of a carriage or off a horse and spilling/losing them. Thanks for the memories - cool thread.

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