Yet another one with a dream.


Jun 27, 2019
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
As of recent, I have been watching videos online about gold prospecting and processing with water flushing.
Like most of the "new" enthusiast, I happen to be desperate for money and have a desire of adventure, which makes treasure hunting very compelling.
I live in Canada, Quebec. 28 years old.
I am wondering if there would be streams of sands in the north of Quebec that would potentially have nuggets.
I am looking for a fellow gold digger to do some explorations and researches.. and maybe plan a trip to make the most of it if its worth the work.

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Yes, there is gold in Quebec. Do some research and you should be able to find some places. The places I heard about were south of Montreal.

As of recent, I have been watching videos online about gold prospecting and processing with water flushing.
Like most of the "new" enthusiast, I happen to be desperate for money and have a desire of adventure, which makes treasure hunting very compelling.
I live in Canada, Quebec. 28 years old.
I am wondering if there would be streams of sands in the north of Quebec that would potentially have nuggets.
I am looking for a fellow gold digger to do some explorations and researches.. and maybe plan a trip to make the most of it if its worth the work.

Best area in Quebec is the Chaudiere River area not too far from the border with Maine, USA.

welcome to Tnet, lots good info here, questions, answer's how-to's
lot's of knowledgeable good people here.
let us know how your adventure goes.

In gold bearing areas you will need to move lots of material to make money. Ten yards to the ounce is considered very rich ground. Usually 50 - 200 cubic yards to the ounce is the norm. Prospecting may identify pay areas but then it's all about moving lots of cubic yards of material. Otherwise it's just a hobby that costs you money like most hobbies do. Nothing wrong with that either. Good luck.

As of recent, I have been watching videos online about gold prospecting and processing with water flushing.
Like most of the "new" enthusiast, I happen to be desperate for money and have a desire of adventure, which makes treasure hunting very compelling.
I live in Canada, Quebec. 28 years old.
I am wondering if there would be streams of sands in the north of Quebec that would potentially have nuggets.
I am looking for a fellow gold digger to do some explorations and researches.. and maybe plan a trip to make the most of it if its worth the work.
Good day Rohffx, I just saw your post. My inlaws live in Plattsburgh, nY and are not far from Montreal. We go to New City Gas for raves now an again. Were in our late 40's but still love adventure :) I would be interested in taking a trip in the spring or summer. I have pans, a sluice, and crevice sucker. My email is [email protected]. Have a great week!

I'm not familiar with your area, but didn't the glaciers flow over that are eons ago? If I remember correctly, gold was scraped up, and carried south, and finally deposited. I would imagine, the local rivers and streams might have cut through some of those deposits. I guess it's just a matter of discovering just where these deposits were dropped.

Good luck. Hope you find a source, and get a lot of the yellow stuff.

A little heads up....this thread started in 2019.

I'm not familiar with your area, but didn't the glaciers flow over that are eons ago? If I remember correctly, gold was scraped up, and carried south, and finally deposited. I would imagine, the local rivers and streams might have cut through some of those deposits. I guess it's just a matter of discovering just where these deposits were dropped.

Good luck. Hope you find a source, and get a lot of the yellow stuff.
Thanks a bunch! There is alluvial gold in Mass and CT and lode gold in VT so I am within 2-3 hours of some areas to find some, but We travel to Montreal now and again and it would be great to find some bigger gold😁

Arizau, I only saw a recent post, never thinking it was an oldie. I'll try to scout out the dates on these type of posts in the future.
Either way, I appreciate your input desertgolddigger! I figured there might be a few people kind enough to reply to it. Thanks for doing so!

And don't forget to do your own Due diligence in the area that you want to search ! and for the record, "Hobby's " are not covered by U.S.A's mining laws ! So be careful of what you say when being questioned by the law in the states .

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