Worst gift you ever got.

crazyjarhead said:
Nothing from no one. My family, large as it may be are not close to each other. My mother even told me this year, no christmas. So I'll be working right through the holidays as I normally do. I'll leave next week on a road trip and won't return until next year. :(
Ill be working out of town too. I dont think we will be exchanging gifts this year because of economics ...only to the children. But I will be exchanging cards. :thumbsup:

Noodle said:
The worst/best/only gift I received for Christmas was not material. It was Jesus Christ.

Anything else is much less in comparison and not to be even considered comparable. If you don't like your presents, just ignore them; don't thank the givers; just hold a grudge and tell others how much you don't like their gifts.

I can't believe this topic.

Noodle you MISUNDERSTOOD the point of my post. I read a funny story about worst gifts so I was trying to get some light hearted answers. As sometimes happens in these threads this one went awry. I too know the real reason for Christmas and I am thankful for the gift that he gave to all of us. I did not EVER mean to offend or upset anyone with any of my posts. I will remove this one if it bothers you that much.

mastereagle22 said:
Noodle said:
The worst/best/only gift I received for Christmas was not material. It was Jesus Christ.

Anything else is much less in comparison and not to be even considered comparable. If you don't like your presents, just ignore them; don't thank the givers; just hold a grudge and tell others how much you don't like their gifts.

I can't believe this topic.

Noodle you MISUNDERSTOOD the point of my post. I read a funny story about worst gifts so I was trying to get some light hearted answers. As sometimes happens in these threads this one went awry. I too know the real reason for Christmas and I am thankful for the gift that he gave to all of us. I did not EVER mean to offend or upset anyone with any of my posts. I will remove this one if it bothers you that much.

many people have posted a funny comment about their worst gift!
if a member had posted... "I don't celebrate Christmas I'm Islamic" people would be freaking out!
but for some reason.... its OK for Christains to be offended and we should just do what we can to
put them back at ease? WHY??
For some people Dec 25th is no big deal... there are many other religions other than ones
that celebrate Dec 25 as a "holy day".
but the rest of us must feel bad if we dont make Christmas all about GOD.
i don't get it!

Noodle is a friend of mine. I do NOT EVER intentionally post something to offend anyone. While I agree with you that people have taken political correctness too far if I have an offensive post I will remove it. Now one person telling me they are offended is not enough for me to take this action unless the nature of the post is so offensive that it is obvious.

So I respect Noodle's opinion. I just wanted to know if anyone else finds the post offensive. If so I will pull it. It's that simple.

As I stated my intent was to get some funny anecdotes about the Christmas season. I think the majority of the posts on this thread have been directly inline with my intent.

Mainly I am a Christan and I practice a belief in God. If you don't because you are Muslim or aethist then don't read my post if it is offensive. But if the majority of the opinions I get is that this is an offensive post I will remove it.

You're the man, ME!! Applying 'Democracy' even to something as innocuous as a discussion forum on the Net......... a true Patriot!! :wink:

The worst gift I ever got was from my Dad. He folded a one dollar bill up and placed it in about a million progressively bigger boxes. He taped the living crap out of them too! Took me about 40 minutes to open them all............ Every time I got one open there was a smaller box inside!! I can't imagine how long it took to find so many boxes!!
My only other solace was, he had to spend a LOT more time than that putting the whole thing together!

The worst gift I ever gave was a fruitcake. For about 8 years my family 'regifted' the fruitcake. I know it was the same one cause when one of my Aunts finally got tired of seeing it every year and opened it, we found the card I had originally put in there!!! :tard:
I don't know why she opened it tho...... does anyone really eat those things?!?

