Bill to elimanate the EPA


Silver Member
Feb 28, 2013
Golden Valley Arid-Zona
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Fisher / Gold Bug AND the MK-VII eyeballs
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Rant on Dennis! Like you I grew up in California and remember the days I thought I could drive over San Berdoo instead of thru it because the smog was so thick. I don't want to ever see those conditions again. Of course with California voting in recreational pot use, there could be a different kind of smog over the state soon. A mind numbing fog that keeps the population in the state of not caring what the politicos are up to.


Jr. Member
Mar 21, 2015
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
IMHO this bill will be DOA. I for one don't want the EPA eliminated by passing a bill. No, that would deprive of me the satisfaction of knowing that thousands of EPA left wing rainbow warrior zealots, who worship at the altar of climate change, watch as Scott Pruitt starts "gutting the beast" with a scalpel. Can you imagine the sheer panic these people are in now that a guy that has sued you over a dozen times is now your BOSS? Schadenfreude? Yep.


Bronze Member
May 2, 2014
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Primary Interest:
IMHO this bill will be DOA. I for one don't want the EPA eliminated by passing a bill. No, that would deprive of me the satisfaction of knowing that thousands of EPA left wing rainbow warrior zealots, who worship at the altar of climate change, watch as Scott Pruitt starts "gutting the beast" with a scalpel. Can you imagine the sheer panic these people are in now that a guy that has sued you over a dozen times is now your BOSS? Schadenfreude? Yep.
View attachment 1417081

I would start with investigating the people within the EPA who have already started grumbling/registering their complaints prior to any real proposed changes. The same thing is happening in a couple of other agencies according to what I have seen and heard and the same thing should happen there.


Bronze Member
Mar 10, 2014
Central Oregon Coast
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I have never studied the EPA "bible" per Congress. I am sure it has good meaning and well intended concepts. I think all a Americans want a clean environment. But there is no question the EPA has run amuck. Fixing it or altering how it is supposed to implement the Congressional intent seems worthy of discussion. Interesting how laws are laws but politics construes things differently. As we see with ALL Gov appointed secretaries/directors/etc. two distinct sides to a coin. Toss the coin and see which team gets to play the game.

The trouble with the agency abuse is it tends to make people want to do away with the very thing the agency was tasked to oversea and implement.....when in fact modification and refining the task may be more advantagist. I know the ESA needs attention and modification.
But give thought to the title of this thread...and thought to ones own interpretation of what EPA stands for.

Does one think the EPA is "Environmental Protection Agency" or does one think of "Environmental Protection Act"....Big difference!


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Jr. Member
Mar 21, 2015
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
The Environmental Protection Act was enacted in 1970. I think of 47 years of pounding it with a hammer and sickle to forge the political tool that it became.


Silver Member
Feb 28, 2013
Golden Valley Arid-Zona
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Fisher / Gold Bug AND the MK-VII eyeballs
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No, that would deprive of me the satisfaction of knowing that thousands of EPA left wing rainbow warrior zealots, who worship at the altar of climate change, watch as Scott Pruitt starts "gutting the beast" with a scalpel.

....And here I was keeping my fingers crossed that he'd choose a CHAIN SAW!!!!


Jr. Member
Oct 3, 2016
Montana in winter and Yukon in summer
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All Treasure Hunting
Scaling back the EPA's authority is in my opinion the real answer to our issues today. The elimination of the EPA is scary to me, I enjoy swimming in watersheds without having to worry too much about chemicals/ waste in the water. I like to inhale clean air. The big corporations are to gain the most from a move like this -not the little guy, us little guys just get to breathe in the nasty fumes and be exposed to the big company's chemicals.

As noted in previous comments: we are so polarized in this country where it's often all or nothing... we are unable to compromise on pretty much anything these days...I know some may argue this but in my opinion -This is not America as intended by the founding fathers.

Schoolofhardrocks- your last statement doesn't agree with your first paragraph. The EPA and all agencies are not elected officials so in fact they are unconstitutional. The founders had dealt with these same kinds of things and that is why they mandated all laws be made only by elected officials and only by congress or state legislatures. Only elected officials are answerable to the people. Non-elected bureaucrats answer to no one and are tyrannical - always.

If you want to get back to what the founders intended as your last statement suggests you must realize that the EPA is illegal and should be completely done away with. In fact the federal government should have no say in anything the EPA has done. The constitution is very clear that the things the EPA has been doing is for each individual state to take care of. Jefferson and Madison stated emphatically that the powers of the federal government are very limited and for national defense mostly. The states created the fed and the states have more power than the feds because they control what happens in each state. The fed has no authority but specifically what is granted to them in the Constitution.

