Avagos Goodies

Just curious, was that a sealed $100 bag of Ikes you got or maybe a bag a customer brought in?

Heh, I asked the teller. She said she "couldn't reveal her sources". How cryptic. My guess is they were the same Ikes I turned down at a different branch of the same bank a few days ago, ha! They were in a plastic ziploc with 97 written on it, so probably customer + 3 that the bank had floating around.

Heh, I asked the teller. She said she "couldn't reveal her sources". How cryptic. My guess is they were the same Ikes I turned down at a different branch of the same bank a few days ago, ha! They were in a plastic ziploc with 97 written on it, so probably customer + 3 that the bank had floating around.

Oh ok. I was just curious what your $100 bag was because someone else was able to order small sealed $100 Ike bags from a bank recently.

Excellent week. Maybe I could have had a similar week, but the bank screwed up my order. Wow, 100 is a ton of Ikes. With that huge lot of Ikes, there should have been at least one silver in there. I'm looking for my first silver Ike, and still missing a couple of dates for my Ike folder. Any proof Ikes in there?

I'm pretty new to the hobby, but I've noticed that a lot of the tellers know what we're up to. Just a few days ago I asked a teller for halves, and she pulled out four, one of which was a silver. She said, "This one looks silver." Then drops it on the counter and it made the nice silver ping. I could tell she was wanting to keep it for herself, but she sort of reluctantly sold it to me.

Finished up last week's supply with two boxes. The first box was a new high score for me, containing eleven 40% and one 90%. The 40%'s were every color of the rainbow... white, gray, black, copper and even gold. Very unusual. There was one double roll, and I also found a 1962 Elizabeth II penny in the box. Interesting, first two foreign coins in the past two days. The second box contained three 40%, and a 1987-D ender. Neat!


After picking up today, half my boxes have the new and productive stamp and the other half have the old skunky stamp. We'll see if that trend continues.

Congrats on more good boxes and your new best box. You and StevePa sure have nice consistent box suppliers. Hopefully you can keep the silver streak going into double digits.


Double skunks last night! I went with boxes with the 4-digit stamp that produced last week but came up empty handed. There goes my stamp theory. I guess the only thing you might be able to determine from the stamps is that your boxes from ONE WEEK or order will be consistently productive or skunkductive. But week to week, it seems to depend more on where the boxes are pulled from the stack.

Avago, question is there any easy way to tell which of the bicentennials are silver? I have seen some that look different than clad but I'm not sure. Also, how do you tell the ones that are proofs?

Congrats on all the silver. Happy hunting.

Hey, Graciegirl. Check out my Avatar. What I'm holding is actually a silver bicentennial between two clad proofs (original pic was posted in this thread July 21st).

The bicentennials that were made out of silver are 40%, and will look just like any other 40% ('65-'70) from the rim-- white/grayish usually, and will also sound different than a clad half when dropped on a hard surface. Any half with an 'S' mint mark is a proof... it will also be extremely shiny, but the 'S' mint mark is really the giveaway if you're not sure. Also, look up to my Sept. 16th posting. The six coins in the bottom right picture are clad proofs.

Double skunks last night! I went with boxes with the 4-digit stamp that produced last week but came up empty handed. There goes my stamp theory. I guess the only thing you might be able to determine from the stamps is that your boxes from ONE WEEK or order will be consistently productive or skunkductive. But week to week, it seems to depend more on where the boxes are pulled from the stack.

My boxes don't have any codes. They are Brinks boxes and rather being the long, skinny, thin boxes, they are the thick square boxes with two layers of rolls. They must be pulling them from the same general area from week to week, because on back to back weeks I pulled 7 and 5 Walking Liberties out of my boxes. You know darn well they came from the same source. But where do they come from? Coinstar? Coin counters? The banks in my city don't have the same kind of coin counters many of you guys have. We have one credit union that has a few small coin counters with bags, that can't handle much volume without being emptied frequently; plus it says right on the machine, "no halves". There's another bank with coin counters that charges 9% both to members and non-members. Who in their right mind would use it?? The only way I can drop off unrolled coins is at Bank of America, where I can drop off uncounted mixed coins in bags. They take them to a remote location and count them in their machines and credit them to my account several days after I drop them off. I re-roll my halves in the same rolls they come in and cash them in at one of my dump banks. I re-roll them as I search them and it only takes me about an hour to search a box this way. In my city it seems that Wells Fargo uses Loomis. My pick up bank for halves is US Bank. My halves boxes are always Brinks, but just yesterday I was in a US Bank and a Loomis driver stopped there. I would love some insight as to how the system works. Would love to hear what some of you have learned.

Did three boxes over the weekend. The first two were skunks, and the last one I pulled two 40%s and one 90% :thumbsup:

You're keeping a great 40% to 90% ratio. At the rate you're going you may find more 90% than me by the end of the year. And nearly 34 ozs of silver in just 3 or 4 months is great too.


Hopefully the silver will continue to flow, but last week's steady stream seems to have dried up. I did two boxes last night, the first being a skunk and the second yielded just one 40%.

You sure seem to be doing good so far and avoiding long skunk streaks. I got 2 boxes today so Im just hoping for anything better than a double skunk.

Well after sorting through this weeks okay/skunky boxes, I wasn't expecting much from the last one in this order. I was wrong! I ended up setting another new box record. First of all, opening the box up I saw this very unusual ender:


In going through the rolls, I had five of them that were doubles. See if you can spot the silvers in my poorly-lighted pics:


I was also able to find what appears to be a worn 1941(?) Walking Liberty. The total from the box was seventeen 40%, and four 90% including the WL.


That was an extremely fun box to go through. With this box I increased my overall silver coin count by 11%, nearly four ounces total in the box. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Great box. I had a box almost as good last week with 3 x 90% and 14 x 40% and it was fun to search. And I found a '41 Walker just yesterday myself in very similar condition to yours. Your totals are looking great too. Over 200 total silver and almost 40 ozs of silver is really good in such a short amount of time.


Looks like the silver in your rolls is/are:

Roll 1: 2nd & 6th from the right
Roll 2: 4th (looks 90%) & 9th from the left
Roll 3: ender on the right and 2nd from the right
Roll 4: 3rd & 9th from the right
Roll 5: 8th and 9th from the left (one or both 90%?)

I've been very fortunate to have a relatively steady stream of silver coming in from my boxes and have been extremely pleased with the hobby. Can't say the same for the CWR, so I will certainly be focusing my attention on the boxes.

So very close to a perfect score SilverFace, you have a very good eye!! The only one that you missed was roll 3, where it was 2nd from the right and 14 from the right. Very impressive though, especially with the poor quality photos!

You sure do have a great supplier for your boxes. Well I was close with my guess. I saw that 14th coin from the right in the 3rd pic but the ender in that roll looked a little more silver - but its probably just because of the lighting like you said.

Killer boxes! I got four straight skunk boxes this week. Great week for you and Silverface. Any week with a Walker is a good week, plus a lot more silver as a bonus! I have two boxes of dimes left to search to try to avoid a silver shutout for the week.

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