I don't find your post offensive Larry. I took it in the way you had posted it, as fun and I think the majority of the posts stayed on that line and we had fun with it. I was laughing like crazy when I posted the plaid pants. I truly have not had gifts I was upset about in my life but the plaid pants have always been a big joke in our family and so I posted them. Most posted some funny stuff, it seemed to take a life of it's own and go a different direction at some point and I found it sad. Like you, I adore Noodle and would not want to offend anyone. I could also very much relate to what Noodle was saying but not from the standpoint of the original post and intent. I do not believe that part was offensive or meant in the way it ended up. Merry Christmas....and yes, it IS Christmas, (Christs birth) that it is what the word Christmas means. Society might have tried to redefine it but that doesn't really change anything. No matter how many times we try to say a shoe is something else, it already has a definition and so does Christmas. :wink:

I do, Just love the Claxton fruit cakes! ........NGE

"As I stated my intent was to get some funny anecdotes about the Christmas season"

Nothing wrong with your post nor its content. :thumbsup:

I agree, I think the gift giving is just 'part' of the Christmas tradition. It doesn't eclipse the importance of the birth of Christ and monumental impact that has made on mankind in terms of reconciling with God..............
Besides, I think this thread is appropriate! Baby Jesus probably looked at the gold, frankincense and myrrh and thought:

"Man, what good is precious metal or spices to an infant!?! Why couldn't they have brought me a binky or a teething ring........."
;D :wink:

Anyone that doesn't like fruit cake never had a real fruit cake. My sister makes them every now and then for the holidays. It's chocked full of nuts, cherries and sweet fruit and very little of that sour citris crap. After she bakes it, she wraps it in cheese cloth, refrigerates it and soakes it in rum or brandy for about two months. It comes out very moist , sweet and with a tangy taste of the liquor. Great stuff! That store bought junk isn't real fruit cake and it is dry and bitter tasting to me. Monty

My grandmother was a Jehova's Witness in her later years say from about 70 to 102! She didn't believe in giving gifts for Christmas. But she sure never turned any down either! Strange how some people rate Christmas. Santa Clause, exchanging gifts and Charistmas cards, parties ,etc are not the meaning of Christmas and any sane person realizes that. But it is the fun of Christmas, a means to celebrate, after all the birth of Christ is something to celebrate. And I can't imagine Christ not having a sense of humor. God did. Just look at some of the funny looking people he put on this earth. That includes me too I'm sure. M :wink: nty

IMO Its all the hassle, stress, bad presents that make Christmas. Look at National Lampoon Christmas Vacation and A Christmas Story with Ralphie and his Red Ryder. Its Americana, in the end even after all the stress we come to enjoy it, it wouldnt be Christmas without it would it? Sure thats not the true meaning of Christmas but its how we've come to celebrate it and I wouldnt change it for the world. All my good memories are of the funny Christmas times. I cant recall 99% of the "good" presents ive gotten over the years but I still remember and laugh about the bad ones. ;D

Larry I agree keep the post! It has some funny stuff! And most people know there would be no Christmas without what its real meaning is Christ Birth.

I had a little real homemade fruit cake once it was good but, forget the store bought!
Worst gift (wrapping) good gift ever.. we gave Jeffs bro a detector for Christmas 2nd hand but, he loved it after he finally got it opened! In box which Jeff took his time and entirely duck tapped the whole box not a cornor was showing then I Christmas wrapped it! Out came the pocket knife and while everyone else kept unwrapping he cut tape! It was funny! And yes he thought so to also paybacks!

Yeah we had two "traditions" at house until my step-dad passed.

The first one was that someone got a scavenger hunt for their gift EVERY year and it was random. You got a gift but you had to work for it.

The second was that someone else always got a super wrapped up with tape present. One year I spent 15 minutes trying to get my package open and it was a pair of socks!!! But we always had fun with it.

For our daughter one year she really wanted a bike and we got a used one and fixed it up and after we went in grandma and grandpas Jeff went and put it in the yard then tied a string to it when she was in the bathroom the string got ran all thru the house and was tied to an ornament under the tree (her name on the ornament) she had to wind the string as she went!

Then a couple of years later she got her skatboard Jeff had burned her name in it and varnished it really looked great, but it was hid she wondered why all she had was clothes from grandma and grandpa and nothing from us! But there was a card under the tree she opened it and the note said go look in dads pocket ...a note said go make granpa get up ... he was sitting on a clue, then make uncle Kevin lift his foot (that was the hard one) then so on ... a couple of more clues then go look in your dads old room ...you should have heard her squeal when the light spilled into the room!

Sorry they wernt bad gifts but, have not really had any! These were just some memories I wanted to share!


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