πŸ† HONORABLE MENTION WW II Dog Tag Returned To The Family


Full Member
Feb 13, 2015
South Central Pennsylvania
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A few years ago I came across a location that once was the site of a military camp from WW I to WW II. I detected the area for a month or so in the spring and found a bunch of old coins and relics. Last year I made the trip back and ended up digging an old dog tag. All the info was there... Name, address, next of kin.... I spent a couple weeks searching but couldn't find anyone in the area of the address so I put the tag in with my finds and forgot about it. Around Christmas last year I pulled it out and tried again to return the tag to the family. I found a close match, A woman, called and left a message. The next day she called back crying, said yesterday (the day I initially called) was her parents anniversary, they passed away years ago. She was amazed that someone would take the time to return the tag and was excited to get it back.

If you're interest, here's a video of me finding the tag and a cut-in with the "thank you" letter she mailed back to me.

I just think it's a great metal detecting story!

A few years ago I came across a location that once was the site of a military camp from WW I to WW II. I detected the area for a month or so in the spring and found a bunch of old coins and relics. Last year I made the trip back and ended up digging an old dog tag. All the info was there... Name, address, next of kin.... I spent a couple weeks searching but couldn't find anyone in the area of the address so I put the tag in with my finds and forgot about it. Around Christmas last year I pulled it out and tried again to return the tag to the family. I found a close match, A woman, called and left a message. The next day she called back crying, said yesterday (the day I initially called) was her parents anniversary, they passed away years ago. She was amazed that someone would take the time to return the tag and was excited to get it back.

If you're interest, here's a video of me finding the tag and a cut-in with the "thank you" letter she mailed back to me.

I just think it's a great metal detecting story!

That restores some faith in human nature. You are to be commended.

A few years ago I came across a location that once was the site of a military camp from WW I to WW II. I detected the area for a month or so in the spring and found a bunch of old coins and relics. Last year I made the trip back and ended up digging an old dog tag. All the info was there... Name, address, next of kin.... I spent a couple weeks searching but couldn't find anyone in the area of the address so I put the tag in with my finds and forgot about it. Around Christmas last year I pulled it out and tried again to return the tag to the family. I found a close match, A woman, called and left a message. The next day she called back crying, said yesterday (the day I initially called) was her parents anniversary, they passed away years ago. She was amazed that someone would take the time to return the tag and was excited to get it back.

If you're interest, here's a video of me finding the tag and a cut-in with the "thank you" letter she mailed back to me.

I just think it's a great metal detecting story!

Way to go. I returned one to a man's wife in her 90's a number of years ago.

Having returned some dog tags you will find some people are happy to get them back. Other times people could care less. Be ready for what ever

Metaldiggr GREAT JOB :) PROUD OF YOU !!!!

Metaldiggr I have a question for you. Did you get tears in your eyes ? tell us the details please

Metaldiggr I have a question for you. Did you get tears in your eyes ? tell us the details please

When the daughter called and said that it was her folks anniversary and she was thinking about them all day then came home to find my message, yah, that got me a little.

BRAVO! Like I told my kids and now my grandkids - do the right thing even when I'm not looking.

When the daughter called and said that it was her folks anniversary and she was thinking about them all day then came home to find my message, yah, that got me a little.
It is really AMAZING how much of a warm feeling when stuff like this happens

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