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Well sir, I have worked at boarding kennels starting at age 17 years. Your idea of a big dog and my idea differ. A greyhound weighing in at 85 lbs tops is a medium size dog. The dog pictured Weighs in at 145plus . Greyhounds have a very skinny build , and no greyhound has a head that size.
You forgot built like a :censored: house, hardly a once of fat, and jaws like a vice, staminer, and speed. And I said powerfull...not bigger.There are lots of ways to explaine power.

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Well sir, I have worked at boarding kennels starting at age 17 years. Your idea of a big dog and my idea differ. A greyhound weighing in at 85 lbs tops is a medium size dog. The dog pictured Weighs in at 145plus . Greyhounds have a very skinny build , and no greyhound has a head that size.

...then you should know that no dog is a match for two coyotes if they want to kill it....accept that somebody may know a little something more about animals ....

also you may want to look into coyote coursing...they use GREY HOUNDS to chase down and wear out a coyote then release large kill dogs like Elk Hounds which quickly kill the coyote...actually big sport

Jimmi...or Holly,or what ever your going by today,dont tell me I am wrong...its wrong and illegal to feed ANY wildlife...why are you defending it if "it wasnt mentioned"?
Second,ask your father in law if he indeed does course coyotes if they can kill a single dog...if he tells you no,he is either extremely inexperienced or is a liar....I repeat,I have watched it being done and I have been to at least 25 calls in a 20 year period on dogs from 25 lbs-a Rotweiler that was 90 lbs....i also have seen two DEAD Great Pyrenees's....over 100 dont tell me I am wrong

Good Lord your a hostile little thing . You said this...


I said that no one on this thread mentioned feeding wild animals.... Except you. So what your carrying on about is beyond me .
I'm sorry my father in laws dogs wernt killed by wolves or bears , is that what you want from me?? He lives in potter County PA in tbe middle of nowhere in a cabin run of of wind and battery power....


Well here is the pic I took of the bear from the kitchen window, and


And here is a pic of the bear taking off when tbe dogs were let out the door

Anything else you want to know?

...then you should know that no dog is a match for two coyotes if they want to kill it....accept that somebody may know a little something more about animals ....

And you were saying?

Yea,I want to know why you told me my statement wasnt true because your father in law lives in the Holler and has never had anything stand up to his super dogs?

...also MISSY,dont "kick",people then get all pissy and act like the victim,your making quite the habit of that

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Yea,I want to know why you told me my statement wasnt true because your father in law lives in the Holler and has never had anything stand up to his super dogs?

Because you said this


And they have never ganged up on his dogs and killed tbem ... So your statement is untrue.

...also MISSY,dont "kick",people then get all pissy and act like the victim,your making quite the habit of that

I think you might be excelling at this . You started it by saying


It was an obvious insult on us that were defending coyotes

Obviously coyotes as a pack could take down any single dog and kill it. But as I said it's my father in laws "dogs" . They are a pack against another pack . And for whatever reason they back down from these girls . Girls can be the pack leader , perhaps because they are bigger than their pack leader , they stand down .

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I don't know, Jimmi. Some one needs to tell Jeff that the pic with the dress blues was taken in '67. He's been hanging out in "the city by the bay" too long. Am I hot? If he gets past my Bushmaster, Mod 12, and Sig 220, I'll start to worry. Happiness is a warm .12 gauge! (Actually, I'm just a *****cat)(edit... automatic delete there) TTC

ok guess I have to explain. I just like things I have seen Terry do (pay for a membership for a needy dude) and many of the things he says are spot on.
He's a stand up guy and I like that, it being rare nowadays. If that makes me weird, then so be it

@ Jeff-Gordon, just yell "Jeff Gordon" and they'll die laughing. Sorry just kid'n. He's good at what he does but he's no Tony Stewart lol


no he's no tony stewart. Gordon has won more races and titles. and gordon wouldn't be dumb enough to hire dumica patrick, who can't stay on the lead lap

no he's no tony stewart. Gordon has won more races and titles. and gordon wouldn't be dumb enough to hire dumica patrick, who can't stay on the lead lap
Does she stay on top of someones lap though?

If anyone had any idea of the credentials Kuger has, no one would be questioning him. This is a man who's dedicated his life to management of wildlife and probably knows more about the subject and spent more time in the wilds of this country than all of us put together. Sooner or later the story of dogs chasing bears or wolves will come into balance. Nature will win given time. Why do you suppose these dogs chase bears or wolves. What are they thinking. It's self preservation and territorial instinct. Not protecting the master. That notion is nothing more than a by product of their instinctive actions.

just gonna sit back and enjoy it (kinda like a rerun)

If anyone had any idea of the credentials Kuger has, no one would be questioning him. This is a man who's dedicated his life to management of wildlife and probably knows more about the subject and spent more time in the wilds of this country than all of us put together. Sooner or later the story of dogs chasing bears or wolves will come into balance. Nature will win given time. Why do you suppose these dogs chase bears or wolves. What are they thinking. It's self preservation and territorial instinct. Not protecting the master. That notion is nothing more than a by product of their instinctive actions.

The reason why was never an issue .

...also MISSY,dont "kick",people then get all pissy and act like the victim,your making quite the habit of that

And , this is what ticks me off. Right away saying I'm playing the victim . That's crap. Go back and reread and see why I said what I did . You flew off the handle , admit it. I admit when I'm wrong

issue is I am not wrong and you made this about you...its not...but that too is something your quite good at....are your father in laws dogs the ones I recall that run wild all over the hills?Chasing deer

I think you might be excelling at this . You started it by saying

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It was an obvious insult on us that were defending coyotes

...where is your name in reply?Again,not everything is about you HOLLY...unless your guilty of what I was saying?

Does she stay on top of someones lap though?

Lmao Yeah bad year for Hoss lol, that what I like sprint cup though it comes down to driver and crew, they can't make excuses, it's all on them. Good luck in the chase. We probably won't be there at this rate haha.


...where is your name in reply?Again,not everything is about you HOLLY...unless your guilty of what I was saying? far as "those that were defending",base your defense on fact....I do my statements...fact

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