The fallacy that the state governments are just as corrupt as the feds may only be semi-true now because the people have not demanded that the fed gets out of everything and back to what the Constitution says they can do. When that happens the states MUST clean up their act. If as some have suggested, that the state gov. of say CA will be more tyrannical, which is likely with the idiots who vote those people into office, what will happen? Since the intelligent people in CA will not want to live under tyranny they will move to states that are friendly and respect Liberty and will prosper while the tyrannical states will fail and go bankrupt and unable to function. All those socialists and worthless people who want everything for free and don't want to earn anything will find that they are starving and have no clothes or shelter because the state cannot provide for them. The system will collapse in those tyrannical states and Liberty loving Americans can move back in and take over.

In addition, it will teach those lazy no good idiots that socialism is evil, wrong and doesn't work while Liberty does.

To prove this point read your history about the Pilgrims. Not the revised history from the liberal progressives but real history. The people that came to this land on the Mayflower were under obligation from the king of England to work collectively (socialism) and to send the king a large percentage of what they produced. Read William Bradfords account of what happened in that colony, "Of Plymouth Plantation". He was the original governor of the colony. The first year almost everyone died from starvation because the lazy no gooders were wanting to live off the hard working honest people. But when the honest hardworking people saw they weren't getting the fruits of their labor they realized they were working to keep the worthless members of society alive. So they quit working. The next year, against the kings order Bradford staked 'common ground' and 'private ground'. Everyone was required to work the common ground a specific amount of time and they were given plenty of time to work their private ground as well. Those who were honest hard working people prospered greatly and those who lazy and no good suffered.

Eventually the common ground was abandoned in favor or free enterprise and Liberty. They learned the hard lesson that oppression and trying to force people to be equal doesn't ever work. There will always be deadbeats who don't deserve anything because they are unwilling to earn it. They are the trash of society. They will always prefer socialism and tyranny for as long as it provides their basic needs. But when it oversteps those bounds they start to get agitated. When the tyranny collapses the no gooders are disillusioned and can't understand why and what happened. So they set out to find someone to provide for them again. Rather than becoming responsible productive members of society.

The history of this nation in the beginning was just this way. Then the colonies were independent from each other but still all under control of the king and would not allow the other colonies to regulate or pass laws for them. That is one of the reasons it was so hard for them to unite to fight the revolutionary war. But as the tyranny became worse they all were suffering and they saw the need to unite. Afterwards they knew they needed a federal government but none of them wanted the fed to have power over them. That was a failed government and that is why the Constitution was created. It took several years for that document to come into being and it was extremely hard to convince the people they needed a better slightly stronger federal government. But if you read the federalist papers you'll see that the founders did not intend for the feds to get as big as they are and that unelected officials are against the law. Where in the Constitution are unelected officials or agencies given legal status? It doesn't exist. The Constitution was written specifically so anyone with a grade school education can read it and understand it. The founders did this on purpose so the people would always be able to know exactly what is legal and what isn't and they would have no excuse for allowing the Republic to devolve into a Democracy which is a very evil form of government.

So, closing the EPA is the right thing to do. Get rid of it completely. The feds have no right and it is illegal for them to get involved with the things the EPA was created to do and the things they eventually have been doing. The states must do and take care of the problems in their own lands. If they become tyrannical so be it. It will be a short life for them especially since CA is already bankrupt and cannot support it's tyrannical laws and regulations as it is. It will collapse and intelligent Liberty loving Californians can step up and fix all the problems, returning CA to a Liberty loving people and allowing the people to earn a living while still protecting the environment and the rights of the people.

All Americans have allowed things to get as tyrannical as they are and if we are going to fix the problems we must all band together and realize that we will all have to suffer for our mistakes for a while but in the end we'll have a much better stronger country for us and our posterity.

The EPA and all other government agencies and unelected bureaucrats must be done away with.


Bronze Member
Mar 4, 2012
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
mpgken ,you nailed it. Anything that is so important to be a "Rule or Regulation " deserves to have the benefit of Congress making it law. Let the elected and accountable hacks stand and be counted


Sr. Member
Apr 30, 2014
Gone, With the Wind
Primary Interest:
Schoolofhardrocks- your last statement doesn't agree with your first paragraph. The EPA and all agencies are not elected officials so in fact they are unconstitutional. The founders had dealt with these same kinds of things and that is why they mandated all laws be made only by elected officials and only by congress or state legislatures. Only elected officials are answerable to the people. Non-elected bureaucrats answer to no one and are tyrannical - always.

