Why Do We Do This?


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2005
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It's so hot in Alabama. :-X Lisa and I went out this morning to hunt a new site. It's the lower end of an old orchard. The dirt had been moved around to smooth out the terraces so lots of stuff found scattered everywhere. Could be a modern cent at six inches or an old buckle right under the grass. As I was walking along, sweat pooling up in my sunglasses, my clothes feeling all yucky and sticking to me, my skin was all stinky from the mosquito spray and no real keepers to speak of, I asked myself, "Why in the heck do I think this is any kind of fun?" :P Then I reminded myself that nothing is gained by sitting around and not going on an adventure! ;) I wouldn't have seen all the neat things I have seen over the past couple of years nor met all the new friends I have made along the way or found all this stuff I call my collection. ;) Today I found a miner's tag...I once called them 'cow tags'..but thanks to MonDak and Lisa I now know what they really are. ;)
Also found a neat button with a ship on it and a 1971 'New Penny' from England. A small bit of change and a smashed ring.

And all the junque...

Here a pic of one of those big ole red and black fuzzy ants. He was running around so fast it was difficult to get a good picture..


Lisa found this stone at the corner of the property and we assume it's a boundry marker? Has some kind of writing on it...


Last week we hunted a couple of places and nothing spectacular found..but had fun just the same. ;) I'm thinking the round thing with the basket weave design is silver, but it's not marked.

So. Why do you hunt?

Nana ;)

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After I retired I found out pretty quickly that I didn't want to play golf everyday, I don't want a part time job and wouldn't be much of a volunteer so I dug out the old XLT which had been relegated to the back of the closet for many years.

It gets me out of the house, has got me interested in doing historical research on the areas I hunt and when I find an old relic it's exciting. it's exciting when I find a bunch of clad. Not so exciting when I find only a dime like yesterdays 1 hour hunt.

Some days I wonder why I'm out there in the heat and/or rain, but then I remember the wedding ring I found that I was able to return to the owner or the look on one of my niece's face when I give her a ring I've found. that makes the not so fun days worth it.

I would second what waseeker has said...and add that not only have I learned so much more about my local history, but have discovered a passion for the mystery of it....as in, what's in the ground, and how the hell did it get there? The town I work in is very old, and driving through it five days a week it feels like I'm going back in time. It pains me to think of the old coins and relics I could find on the town green if only....

I'm in it for the the free beer and metal detecting groupies..... ;)

Actually, I've been an adventurer all my life. Cave exploring, gold mining, hiking through virgin areas, rock climbing..... etc. Metal detecting fills a void when I can't get out of town.
It's not so much about WHAT I find, its about the thrill of the chase for me. :)

I honestly love history ---yes I'm odd --I like to read about history and thus research is "fun" to me thus I enjoy it wierd huh?--(I was the "history geek" kid back in high school) I really like holding old bits of history in my hands seeing it and wondering who had it and how it "got" where it was when I found it---if its avaluible item thats just a extra bonus---and I admit I get a charge out of finding the odd bit of silver or gold jewelry or a silver coin or two along with the clad and junk jewelry and odd iron or brass relic item now and then--- plus you never really know just what you might find on a given day---the next hunt just might be your lucky day---Ivan

It's the perfect blend of skill, luck, craft and determination. Every new discovery just fuels the imagination, satisfying and stimulating the sense of basic human curiosity at the same time.

Plus it's fun! :D


I hunt for the same reason the crackhead cant put down the pipe,the junkie the needle. its a desperate sickness an insatiable addiction, oh and for this stuff too6.jpg


To be able to step back in time and wonder about a lost recently found. Where did it come from? Wonder who lost it and why?

History is one thing we should not loose. History defines who we are and where we are heading.

Nana, I'm glad you were able to answer your own question. And some of the other's answers were right on,too.
We do it because we can and as long as we're in America I hope we will always be able to do it. HH and keep digging!


Great pictures by the way.

Nice pile of loot and great pictures too.

That's what we call a velvet ant. It has what looks a stinger. It can probe this stinger out of its rear end and the stinger looks longer than its body. They have a very hard body too, making them hard to crush for their size. I’ve fooled around with them but have never been stung. But I’ve heard tails that they deliver an excruciatingly painful sting.

Why do we do this? Who was it that skipped the Barber and found an 1827 dime? Do I have the year right? ;D ;D

MalteseFalcon said:
Maybe it is because we are all crazy?
Crazy people don't know they're crazy. At least, that's what my Rice Krispies tell me. ;D

It's the mystery of the nail, and how in the heck can the buildings still be standing missing all those nails ???? To hold history in my hand, if it's a nail or a Victorian dress buckle, a pull tab or a ring. To be able to have friends like you folks. Happy hunting.

P.S. To have my husband say it's junk and do this ::). :D

I've always had an interest in coins, and always wanted to find a key
date. This year, after 50 plus years I finally found one. Now I want
the 2nd one. Don't have another 50 years to do it though.

Why, I can't explain it. I guess its like whats said before. The thrill of the hunt, the expectations, the history, the rush of the silver or gold, the let down of the pull tab or nail, the thought of being the only person to hold something that someone lost a hundred years ago. To me, it's not for the money although most everyone I talk to about the hobby says
"At this rate you will be able to pay for the detector pretty soon".
Why do they think thats the reason for huntin and findin'?
They just don't get it!

Keep diggin'...

Wow I found four of those Ants lastnight and wondered what they were. I have NEVER seen them in Missouri before until last night.

And lastnight Baldingboy and I went out detecting and wondered the same thing but we didn't find anywhere near what you found. We went to a house built in 1922 and we couldn't find ONE coin there, not one. And almost everything we dug up was trash. So again after returning home at 10:00 PM my better half took one look at my "treasures" and asked me when I was going to quit being foolish? Told her I guess when I am six feet under. Gotta keep swinging the next thing could be the big one!!!!

Have a great day! ;D


where else but on an adventure would
you come home with photos of red and
black ants ;) ;D

have a good un.....

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