If you want to get back to what the founders intended as your last statement suggests you must realize that the EPA is illegal and should be completely done away with. In fact the federal government should have no say in anything the EPA has done. The constitution is very clear that the things the EPA has been doing is for each individual state to take care of. Jefferson and Madison stated emphatically that the powers of the federal government are very limited and for national defense mostly. The states created the fed and the states have more power than the feds because they control what happens in each state. The fed has no authority but specifically what is granted to them in the Constitution.

The fallacy that the state governments are just as corrupt as the feds may only be semi-true now because the people have not demanded that the fed gets out of everything and back to what the Constitution says they can do. When that happens the states MUST clean up their act. If as some have suggested, that the state gov. of say CA will be more tyrannical, which is likely with the idiots who vote those people into office, what will happen? Since the intelligent people in CA will not want to live under tyranny they will move to states that are friendly and respect Liberty and will prosper while the tyrannical states will fail and go bankrupt and unable to function. All those socialists and worthless people who want everything for free and don't want to earn anything will find that they are starving and have no clothes or shelter because the state cannot provide for them. The system will collapse in those tyrannical states and Liberty loving Americans can move back in and take over.

In addition, it will teach those lazy no good idiots that socialism is evil, wrong and doesn't work while Liberty does.

To prove this point read your history about the Pilgrims. Not the revised history from the liberal progressives but real history. The people that came to this land on the Mayflower were under obligation from the king of England to work collectively (socialism) and to send the king a large percentage of what they produced. Read William Bradfords account of what happened in that colony, "Of Plymouth Plantation". He was the original governor of the colony. The first year almost everyone died from starvation because the lazy no gooders were wanting to live off the hard working honest people. But when the honest hardworking people saw they weren't getting the fruits of their labor they realized they were working to keep the worthless members of society alive. So they quit working. The next year, against the kings order Bradford staked 'common ground' and 'private ground'. Everyone was required to work the common ground a specific amount of time and they were given plenty of time to work their private ground as well. Those who were honest hard working people prospered greatly and those who lazy and no good suffered.

Eventually the common ground was abandoned in favor or free enterprise and Liberty. They learned the hard lesson that oppression and trying to force people to be equal doesn't ever work. There will always be deadbeats who don't deserve anything because they are unwilling to earn it. They are the trash of society. They will always prefer socialism and tyranny for as long as it provides their basic needs. But when it oversteps those bounds they start to get agitated. When the tyranny collapses the no gooders are disillusioned and can't understand why and what happened. So they set out to find someone to provide for them again. Rather than becoming responsible productive members of society.

The history of this nation in the beginning was just this way. Then the colonies were independent from each other but still all under control of the king and would not allow the other colonies to regulate or pass laws for them. That is one of the reasons it was so hard for them to unite to fight the revolutionary war. But as the tyranny became worse they all were suffering and they saw the need to unite. Afterwards they knew they needed a federal government but none of them wanted the fed to have power over them. That was a failed government and that is why the Constitution was created. It took several years for that document to come into being and it was extremely hard to convince the people they needed a better slightly stronger federal government. But if you read the federalist papers you'll see that the founders did not intend for the feds to get as big as they are and that unelected officials are against the law. Where in the Constitution are unelected officials or agencies given legal status? It doesn't exist. The Constitution was written specifically so anyone with a grade school education can read it and understand it. The founders did this on purpose so the people would always be able to know exactly what is legal and what isn't and they would have no excuse for allowing the Republic to devolve into a Democracy which is a very evil form of government.

So, closing the EPA is the right thing to do. Get rid of it completely. The feds have no right and it is illegal for them to get involved with the things the EPA was created to do and the things they eventually have been doing. The states must do and take care of the problems in their own lands. If they become tyrannical so be it. It will be a short life for them especially since CA is already bankrupt and cannot support it's tyrannical laws and regulations as it is. It will collapse and intelligent Liberty loving Californians can step up and fix all the problems, returning CA to a Liberty loving people and allowing the people to earn a living while still protecting the environment and the rights of the people.

All Americans have allowed things to get as tyrannical as they are and if we are going to fix the problems we must all band together and realize that we will all have to suffer for our mistakes for a while but in the end we'll have a much better stronger country for us and our posterity.

The EPA and all other government agencies and unelected bureaucrats must be done away with.

Well.. unfortunately the way i see it is... if the government were to take on the implementation (not just governance) of environmental protection youll probably be complaining about the dramatic rise in taxes we will all face. Just like medicare and MANY other government regulated but not implemented programs -the government cannot own from end to end.

What you say sounds nice, but its certainly not practical for the government to do all that you dream of. Nice book you wrote though ^^

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